tl;dr Alex Mauer and Imagos Software situation:
>Starr Mazer: DSP, a space shooter, comes out
>Music composer has contract dispute with company for unpaid work
>instead of taking it to the company or court, composer Alex Mauer decides to start taking down youtube videos including her (yes her) work using false dmca takedowns (over 100 different takedowns according to her)
>youtubers justifiably lose their shit
>court action pending (with guest star Leonard French, the youtuber/copyright lawyer representing Imagos)
Is it a he or a she?
Everyone says she but I only get a guy pictures when I search the name.
Everyone is treating this dude with kids gloves because he claims to be "trans." Dude is a crazy person and joining in that delusion is insane.
These people all have mental health issues.
I think it was a recent transition.
i own this game since release and i was the first to post about that music issue
fuck that gay dude, when he decided to shut down his bandcamp I reopened it and changed the headline
A mentally ill man. A very ugly one.
Anyone have a new picture?
Nice. I would've put "EDM/DMCA composer"
He hasn't posted any picture since transition, there's only a femalized pixelart Imagos Softwork made for him (it was originally a male but he got pissed and edited it as a female claiming Imagos are ashamed of trans people)
I should've but sadly that was back in februrary or so, dmca only started to happen like two weeks ago
>Jim Sterling, Totalbiscuit and all of these other Youtubers calling him a *she*
Do people who issue death threats go through with it?
if they're mentally insane enough, I'm not ruling that out for ((her))
not when they show their face when issuing it.
That always pisses me off. They have a lot of people listening and because they're afraid of conflict they'll lazily go along with the nutcases retarded belief system while at the same time try to make a well-presented point on an issue for brownie points with said audience.
mental illness should not be tolerated or encouraged, hopefully tb cancer will come back soon.
as far as jim sterling he surely is not healthy anyway, just look at him
Not usually, no. Who knows with this nutjob, though.
Just trying to treat "her" with a modicum of respect even if "she" doesn't deserve it.
>putting DSP in your game title
I have no problem with creatures like this getting rid of youtubers. Speaking of which, WHERES THE VIDEOGAME DISCUSSION YOU FUCKING CHILDREN?! DOES THE BOARD SAY Sup Forums-VIDEO GAMES OR /yt/-FAGGOTS R' US?
HE is pulling down games too.
I would appreciate more to hear the blunt truth even if I didn't like it. I don't think it's respectful to lie to people.
The games media is ignoring this story too. Probably only because he's a fucking tranny.
God she's so fucking cute looking
>A crazy person threatens to kill somebody.
>Being scared of some mentally deranged degenerate in a country where you can own a firearm.
laughing cannibals.
Having been around trans people and hearing what sort of issues they go through in their lives due to my own mental issues leading me to spend a lot of time in the psych ward, I tend to respect their wishes to be called by the gender they identify as.
That being said, I would not extend that courtesy to Alex.
GOOD. Talk about videogames or fuck off back to the YouTube comments section you goddamn children
That mentally deranged degenerate can also own a firearm you dingus.
>procedually generated roguelike shmup
How on earth could someone ever think slapping that on a shmup of all genres is a good idea?
>Call me by what I wish or I will kill you.
>You should respect these people.
News flash, nobody just gains respect, its earned, if the person is nice to you, then be nice back.
>Accidentally call a a transgender a he.
>Its a man in a fucking dress.
>Loses his fucking mind IMA GIRL IM GONNA BEAT YOUR ASS.
>Tell them they better intend to kill me.
>Nothing happens.
>Days later video online of a black guy stomping their head.
Here a tutorial for a tranny to come back easy on the inclusive gaming community of San Francisco.
>sign a contract that says all the music you make for the game belongs to the company
>chimp out
>cut off your dick
>pretend to be a lawyer
>throw hundreds of false DMCA claims saying the music is yours
>extort youtube channels saying you'll only drop the DMCA claims if the LPers make smear videos about the game company
>charge $1000 a track for "your" music you have no legal rights to
>claim harassment and transmisogyny when someone criticizes your insanity
>now go around threatening people with murder
We need to bring back mental asylums.
A death threat is still a death threat
enjoy prison, faggot.
>A fucking joke of a human being living in a state that hates fire arms and cries about fire arms can own a fire arm.
>Wow Im scared.
I bet you think bullets also home in on their target.
I bet you also dont look out the corner of your eye or lock your door.
>Giving a shit about some blow hards threats.
A threat is pointless unless its backed up, all they are doing is throwing a temper tantrum. Call me when they nut the fuck up.
>Antifa fags threaten to bring guns.
>They bring air softs.
No one is ever going to work with him ever again. He's violated his contract and attempted to ruin the livelihood of dozens of people.
Imagine being so insecure about other people's popularity you refuse to discuss people related directly to video games because "it's not a video game".
>Call me by what I wish or I will kill you.
That's not even remotely close to what I said. I even quite literally stated that I would not respect Alex enough to do that.
I've also never met the special kind of crazy political tumblr tranny, so I've never had to deal with that situation personally. They've been fairly "normal", in a sense, aside from their mental illness.
>even filed fraudulent claims against Adult Swim and struck down their YT channel
Have fun in prison, you tranny fuck
I had one try and stab me with a fork once because I told them I didn't care about their bullshit.
>Some tumblr looking shit sitting near me.
>Talking to my friend about marriage and children.
>Tumblr turd leans over "could you shut the fuck up with your cis normative shit?"
>Just stare blankly" can you flip your dick inside out?
>They try to stab me with a stupid fork.
Isnt it funny that many transgender have criminal cases against them for fucking assault.
>"Anthony Fantano's head sure looks like a good place for a bullet"
What did he mean by this?
Are you a bad enough dude to file a false copyright claim against Ted Turner?
Imagine being stuck on a greyhound bus full of kids screaming when you just want to watch the shitty DVD player. That's trying to have a vidya discussion on here when all of you winners want to do is talk about youtubers so far on the fringe of videogames all of their content can be removed with a snap of the fingers.
You think this is some sort of impotent fury, this is a guy who's been here too long watch this board give increasing attention to people that actually have nothing to do with videogames other than fraps, a microphone and some game footage.
Those people are mentally deranged scumbags, I won't deny that. Not everyone is like that, though.
I actually became close friends with a transsexual girl while I was in the psych ward. The thing we bonded over? Mocking shit like that. And videogames.
That's not even a good tldr. The dude's contract as a freelancer said he owned no part of the music and it was all under control of the company paying for it. It's not even a contract dispute.
um no sweetie the music is hers, she made it
That's almost ver batim a line from a MillionDollarExtreme skit.
"Hey what's guys this is Spooky and yes I do browse FAKKU can we please change the subject, AAAAAAA"