He only plays dating-VN "games"

>he only plays dating-VN "games"


hotel dusk is incredibly mediocre




Everything Anita Sarkeesian says is reasonable

>he only plays games that are perfectly reasonable


Chase Episode 2 when?

i hope never


Chase was boring.

it was bad

>tfw i gave money to tony

>>he only plays dating-VN "games"

I don't play any of them, but I need to. Gib recommendations pls

I found it fairly interesting, and it was just the first chapter to what I assume is going to be a bigger story. Besides, it's just great to have Cing staff working on something again.

you do realize you can only have one, right?


I just want the third game

I want some closure dammit

Me too user. Hopefully someone will pickup the license someday.

>he doesn't enjoy getting himself a paperclip

Isn't the 3DS game a sequel? The main protag looks like fucking kyle.
I've yet to play it

Oh so you're one of those weird fellas who have some sort of obsession with lifeless objects huh? Guess what? I don't wanna have weirdos like you in my hotel! Get the hell out!

Aside from similar personalities and the existence of a "Bradley", there's no real relation.

What do?



Kyle was kicked out of the Hotel, Game Over

>ywn spend Christmas in a crummy hotel in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of misfits and losers that you don't want to talk to
What's the point of going on lads?

I can't remember if it was set on Christmas eve or not but I seem to remember having to get some decorations of a utility cupboard or something.

It was the 27 or 28th, and the decorations were of a Christmas tree

I think it was set a period after Christmas and the kid was upset because she didn't get to do Christmas stuff that year.