>a very well rated exclusive game is released on another platform
>suddenly the """fans""" claims that it's shit now
why is this allowed?
>a very well rated exclusive game is released on another platform
>suddenly the """fans""" claims that it's shit now
why is this allowed?
all peasant machines are shit
Her face looks like some kind of insect or reptile.
Never ever bitch boy
I can already see the comments with people telling her how strong, inspiring and beautiful she is.
her face looks like one of those mirrored game cover things
She's just fat and I like fat, but people really need to stop glorifying it like being fat makes you better than a thin person. It's a body type, people may or may not like it, so just accept it and move on with your life.
>burden on health system
>Unnecessary use of resources
>defends it instead of improving herself
If I wasn't a neet I would actually hate people like this, but since I'm a neet I should also be killed since I'm just as bad, even if I don't overeat like a pig. If they killed me in my sleep I would be grateful tho, my life is worthless.
Day zero, year one or ten years from now.
Eventually all exclusives come to the PC. Either through remake or emulation, it doesn't matter. Eventually all games come to PC.
SJWs obsession with ugliness and degeneracy is really upsetting and unhealtgy.
You ever see fat animals in the wild? Wonder why.
You do see them but it's typically because their way of life demands it, like bears who need to get fat in order to survive hibernation.
is that thing a Bioshock splicer?
I agree.
Though do you really find OP's picture attractive?
That's a weird way of spelling horrifying
Whales, hippos, bears. The difference is these animals build up fat for a reason.
"it" it's not fat, that abomination thing is a crawling slob, closer to a Fallout lab mutant than a human being.
Life it's a gift, and the existence of that thing it's an offense for life itself
>That poor man she's decided to park herself in front of.
His face says it all.
retarded in all sizes
What is he thinking ?
>"I need to get a fucking car..."
"maybe living under an islamist dictatorship it's not so bad after all"
No. I've seen fatter girls with cuter faces which I will not be posting in this thread.
thank God for made me blind!
>what did she mean by this?