Lets do this anons. Show me how not-normie you are

Lets do this anons. Show me how not-normie you are.


i dont need to make an image for this because thats too much effort


No idea, but probably SMB

Childhood defining game is a hard one because i played so many. Probably TMNT on NES or Megaman 2.
Adolescence defining game would be WoW.

I dont have a current favorite game, picking favorites is a retarded concept.

>there are 35 year olds on Sup Forums

I have no shame.


wtf i love videogames

Fuck that


Pokemon Red

Jak and Daxter, Mario Party, Rayman 2

Persona 4, Monster Hunter 3U, Metro 2033, Fallout New Vegas

Nier Automata



You've got nice taste.



Why Trackmania Forever, and not one of the newer games?

I prefer the united/forever environments to the newer ones, plus I hate the way light works in TM2. I also like being able to play all the environments on the same server.
Haven't tried Turbo but it didn't seem that great to me.

That is one of the problems with TM2, especially when they all cost £10 to 15~.

Are you me?

I didn't bother to include some learning games in "First Game".

your taste is above average i guess
>far cry first game
aren't you a late bloomer :^)
>halo going into any fields
way to ruin your list
>ss2 current favourite
10/10 mein negger
points for Thief
>rise of nations
>rise of nations
>rise of nations
they keep on rising



what are you fucking teenagers doing on this site get out reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>Implying this shithole isn't infested by underage kids

Only 2 posters were below the age of 20

Now you understand what Sup Forums really looks like.

holy shit you're old

>tfw '84
>Sup Forums is now a cool internet place for teenagers
Time to die

Why is everyone getting so upset about 2 posters both out of highschool and barely under 20?

>Thread requires year of birth
>No replies
Really gets the noggin joggin

not making an image


a rescue heroes game on the GBA

maplestory, mario kart, SSBM

battlefield 3, halo 4, harvest monster hunter 3U

current favorite: my favorite is always biased by whatever game i have played most recently, but i supposed i'll say guild wars 2

>KKND Krossfire


There, something to kill boredom in office for 5 minutes

>League of Legends


I probably could have shoved a billion games into each category but I didn't have the time.

Sinked a lot of time and money into it, but to be honest it was an experience. Could probably put many other games here, WoW or DOTA, but I know how much Sup Forums likes salt.

I have all the current gen consoles and their top rated games, and 190 games on Steam.

..yet, my favorite game is a free VR game for the Vive, by a long shot.

Is something wrong with me?


>TNMT, Legend of Kane, Contra, Doom1/2, RTCW, MoHAA, Warcraft 3
>GTA VC, Diablo 2, Morrowind, WoW
>Grim Dawn


I'm pretty much done with vidya

based on you shit taste i can understand why

whats bad about it

why the fuck are you here

I don't care what you anime losers say

t. poor fag that cant afford games


Probably Sonic 2 or Columns.

DOS classics like DOOM, Wolf 3D, etc. Slightly later PS1 games like Abe's Oddysee and Harry Potter, then the OG Xbox.



I would like to add Horizon, uncharted and the last of us to favourite games

you need to hang yourself, jesus christ


because most of Sup Forums are 30 year old virgin neckbeards


>show me how not-normie you are
>r6 favourite game


you're like a little child. fuck off



t. grandpa


>This is the average teenager these days

1997 represent

Maybe 3 posters in the whole thread

Is far cry 1 that bad ?
I enjoyed the hell out of it


>Battlefield 1

>this little nigger might be a few months underage and we'll never know

Doom or something handheld
.Hack/Ninja Gaiden 2/Doom/Unreal Tournament 2k4

GGXrdRev2 tied with Ultimate Doom

Just fuck my shit up

>Deathmatch Classic

Shit, I remember that a shit ton before CS got really popular.

>Re-Volt/Episode 1 Racer


and here i thought i was the only one who remembers jazzjackrabbit 2

Hello, Richie Rich.


I'm not sure how much of a normalfag I am. I live in country where video games were always cool and everyone, even Chad equivalents were playing vidya (few of my best vidya buddies were like this). I just posted games that first came to my mind, and what I had space for.


>being this autistic


my bros

first game was DOOM, childhood defining was FF8 and I also played lots of RO.

>playing the most popular games for his age groups
That word has lost all meaning.

FUCK OFF! Back to neofag.

hahahaha so much warcraft there buddy, that game like counter strike was a drug in the cybers of my country

nice bait friend here is your (you)



from the looks of this i would dare say you are my good old friend Charly, you from Argentina too buddy?

If you're born in the 90s then you don't fucking belong here.

>implying I ever was there
I may be a newfag, but come on, I have standards.

>toejam & Earl
>Diablo II, SM64, LoZ:OoT, Pokémon blue/silver, FFVII
>CoD:MW, Halo 3, Metroid Prime series
>no current favorite

If you're older than 23 you don't belong here.


It's time for bed, grandpa.

Did anyone else noticed that there is a sudden drop in quality of games posted between users that were born in 1994 and those in 1995, what's up about that.

>either Crystal's Pony Tale, Earthbound, or Super Mario Bros.
>Resident Evil 2, Super Mario 64, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
>Resident Evil 4, Silent Hill 2, Dead Rising, Haunting Ground, Rule of Rose, Clock Tower...
>don't have one

I was never able to finish Earthbound because my cousin fucking stole it.

This is a 2000s board now hahahahahaha GTFO OLDFAGS

Okay guys, he's got trips, we have to get the fuck out.
I'd rather say that if you're older then ten you don't belong here.

you may not like it, but this is what the current generation of Sup Forums looks like

>River City Ransom
>A Link To The Past
>Metal Gear Solid
>Breath of the Wild
Eat shit little nigglett

>BC2 multiplayer
literally the best, haven't played anything that comes close

Fuck right off

Shit, add runescape to adolescent game. How could I forget it?

also runescape, how could I forget


Are you telling me this is still alive? I used to play this religiously.