Was this the best console ever made?

Was this the best console ever made?

>doesn't look completely fucking retarded
>best controller of the era with 4 shoulder buttons and rumble, the design of which has been emulated by almost every controller since
>vast library of games spanning ever genre
>ahead of its time with built-in system-link functionality that was supported by a respectable number of games
>capable of playing audio and video CDs
>system menu with memory card manager
>well-built and reliable aside from some laser issues with very early models
>thin, small, light, portable
>was incredibly developer friendly from both an economic and design point of view

Literally the most perfectly designed console to have ever existed.

Other urls found in this thread:


Games have aged like shit though

SNES/Genesis era was better

Find me good second hand PS1 with original controller

Pro tips : you can't

>perfectly designed console
>can't even do 3D graphics properly
lmao no
Playstation 2 Slim revision without the overheating issue is the best console ever made.

Games on a system like SNES/Genesis are going to age better by default, they are 2D which hold up much better. That being said, it really depends on the game, because there are plenty of great looking 2D PS1 games like Alundra or Legend of Mana that still look incredible.

>when even N64 was superior
Yeah no

>Pro tips : you can't
Funny enough, I actually did, just a few weeks ago. You have to dig a bit, but I managed to find a like-new PS1 on eBay with hookups, controller and even a preview disc for $40 after shipping. I even opened the fucker up and gave it a good inspection... literally unplayed.

I fucking love my N64, but from a design perspective it wasn't nearly as good of a console. The controller and general design of the system (expansion port on the bottom, what the fuck), are absolutely retarded. Games are a different story -- both have classics.

What games from the PS1 should I play that I haven't yet?

I played SotN and REmake. I do not like Crash. I played the first Spyro. I do not like JRPGs.

Alundra. I actually hate JRPGs too, so this game was a breath of fresh air on a system riddled with weeb shit. If you like Zelda, especially the 2D games, you'll dig it. It's pretty much a high-quality clone of ALTTP with jumping and sprinting, and much more difficult puzzles.

Also check out Medievil if you want a good action platformer.

>3D wobbles
>2D has missing animation frames

It's really incredible how they were able to make graphics that still hold up when you consider it had a 34Mhz CPU, 2MB Ram and 1MB VRam

>3D wobbles
Depends on the game.

>2D has missing animation frames
Literally has nothing to do with the design of the system.

I think it was largely due to a priority on effective use of visual tricks and art style rather than pure graphical prowess. Also, the large number of 2D games helped it stay fresh longer than other early 3D systems.

>Depends on the game.
Every game wobbles. It's an unavoidable result of the cheap way the console does maths.

>Literally has nothing to do with the design of the system.
Except for Sony giving the middle finger to 2D games and designing the system like that

>Every game wobbles.
Not every game, most games, but not every game, and to varying degrees. Even some N64 games had texture warping. Limitations of the era.

>Except for Sony giving the middle finger to 2D games and designing the system like that
Nothing about the way they designed the system has anything to do with "missing animation frames" in 2D games. That is completely dependent on how the developer wants to optimize their game environment. If you're talking about, say, a PS1 port of an arcade fighter port having less frames than the original release, that's because it's a less powerful system and the devs most likely had to cut frames to improve performance.

>shitty controller that didn't even have sticks until 1998
>shitty """d-pad"""
>shitty graphics
>shovelware out the ass
>muh jrpgs

The d-pad was good,what are you on? And in terms of games it might even be the best console ever made.

>Not every game, most games, but not every game, and to varying degrees
Every game. It's literally unavoidable. Just less visible in some.

>Even some N64 games had texture warping.
None do, because every single pixel output by the console receives a perspective divide by z.

>Nothing about the way they designed the system has anything to do with "missing animation frames" in 2D games
Wrong. It lacks both a tile mapping chip that can easily manipulate tiles and effortlessly produce complex animations (like Saturn's VDP) or a GPU that is sufficiently flexible and programmable (like N64).

PS1's GPU can't do the kind of tile effects that the Saturn can do without doing hugely inefficient sprite-by-sprite manipulations.

nah, 5th gen consoles were pretty weak. I'm much more fond of 4th and 6th gen personally.

>Every game. It's literally unavoidable. Just less visible in some.
We will agree to disagree on that.

>None do, because every single pixel output by the console receives a perspective divide by z.
That is completely false. Go look at the stairs leading up to Kakariko Village in OoT. When you move, they warp like shit.

>PS1's GPU can't do the kind of tile effects that the Saturn can do without doing hugely inefficient sprite-by-sprite manipulations.
Right, like I said, optimization. It can be done, it may be resource intensive, but it can be done.

>was incredibly developer friendly

You know NOTHING about what you speak

compared to its competitors it was developer friendly

Every sony console is the best console ever made.

Compared to the N64 that shat on third parties devs so hard they all switched sides?

>We will agree to disagree on that.
It's a literally objective part of how the console does maths. There's no sub pixel precision, there's no floating point. There's no z coordinate past a certain point in the pipeline.

>Go look at the stairs leading up to Kakariko Village in OoT. When you move, they warp like shit.
That's not warping. It's a moire pattern from the repetitive straight lines in the stair texture. Like wearing a striped shirt on TV.

>It can be done, it may be resource intensive, but it can be done.
Yes at 10 FPS if you don't run out of RAM first.

>You know NOTHING about what you speak
Oh yeah? Enlighten me. Do you have any idea how fucking greasy Nintendo was in the 90s? On the N64, 3rd party developers would literally receive some absurd amount like 6 dollars off of every game sold, while Nintendo would cash in on the rest of it. They produced the cartridges, they published the games, they'd fucking charge the developer for manufacturing costs. It was one of the main reasons that devs abandoned Nintendo and made a mass pilgrimage to Sony.

What is the PS2?

>The controller and general design of the system (expansion port on the bottom, what the fuck), are absolutely retarded
You're really gonna say the controller was bad when the original playstation controller didn't even have joysticks? That's retarded.

Certainly not developer friendly.

>Integer only unit in calculations during rendering causes mass jitter.
Best console

In brief, yes.

It gave birth to the best franchises ever in gaming: metal gear solid and final fantasy.

>this is what normies actually believe

This, nintendo still treated 3rd party developers like subhumans, charging them for shit that sony would do free like:
>Giving english speaking assistance to developers by phone if a sony guy was not in the studio already
>Giving fully translated dev kits, not like nintendo that gave you a japanese manual and a phone number from Japan that you could only call on japanese working hours and had to pay the long distance call, in addition of having to wait longer if an english speaking nintendo employee was not aviable (Just read Tim Stamper blogs about the nightmares they had to face, even when they were 1st party developers for the 64)

Console with the best third party support? Yes
Best console ever made? Quite possible,its either the PS1 or SNES.

How underage are you?

>yfw EEPROMs for saving games onto the cartridge cost 50c per cartridge in the 90s
>if you wanted it in an N64 game you had to pay Nintendo an extra $5 per cartridge for special 'Nintendo-brand' EEPROMs, using any other brand breached the N64 licensing agreement

>nobody at Nintendo went to jail for this

Playstation 2.

Age has nothing to do with it, the facts of my post still remain

nintendo still does that though
>dev releases game on switch
>wants to release a patch that adds online functionality

maybe don't release a broken game

>You're really gonna say the controller was bad when the original playstation controller didn't even have joysticks? That's retarded.
By the time the N64 released, the original dualshock was literally a year away. I'm a huge fan of the N64, I have a sizeable collection and I love games like Majora's Mask, StarFox 64, Perfect Dark and more, but you cannot seriously tell me that the N64 controller wasn't abysmally retarded in comparison to the dualshock. Moreover, the design of the console, while high-quality and fine for what it did, wasn't nearly as efficient or smartly designed as the PS1. The decision to put the expansion port on the bottom of the console meant that it was never used because producing any kind of accessories for it would be too large and expensive to make. The expandable RAM fragmented the userbase. The lack of memory cards meant you needed to buy a fucking "memory pak" separate from built-in cartridge storage and you had to fucking SWAP IT OUT every time you wanted to use rumble. It was a retarded design dude.

The main thing that made the PS1 bad in hindsight was the decision to ship it with what was basically a Snes controller with 2 extra shoulder buttons for turning the camera in 3d.

Considering how awesome mandatory analog stick control and left/right/up/down camera controls turned out to be for the N64 and 3D gaming in general, it was pretty sad that nearly every PS1 game had to at least have digital dpad controls by default because not everyone owned the Dualshock.

I wish the N64 wasn't a clusterfuck of a console for developers though. You can emulate PS1 games on your coffee machine these days, but most of the N64 emulate like crap and some of them won't run at all

It was the system I had the most fun with the games have aged poorly but fuck it ps1 4ever

>haha you can't fix the one tiny game-breaking bug that only an ultor-autist living in the office would have been able to find, now you're fucked, it's your fault

>The lack of memory cards meant you needed to buy a fucking "memory pak" separate from built-in cartridge storage and you had to fucking SWAP IT OUT every time you wanted to use rumble. It was a retarded design dude.
It was done like that BY design to punish third parties for not buying Nintendo EEPROMs for saving games straight onto the cartridge lol

Literally everything about the N64 was the result of careful planning. Yamauchi deliberately told the system architecture engineers to make the console as complicated and difficult as possible in order to weed out third party developers who weren't 'serious' enough to develop a game for the glorious Nintendo platform.

What's this about no patches?

I'll give you that, it would have been nice to have dual analog from the beginning, but plenty of games ended up supporting it in the end, especially given that the PS1 had a ludicrously long life cycle with plenty of time to churn out analog-compatible games.

I'm aware of that whole scheme, but that didn't really improve the experience of the end user. It may have weeded out shitty third party developers, but it also decimated third party support in general. I would have taken a few shitty games in exchange for having the support of hundreds of extra developers.

N64 games aged better

The segmented d-pad design is uncomfortable

>unironically no games
>low FPS
>aged better


PS2. Better library and the games are still playable today, unlike PS1 games.

The main thing that bothers me about N64 games is the framerate. At the time, I never really thought about it, but going back and playing Perfect Dark or Zelda nowadays can feel pretty jarring. In terms of the quality of 3D graphics, N64 blows PS1 out of the water. However, PS1 also had a fuckton of 2D games which, by default, will always look great.

>PS1 games had good framerate

Well, no, because even if you loved it, the PS2 improved on it in every conceivable way. Including almost 100% backwards compatibility.

>PS1 calling out other consoles for low FPS
Is this where the pot calls the kettle black?

>but you cannot seriously tell me that the N64 controller wasn't abysmally retarded in comparison to the dualshock
I don't see what's wrong with it, at least it had a joystick in the age of 3D. Not having joysticks meant games were tied to buttons which is just a terrible idea. Even if Nintendo did do some stupid decisions I still think N64 was superior to Playstation. Sony's heyday was PS2 and PSP, after that they became retarded. Furthermore all of N64 games was designed with the controller in mind, and Nintendo did much more for the industry than Sony ever did with games like SM64 and OoT.

i think it is, but i had one when i was a kid so not objective. i feel like out of any console it had had the most good games. the good final fantasies, including tactics, all the good survival horror games, tomb raider

and of course croc legend of the gobos

planning on getting into PS1, this is my shopping list so far am I missing anything good?

>Tiny and portable console
>4 controllers ports for multiplayer
>silent for disc based system
>super comfortable controller
>available in different colors
>almost indestructible

The hardware itself is a piece of hot garbage and always was. What made it good were it's games.

>couldn't handle burnout 3

>And in terms of games it might even be the best console ever made.
that would be the SNES.

>doesn't look completely fucking retarded
I'll give you that, but at the same time, it looks plain as fuck. Both the Saturn and N64 looked cooler during that gen
>best controller of the era with 4 shoulder buttons and rumble
The model 2 Saturn controller is objectively the greatest controller for 2D games of all time. The standard PS1 controller before Dual Analog was pure trash. It only got good once it got the ual analog, but few games even used the analog sticks and rumble. The Playstation controller only really began to shine during the PS2 era with the Dualshock 2.
>vast library of games spanning every genre
I'll give you that. The library was kinda more skewed towards JRPGs, but it still had variety. Lots of shovelware, though
>Ahead of it's time with built-in system link
Legit forgot the PS1 had this feature until you mentioned it. Can't think of ever actually seeing it in action (I think the only notable exclusives that used it are Armored Core and Wipeout). Whereas the Saturn had online multiplayer (Saturn Bomberman and Virtual-On used it).
>capable of playing audio and video CDs
Saturn could too.
>system menu with memory card manager
The Saturn took this further by having onboard memory, that could be further expanded with an expansion cartridge
>well-built and reliable
I'll give you that. Also, apparently, early PS1s are have excellent sound quality to the point where audiophiles will seek them out to use as dedicated CD players
>thin, small, light, portable
Definitely the most portable of the 5th gen consoles
>was incredibly developer friendly from both an economic and design point of view
This is the reason it won the gen. It had the cheapest, weakest hardware specs-wise. But it was easy to develop for, which attracted third-party devs. The Saturn was a nightmare to develop for, and the N64 was held back by the cartridge format and Nintendo's nigh-draconian practices over their licensees.

The PS2 isn't really a better console. Honestly, I'd say it is objectively worse putting graphics and media capabilities aside. Taken on their own merits and not accounting for backwards compatability, I subjectively think PS1 had better games, but objectively the PS2 harder was total shit. It was underpowered as fuck even for its time, the controller was almost identical but lower quality, disc tray is always worse than a top loader, myriad laser and build quality issues, Ethernet was only achievable by the installation of a ghastly black brick that stuck out from the back of the console, and in general, it kind of just looked gaudy. Big black rectangle with giant abbreviated "PS2" slapped on the side in blue gradient.

What are you smoking? GameCube had problems but graphics weren't one of them. RE4 was literally the best looking game of its gen. The fuck?

Cost a lot less than the PS2 and was generally speaking more powerful than it. Games like Burnout 3 (with its unusually heavy reliance on SIMD thanks to its physics system) are the exception.

What iv'e really come to appreciate overtime is how solid the console feels.

I work in a used game store, so I handle them alot (since they are pretty much useless these days and people need their crack money) and they just feel so solid. The buttons are very satisfying, the lit and everything just feels so mechanical. I think the Gamecube is still my favorite console "build" overall but the PS1 is a close second.

Not to start a modern hate trend but I absolute hate how the PS4Pro looks. Don't get me wrong, its amazing, and Wipeout Omega Collection in Native 4k /w HDR is basically the pinnacle of aesthetic pleasure, but it just looks so repugnant. It looks like a fucking big mac. You couldn't just keep the original fat PS4 design and change the internals? Maybe change the color of the light strip or add a light strip or emblazn "PRO" on the front? I

There's literally not a single 3D game on PS1 without models wobbling. L.I.T.E.R.A.L.L.Y. It's impossible. Physically. Like, at all. Show at least one game without wobbling, you can't.

Developers were butthurt because Nintendo stuck with cartridges instead of falling for the CD meme. They wanted to fill games with shitty, faggy FMVs instead of actual gameplay.

Bu-u-u-ut CDs are better! Sure, they are better at
>Long ass loading times. PSX games were 75% waiting to play, 25% gameplay. The worst were fighting games, were the loading took longer than the matches.
>Being fragile crap. If you played a PSX game a lot you would have to go through multiple CDs, because they scratched like there's no tomorrow. Not to mention the optic reader, one of the worst pieces of crap ever created. Meanwhile, N64 consoles and cartridges were built like tanks, and only failed if you deliberately damaged them.
>CDs are a huge waste of space anyway. RE2 fit on a single N64 cartridge, but on the PSX it NEEDED 2 CDs for some bullshit reason. No excuse.

>Not PS2 due to the fact it plays the entire PS1 library

literally every 2D game :^)


Not him but this is a demonstration of how shit games looked on PS1. Emulators nowadays can fix that thankfully.

>they just feel so solid. The buttons are very satisfying, the lit and everything just feels so mechanical.
Yeah, I've always felt the same way. I like the way you put it. It does feel very mechanical and solid. I like the way the buttons are laid out, the feel of pressing them, everything. When I pick up a PS4 with two hands, I can literally hear the plastic creaking.

>I absolute hate how the PS4Pro looks.
I agree with this also. It looks absolutely fucking retarded. Literally a black plastic triple-decker sandwhich. I feel like they were trying to channel a PS2 look, or go for some kind of powerful black control deck vibe, and it just ends up looking gaudy and autistic. Also, the buttons are 100% shit, holy fuck. You can literally take your thumb nail and pull the little strip of plastic they call the power button away from the console. Absolute dirt.

PS2 slim fixed all problems you have with the system

>>best controller of the era with 4 shoulder buttons and rumble, the design of which has been emulated by almost every controller since

Holy shit. Imagine being this clueless.

Every single joypad from every major console for the past 25 years - EVERY SINGLE ONE - has taken their design directly from Nintendo's SNES /SFC pad, and that includes all of Sony' pads. Fuck, Sony also hastily stole the analogue stick from Nintendo's N64 pad once they realised it was the future of game control.

You everything about the modern "Joypad" to Nintendo.

But anyway, rant over, the PSX is one of the greatest consoles of all time.

There are a lot of 60 FPS Playstation games and a lot of them that at least have a stable 30 FPS.

for me it had to be the ps2 because it created the most kind of games that I like

All 10 or so of them that can't hold a candle to Saturn's 2D games because 2D on PS1 was trash?

>It was underpowered as fuck even for its time
The PS2 was fairly powerful, the main problem was the memory bottlenecks and weird architectural decisions that made it hard to fully flex that power.

>imagine being so clueless than you actually believe the SNES pad didn't cues from earlier gamepads itself, and that a design can't be emulated by others if the design emulated something that came before it

>There are a lot of 60 FPS Playstation games
Yeah, all the great ones like Tobal where it sucks and the game looks like a 32X game.

The most important aspect of any console is the games available. It is the reason why somethin like the Wii is quite bad as a console because no matter what your console is like it doesn't matter if you can only appeal to a very limited segment of the market.

>All 10 or so of them
You mean a few hundred?

>that can't hold a candle to Saturn's 2D games because 2D on PS1 was trash?
Ah yes, the Saturn, a console which single-handedly destroyed an entire company and has all of 5 good games, each which costs $300.

To be completely honest, Sony brought in dual-analog sticks and it improved upon the N64. Nintendo later copied this.

Alien Resurrection on PS1 was the first FPS game to use the dual analog control scheme where the right stick is used to aim.

PS2 wasn't underpowered but it had VERY lopsided strengths and weaknesses.

At shit like alpha blending, particle effects and physics processing it could blow away even the Xbox.

But at shit like texturing, even the Dreamcast was superior.

The Saturn didn't destroy anything. It was a great piece of hardware. Sega's incompetence did.

PS1 2D was pretty good,the difference on most multiplat Saturn/PS1 titles was minimal.

Still two games more than the N64 :)

>Alien Resurrection on PS1 was the first FPS game to use the dual analog control scheme where the right stick is used to aim.
That's actually incorrect. Both Goldeneye and Perfect Dark had a control scheme where you could use the d-pad for movement and stick for aiming, or alternatively you could even hook up two separate controllers and use both at the same time. A little bizarre, but technically the N64 did do it first.

I like to keep it simple. I don't get into specs or technical jargon with consoles, because for me a console is only ever as good as its game library.

That said, the PS1 was pretty fucking based. It had some amazing games, and was the kick off point for many huge franchises.

I'd really like if Sony joined the latest craze and released a PS1 mini of some kind, like Sega and Nintendo have done. Release a small scale model of the PlayStation with say 15 or 20 in built games.

I know you can always emulate, but it's nice to play on intended hardware too.

Imagine being so cluess that you don't realise that the ENTIRE design layout of the "joypad" belongs to Nintendo.

Imagine being so young that you don't realise somebody had to pioneer that design - a design so fundamental to gaming that people forgot where it came from and just accept it without thinking.

>Directional controls on the left
>Action buttons on the right
>action buttons laid out in a diamond formation, usually with an ABXY lettering or Red/Yellow/Green/Blue colouring
>shoulder buttons
>one or two indirect funtion buttons

That's Nintendo's design. The entire concept of it belongs to them - a refinement of their earlier NES pad and GameNWatch handhelds.

Bonus points for adding rumble functionality and analogue control which make a standard for everyone down the line.

Nintendo were the ones who decided HOW we will interact with games, and everyone has been riding their coattails since. Chew on that

Should have phrased it better. Alien Resurrection was the first game to use 2 analog sticks the way we know now today.

>60 FPS
>Playstation:109 games
>Saturn:29 games
>N64:7 games

>The Saturn didn't destroy anything. It was a great piece of hardware
You know that it takes Saturn's GPU (VDP1) something like 8 cycles to alpha blend a single pixel? It takes PS1's GPU 1 cycle.

Saturn was only able to produce good 2D graphics due to Sega's MOAR CORES approach which resulted in them putting in a dedicated 2D processing chip and a bit more VRAM. In terms of actual engineering, the console was horrible.

>Saturn sucks at alpha
stop the presses m8

lol ps ahead of its time. the only pioneer in the gaming industry was sega. having online capabilities before everyone. using cds before everyone.

SNES or PS2 are the best consoles ever made. Tons of good games for both.

>The Saturn didn't destroy anything. It was a great piece of hardware. Sega's incompetence did.
No, the Saturn was an utter piece of shit, and it was Sega' incompetence that led to its creation and poor marketing. It did 2D in a time when people wanted 3D, and it was the result of Sega's frantic attempt to play catch-up when the realized that the industry had shifted to 3D games and their current design would be left in the dust, so they put 8 fucking processors in it and hoped to God that developers would have the patience to work with it. On top of that, it had barely any games that supported its ill-conceived analog controller, had barely any games in general, and had ridiculously expensive accessories. It was a piece of shit dude.

All 109 of those are garbage. More than half are virtua fighter clones.

More good games on that list than the entire N64 library

This. Truly horror for fighting games.

>using cds before everyone
