Bought Bad Company 2 for $3 on Steam

>Bought Bad Company 2 for $3 on Steam
>Logged in after typing a long ass serial code
>There is literally only one guy in the server
Any one else had the same problem

Other urls found in this thread:

I bought the original gears of war recently because i was feeling very nostalgic from the early xbox live days, not one other player was online

>early xbox live
>gears of war

>any source mod
>players at all

zombie master is dead?

Sucks because the game is literally better than any Battlefields that came after it

yes, noone plays anymore, except for once on a random day


Posting blatant lies when the game has max players almost on any server at any point in day, /V really is shitpost central it's /B but worse

>all those good mods with tons of effort and loved poured in
>dead, forgotten

>game comes out and all the pccuks complain about muh planes and muh scale
>ends up one as of the best bf games
>bf3 comes out
>people only play on metro

Check up pirate servers, there probably still hundreds of players on them. And everyone uses cheats.


I really fucking wish BC2 was still played. Its so much fucking better than the newer ones.

Xbox Live: Nov. 15th, 2002
Gears of War: Nov. 7th, 2006
Present Day: Jun. 28th, 2017

>bf3 comes out
>people dont play bf3
>subhuman only play on metro

>play 2142
>no server has titanmode
>EU always wins for no reason
>RU is full of window licks
>the hit regestration

>play BF2
>no one checks that flag being captured RIGHT BESIDE THEM
>no one picks me/anyone else up
>commanders being shit and not mutined
>help someone
>they dont say thanks champ

*Looks around*, Where are all these players?, Are they all playing on some hidden cool kids only servers that I'm not allowed into?

Hidden still has plenty of players thanks to the resurgence after SeaNanners made some videos.

>someone starts a Sup Forumseddit server
>doesnt give out the password
>its the only populated server

>play an old bf game
>shit 247 servers remain

I had downloaded a cracked version a couple of years ago and it still had plenty of players, what happened?
What the fuck was up with hitreg in BF2 and BF2142? Even when firing in semi-auto bullets seem to hit the target only half the time.

>Spent money just to be able to play multiplayer
>Turns out pirated servers are the most populated

Yes. I refunded the game.

fuck man, early Xbox live was comfy as fuck. I remember downloading the DMC 4 demo as soon as I got live and fucking around in the Lost Planet 1 multiplayer demo
Also gears 1 is best gears.
>you'll never 360 curb stomp shitters and piss people off crabwalking all over gridlock again

>he doesnt know
they register liek 1 second after you shoot, so shoot slighly infront of them to always get hits

.... I just checked, Servers still alive.

Why are you such a fag OP

Aw shit.

Yeah, I think I saw some video on this. Maybe I should give 2142 another shot.

Should I get BC2 if I have no friends to play it with? Is it easier to run than bf3?

If you have an Nvidia card it runs perfectly.

If you have an AMD one you need to set the DX9 (instead of DX10)

Also you don't need fan to enjoy this game. Its fun alone

>any game with custom maps
>someone will make dust2
