Other urls found in this thread:


thanks nig

What was his profession again?

Litteraly who?

eeyo homie

Content creator

knees for speed

*looks in the general direction of prompter in desperation*

he created youtube

Sup Forums creator

why does he act and talk like a nigger?

hes american

He is like the moot but for youtube.

And look like a gay guy?

>Check out his YT channel
>Not a single gaming video
Why the fuck was he even there?

Cancer creator

not me cylinder author

Did you watch the conference? EA is completely out of touch.

I wish I could see the reaction of the NfS devs when they saw this



>Thanks for having me you filthy fucking nigger. Don't worry, I'll lynch your monkey ass later, right now we've got business to discuss.
Jesus, where the hell did EA find this guy?


wow man that was le funny xD

he's a CONTENT CREATOR not a gamer...

I've seen less spaghetti at an Italian restaurant.

Wow you exposed me really bad well done detective.


>laugh at these shitty posts
>realize my sense of humor has gone down the shitter and regressed back to an 8 years old form

He ended up making a followup video



Mr Youtube "Nig" Creator

>being so mad that you have to make a shitty reply

Concept Curator

He's from Philadelphia.

God, fuck that city.


This is what happens when a youtuber can't quick-cut every 4 seconds


youtube creator, he creates youtubes

*blocks your path*

Creator of YouTubes, destroyer of education.

marketing. if it was a gaming youtuber most of his viewers would be familiar with upcoming games

great game

I thought I knew youtube pretty well but I didn't recognise a single one of these youtubers they get to promote their games.

That 180 turn always fucking gets me.

i watched this around the time it came out kek
basically he says that he was really nervous, and they gave him a script that they ended up changing twice which really fucked him up together.
he also was told that he'd be on after 2 promos or something to that effect, and he decided he'd watch the promos before turning around to get ready to speak. the 2 promos didn't play, so he was facing the screen. while waiting for the shit to play, he heard one of the people call his name to tell him he had to speak which caught him off guard
he seems happy enough about his meme status though
also love that that guys name is actually nick, but he said it so fucking awkardly that it sounded like nig

Why hasn't someone edited this yet so something happens when he stretches his arms?


Why is it such a big deal every time someone flubs a line. It's not like anything is going to sell less because of it. It changes something.


He didn't "flub a line". He screwed up his entire presentation.

it changes nothing*


Tyler the Youtubor


i can't believe, after all these years, that he didn't use the 'it's a prank, bro' card out of it

Without the monitors and big screen I'd think this was from a particularly gay period of the 80s.

>laughs cringeingly

Posts like this are bannable, newfag

Stop making this threads man, it isn't funny.

i find it funny

How about yo go back to where you came from

It's funny for me



>b-b-but muh reddid :'(

Why E3 is so fucking cringeworthy since 2006? What happened?

He said nick

to a guy he knew was called marcus? nah.

Nig Thanker


Who is this whore give the whole set.

What's up guuuuys, thanks for having me Sup Forumsig-, if you don't know who I am, I'm a Sup Forums creator and I shitpost in every meme thread

See people say this doesn't compare to shit we've got in other E3's but I found it beautifully cringe worthy.



Do you know how to use reverse image search? Eleni Barista seems to be her name. You can find quite a lot of pictures by searching for that.

>Eleni Barista
wew thanks

muh gamer/nerd culture

That's why.

Cylinder craftsman

Interesting, I've noticed you've been posting the exact same girl in every thread on multiple boards now.

It was more about 9gag

I don't go there, I wouldn't know what it's like

>EA set him up so his awkward moment would get them views and make their conference more trendy


>tfw we don't have anything like this in youropoor soon a muslim nation