If I cant get a SNES mini I'll just play the roms down the line when I feel like it. Missing it isnt exactly a problem.
>Nintenbros are going to pay $250 for a console with a FIVE FOOT LONG CONTROLLER CABLE
Absolutely hilarious. Even when Sega made their $40 genesis mini they gave you a wireless controller, yet nintenjew can't do it on an $80 mini.
>I'm going to spend $200 on an emulation machine with 20 games because it says Nintendo on it
Why are Nintendo fanboys so stupid? They must know how dumb they sound on at least some level.
That wireless controller you mention barely functions, so your argument would have been better if you just stopped at calling Nintendo cheapskates and they are.
Until youve dicked around with those new genesis consoles, dont talk like you know your shit.
Images like these are the epitome of the cancer killing Sup Forums.
>we can't even have lol threads anymore
>actual shitposting is rampant and fine
God I hate the mods these days
The thing costs a third of the price that OP's bait image claims, but obviously autistic teenage fancucks like you will still post shit like this.
Epitome of cancer killing Sup Forums is normies, not stupid memes.
Stupid memes, console wars and other such bullshit is annoying, but not deadly.
Yeah disregard my post, this turned to console war shit somehow
>nintendo classic consoles all bought by scalpers
>Switch sold out everywhere
>GPUs all bought by coin miners
Facebook Frog is as normie as it can get.
Nah. You're right on the money with normies (including phoneposters) but the meme culture has absolutely swallowed what little discussion there used to be.
Don't forget the genesis mini can actually play genesis game carts too. Jews gonna jew.
Your fucking obsession with "normies" while pretend you aren't one is the fucking problem you fuck.
fucking jews
Normies no longer seem to care about facebook frog. They got bored with it and now it's autists who post it.
Meme culture exists because of normies. If everyone was a proper handholdless virgin spending all day on Sup Forums and saging shitty posts, this wouldn't be happening.
Anime autists had it going for a while, with retarded threads just dropping or getting deleted by mods.
Muh free market
If retards didn't want to buy overpriced shit, shit wouldn't be overpriced.
Maybe it's time to "switch" to a system that doesn't rely on exclusives and artificial scarcity?
it never was a lol thread, did you not look at the image
>facebook frog
You mean nazi bigot alt-right MRA (insert more boogeywomen here) frog?
Nah, he means facebook meme frog posted by edgy children.
oooh, nice samefag
also thanks for the other boogeywoman inserted
>proud Genesislord
>can't help but laugh at pathetic SNESpeasants and their shit console
why not both