Ench Shamans in PvP aren't viab-

>Ench Shamans in PvP aren't viab-

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just fucking die

would you prefer I play rouge?


just fucking die


what the fuck are you even talking about retard? enhancement would wreck shit in vanilla and bc if played correctly

How about restro druid?

>auto attack
lel u bad, shamans are shit
>auto attack crit
implying that hurt
>triple windfury crit
ayy lmao im dead now

>enchants weapons with elements
>the real spec name isn't even a real word, just a fantasy thing

it's an honest mistake

Windfury proccing windfury was one of my favorite things

>tfw you played 2h enhance shaman in vanilla
>tfw bc comes out

Besides, "viability" would imply sufficiently high expected performance rather than lucking out once in a blue moon

Now, enhancement shamans in vanilla actually could perform fine in group PvP and in 1vs1 against some classes but that's because neither talents or gear matter all that much in vanilla (say, your max rank healing wave heals about as much as that of resto shamans) and playing a "shaman" role (putting down totems, purging, interrupting, casting a heal every now and then) with any talents or indeed no talents at all would be valuable. Being able to stormstrike when an enemy happens to be on top of you is just nice extra and not dramatically different from what the other two specs offer.

However, trying to play like in that Unbreakable PvP video with Sulfuras is just wasted potential. That's hours of playtime condensed to a brief video with parts where windfury doesn't proc, windfury doesn't crit or you are just kited to death being just cut.

>destro lock

>WoW in general
Needs to be swept under the rug and its existence forgotten.


>not a word

i really hope english isnt your first language

wf did proc often like every 2-3 hit.


Came here to post this. Good job.

99% skill, 1% frostshockkkkk

Paladins had the better windfury tho. Hunter pet or rogue on you? Spam sit 20 times, stun a hoe, crash the game.

Unfortunately playing enhancement correctly meant having a bigger, slower weapon than your opponent and getting good windfury procs. Even those guys that made the montage videos with their high warlord armor and Sulfuras got outplayed by equally geared players if they made the critical tactical error of not getting back to back procs.

>sit around in my Lawbringer armor healing/cleansing/freedoming my allies while a Hunter or Rogue is trying to kill me
>walk up to a nearby Priest and one-shot them with my welfare AV Unstoppable Force reckbomb

good times

It has 20% procrate (although, if you dual-wield with WF-WF in TBC 2.1 and beyond, the chance to proc outside the cooldown period works out to 36%), not 50% or 33%.

Besides, if enhancement doesn't start the fight at frost shock range, they're not going to catch up. In TBC you can at least talent ghost wolf to instant and in WotLK you have spirit walk from wolves on top of that but in vanilla you have nothing.

Windfury + Hand of Justice trinket was legit

sword spec procs proccing from itself was legitier(?)

Wait wait wait wait wait

Are 2H shamans a thing again? Can you play a enh shaman and not use two small weapons like a faggot?

>Sword spec warrior with HoJ and windfury totem.

>hit stormstrike
>10 % chance of one shotting someone

Double windfury is just so funny.

>use stormstrike
>fellow ele shaman uses trinket and elemental mastery
>He does the Chain lightning Earth shock combo

hahaha dont take it personal m8, but my CL with ES did at least twice of your dmg

What? No, they're gone m8. Enhancement is dual wielding 1hs forever.