>pirate a video game
>never install it
>never play it
is it still stealing?
Pirate a video game
>rob a bank
>throw money away after leaving the bank
What the fuck do you mean I'm under arrest, officer.
Sometimes I remember that people on Sup Forums actually exists. OP is going to kill someone with his stupidity someday.
>create a copy of a watermelon
>leave it on the street
>scientists everywhere want to talk to me
You mean
>forcefully enter a bank
>use their photocopier to make counterfeit bills
>leave the bank and burn your copied money
>real money is still there
using their photocopier to make counterfeit bills is still illegal
Yet its not theft...hmm
>make counterfeit money
>never spend it
What do you mean I'm going to jail
Yeah, no one gets charged for theft for piracy. They are two completely different crimes.
Still creating copies of money is illegal, Much like copying a game.
You still counterfeited, you gimp.
Still not stealing that's only vandalism.
Don't mind me, officer. I'm just PIRATING this book!
But you could have just taken a picture of the money though. Since you didnt use it or distribute it, its not even like you had fake money.
Forgery is a crime.
People who defend piracy on the basis that it's not theft are fucking retarded. Piracy is a legally separate crime.
It would be like saying "well why is assault a crime when it's not actually kidnapping??" Laws already exist that protect licensing properties and who has access to those properties.
>make counterfeit bills
>never use them
>is it still a crime?
that's actually a pretty good question
According to my country's legislation it is illegal just to produce it, while actually using it aggravates the crime. Having counterfeit bills knowingly, but without having produced them lowers the severity
Using or having counterfeit money without knowing it is a counterfeit is not illegal in itself except if the person does it after learning of it being falsified
seasond 2 when
>Copying a sheet of paper is forgery.
Is reposting memes crime ad well?
Potion seller...
I don't understand people who need to morally defend piracy
I mean, I pirated some games, but I'm not going to be a faggot and deny that it is wrong, specially with some bullshit excuse like "it actually helps the industry!"
It's not stealing, it's copyright infringement.
Still a crime, but a different one, with different consequences.
This whole "piracy stealing" is a SJW tier strategy that only backfires horribly.
Taking a picture of the money is the equivalent of a youtube video of someone gaming. It's not the same as the original, and not illegal.
These fucking piracy threads are fucking cancer.
Piracy isn't theft.
Despite it not being theft, piracy is still illegal.
Despite it being illegal, sometimes it's still the morally right thing to do, because the intellectual property law that doesn't enforce releasing shit that is over 25 years old into public domain is fucking retarded.
Kleptomania at best
copying a sheet of paper of course is forgery, are you stupid?
what defines it being a crime is the importance of the thing copied, which by definition must be:
a document
a signature
a banknote
a work of art
>is it still stealing?
No buy it is copyright infringement which is ethically worse than theft simply because insufferable faggots exist that try to take the moral high ground by say "hurr durr its not theft!"
fuck you, id rather have all my family heirlooms stolen by a burgler than have some faggot make a digital copy of my sonic fan music without my permission
you surely jest
Is it because you're poor and your most valuable family heirloom is a bar of chocolate you're trying to sell?
Technically yes. It is already stealing if you take something with intent to gain. So the moment you started downloading, it is already theft.
I guess it would be, since you still have the pirated copy.
But he didn't take the data. He copied it. All the data is still there.
This is what happens when you call piracy theft:
People do fucking cartoons to justify piracy.
Fucking rabbit cartoons.
>throw a woman down on a bed
>rip off her clothes
>take out your dick
>turn around and walk away
is it rape?
how about piracy of games that are not even 2 years old?
Yeah but that's still stealing since he took another guy's property with intent to gain.
Look anons I totally side with you when it comes to this but in a legal perspective that's still theft.
Technically, buying a digital copy of a game does not make you the owner of that game. You are just buying a license to play that game which can be revoked at any point by the distributor at the behest of the developer.
I SINCERELY hope none of you fell for the Steam meme.
>thinking of a woman without her consent
its already rape, you shitlord
It's called """"""archiving"""""""
It's explicitly not theft from a legal perspective.
That's why they made a different law just to cover copyright infringement.
>mfw central banks doing exactly this
>mfw they are a privit own institution
>mfw money is the oldes meme in the history of mankind to focus and use the labour of the masses to accomplish goals they dont even know exist.
They made a different law to cover copyright infringement to remove any room for interpretation, user.
Copyright infringement is theft.
Depends on the game in question, to be honest.
I mean, if the developer discontinued the game support or it's abandonware, I should be able to play it anyway.
Though, I think that the cut-off period for a game piracy legality for most games should be around 10 years, maybe 15. Pirating the original Super Mario Sunshine should be legal already, for example.
>mfw central banks doing exactly this
are you fucking insane?
private banks are not allowed to produce bills, only State-owned instutions like the "Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda" in Spain or the "Bureau of Engraving and Printing" that is controlled by the U.S department of tresury
is it incest or masturbation?
If it was as clear as you claimed they wouldn't have needed that. Theft requires the thing to be gone on the side of the guy you're stealing from. If that's not the case, it's not theft.
That's also why my country has a separate law from theft just to cover electricity theft. You can't steal electrons.
I don't know, 10 years seems too little. I would say the rights should end with the original developer team members (being the physical people the important ones, either through end of the contract with the company due to departure or their death)
>Theft requires the thing to be gone on the side of the guy you're stealing from
No, not really. Theft is taking another persons property with intent to gain. In my country, anything that involves taking another's property with intent to gain from taking it that isn't by force or intimidation is theft.
>That's also why my country has a separate law from theft just to cover electricity theft. You can't steal electrons.
Mine as well, but I would just like to note that electricity theft is also covered by the crime of "theft" in my country.
But I do see your point.
I am a law student, user. I am not making this shit up.
Legally speaking, its copyright infringement.
You made an illegal copy of the product.
It's the same law that fucks over companies that manufacture for example illegal cartridges.
Taking the internet out of the equation, imagine that i got into a game rental store, rented a cartridge, dumped the contents of it to my computer's memory, returned the cartridge and then used this dump to write my own PROM chips, and then used my plastic chinesium cartridge covers and dot matrix printer to make labels, then sold those cartridges.
I never in any instance actually stole the cart.
Not from the rental store, not from the physical store, and not even from nintendo's production line.
Yet, what i'm doing is still wrong.
Piracy isn't stealing to begin with, so no.
No. Do it, you will be a hero when civilization collapsed and the only digital copy left is the one in your HDD.
I deleted the ROM within 24 hours, I'm in the clear, officer
It's the taking word the problem here.
Taking mean getting something physically, not cloning it.
But "taking" means you're removing it from the other person.
You're not taking his data. You have his computer read his data, then send you a copy. You never actually get HIS data. You get a copy of his data.
You take the data of the person who made it. You deprive him of the thing, a benefit, a sale, whatever. That is taking in a legal standpoint.
Look, I'm not trying to argue against the idea because I also think piracy isn't theft, but legally it IS theft.
>I don't know, 10 years seems too little.
Not really. 15 years for an individual game and 25-30 years for the franchise in its entirety (as in, you can't get sued if you make a fangame that uses the name of the franchise) is perfectly fine.
So, for example, let's say, Metroid franchise. The original Metroid was released in 1986, while the last game would be, let's say, Metroid Prime 3 in 2006 (the dates don't correspond accurately, but whatever).
So, basically it should definitely be legal to pirate the original NES Metroid in 2001, it should be legal to produce games with references to Metroid trademarked shit in 2016, and it should be legal to pirate Metroid Prime 3 in 2021.
It forces the developers not to milk their successful franchises and instead come up with something new.
Can you imagine the amount of new franchises Nintendo would've come up with if it didn't milk Mario/Zelda/Kirby etc.? How about Activision that keeps milking CoD?
It stimulates the gaming, forcing the devs to come up with new shit that would sell on its own merit instead of relying on brand loyalty drones.
>food analogy
You never interact with the data of the person who made it. You only interact with the data of the person you download from (by making his computer create a copy for you).
You do violate the right of the original creator to control the distribution of the data. But that's not theft. Which is why it's a different law.
Also, depriving someone of a benefit or sale is not a crime anywhere. Thank god, or bad reviews would be illegal.
>being so fat that everything looks like food
That is theft because you steal is intellectual property with an intention to gain.
Being punished in a different law does not mean that would be the only crime applicable in a case.
>Also, depriving someone of a benefit or sale is not a crime anywhere. Thank god, or bad reviews would be illegal.
I didn't mean it in that context. I meant you copied the thing instead of buying it like he intended.
>forcefully enter a bank
Well that's illegal on its own.
the problem is that beyond moral justification and an hypothetical creation of good quality content without proof, I see no law based reason to not allow the milking of a product if someone wants to
I mean, there isn't any legal good protected by such law and such no legal basis. By definition law serves to defend legal assets/rights and there is no right to good quality goods.
> That is theft because you steal is intellectual property with an intention to gain.
But you can't take or steal ideas. That's the whole problem.
>Being punished in a different law does not mean that would be the only crime applicable in a case.
If more than one crime applies, they'll list all that apply during prosecution.
The OP is asking if it's stealing
If piracy is illegal then why isn't it properly enforced? Ya ever seen anyone go to jail for downloading vidya? Yeah didn't think so.
Checkmate autists.
Pirates are the same kind of people who doesn't split the cab fare because their friend "was gonna take the cab home alone anyways, I just asked if I could ride along"
>But you can't take or steal ideas.
Yes you can. But the problem is that to end all doubts about it, and because of the fact that the presumption of innocence also protects people from that interpretation that "You cannot steal a idea", they made a entire law for it that talks about it more in detail.
>If more than one crime applies, they'll list all that apply during prosecution.
And that's the point. Theft and Copyright infringement can be applied, at least inmy country.
Why is jaywalking illegal, but not properly enforced?
Why so many anti piraci corporate dickrider cucks are on v?
Except you are now are aware that most central banking systems are owned by a select few who decide when the economy is going to collapse again.
Probably because they're not 16 anymore buddy, they actually have money now :^)
Doesn't forgery imply that the copy is created with intent to deceive or pass the copy off as an original?
Don't post my waifu when making shitposting threads.
so? Central banks do NOT produce bills and do not control inflation, States do through institutions like the Federal Reserve
>faggot socialist freaks the fuck out when he realizes that the state he so much loves, and not private entities, is the one who has the power to cause economic collapses and ruse entire economies
triple lmao
>imagine being so fat you look at money analogies and see food
>didn't cause any loss
The federal reserve is a private entity you know that right? The most the government gets to do is look at their records every tax season and occasionally make a non binding suggestion. They are not beholden to the president or congress.