Hahahaha oh wow
Hahahaha oh wow
confirmed shit game
I hate this fucking gay earth
Vidya evolved into total turd. Can we just travel back to 1999 and try again?
>let me tell you how you feel
Nice marketing strategy there capcom
But will retain storm cause she's black?
wasn't there recently a movie about wolverine?
yeah but he died in that so he obviously can't be in the games any longer
No, their token black will be black panther or war machine.
No Storm no buy
You gotta admit that Wolf Marine looks like a homo in that pic he should dress like the movies not some cartoon from the 1950s or whenever the fuck they invented Xmen.
Nobody remembers Storm. You just want someone with projectiles and a flying ability. Try playing Ultron insteas
I'd like a redemption arc for Bishop. They could use him really well to help illustrate the similarities and differences between Magneto and Xavier while also showing both have points since Magneto so often drifts over into obvious villain territory. Bishop's a great example of how if Xavier had a bit of Magneto in him, the world would likely be a better place.
So this game is just an ad for Disney, is that what he is trying to say?
What the ever living FUCK am I reading?
Even better when the leak comes true and all the Capcom characters are jobbers who stand in the background
I love how all the Capcom shills say shit like
>n-no it's Fox's fault for not giving Marvel back the rights, don't blame Capcom
Like nigga, Capcom had a plethora of other options to make a vs game with. They chose Marvel again, they are to blame.
the problem is disney has an issue with the xmen being involved with the mcu. so blame them. not capcom. disney set the rules.
Well... Bring out the Gimp.
Is that faggot actually suggesting people care about/know about black panther but don't care about/know about the fucking X-Men?
I hate Marvel garbage and I ESPECIALLY hate the X-Men, but he is completely full of it.
They just don't want the X-Men because it's called X-----------MEN-----------.
Storm is way more well known than Gamora or Captain Marvel. She's probably the most iconic female X-Men character.
Inb4 tweets saying it was just a prank bro
Oh boy, this is going to be a clusterfuck
>Disney paying Capcom to make Capcom characters shit and ugly
>Disney paying Capcom to make Marvel characters do everything
>Disney paying Capcom to shitpost about X-Men
>storm most iconic
More than Jean?
Subtile post
They are basically telling people upfront to flock over to Dragonball at this point.
>Not maining brogan
It would make more sense if he were referring to the mvc2 cast, where there are like 8 literally who x-men characters that could disappear and no one would care. MvC3 only really has super iconic x-men characters, with the exception of x-23 who would be a lot more interesting to normies now after Logan.
Capcom has been telling people for years to stop buying their games.
Hey, lots of people know who Gamora is! They made fun of like ten of his movies on MST3k!
>People don't remember X-men
>But they remember black Panther
Ha ha oh wow
most people can atleast name 5 X-men villians
can anybody even name a Black Panther Villian?
Yes, Jean doesn't even have a consistent costume.
The three main X-Men are Wolverine, Cyclops and Storm.
No I want Storm, fuck you
why is this a meme now
>most people can atleast name 5 X-men villians
He's not wrong
People don't know Black Panther is a character. Nobody cares about him.
A lot of people care about Black Panther, now Captain Marvel on the other hand
He's extremely wrong. Fuck off Disney shill. You have ruined Sup Forums that's enough.
evil wolverine
How can you not remember Apocalypse and Sabertooth to say the least?
Mr. Sinister.
Omega Red.
really nigger
not even Apocalypse?
>m-muh plain clothes heroes
Kill yourself. It's a video game.
To be honest I want a Marvel characters only game from Capcom. A new one.
My wallet says otherwise...
>No X-men
All hail your new Disney overlords and just kys
Fuck Disney and fuck Capcom, I don't need this shit I have anime
>nobody remembers the X-men
>but they do remember Spencer from our failed Bionic Comando reboot from 8 years ago
get out Capcom
So becuase its a game hes got to look like a homo?
>Juggernaut will never return in a MvC game
It hurts
I mean, they have to justify to re-use assets from the prequel. Except the X-man ones.
Speak for yourself faggot. I always liked T'challa
That abomination in your pic isn't Apocalypse
the Internet outrage about it should prove the contrary
It's getting harder and harder to remember a time when Crapcom wasn't total shit.
isn't that mostly a vocal minority? i feel like if i asked any of my kid cousins they wouldn't be able to tell me anything about the x-men beyond wolverine
Would it really even matter if he was honest and said that they only made a deal with Disney Marvel so the Fox Marvel shit can't be in the game?
This one is pretty much on The Mouse.
they why not give him the much better costume from MvC3 atleast
...it's really happening again isn't it?
B-but at least we have monster Hunter, right? Take that, nintendoodlerinodes...
If that's the fucking case then where the flying duck is Masamune Date from Sengoku Basara who would've been the perfect stand in for Wolverine with his six swords stance!
Capcom can't even back up their own words!
I unironically enjoyed the kid apoc. arc in Uncanny X-Force more than any other Apoc. related thing.
One day I'm going to walk into Capcom Ltd. with a baseball bat.
Why can't Nintendo just buy Ace Attorney from them and take all of the mostly competent AA developers away from the giant turd of Capcom.
Not counting anyone from Magnetos brotherhood because that's too easy
>Mr. Sinister
>Dark Phoenix
But since Phoenix and Apocalypse were in the movies I'll give be you two more; Arcade and The Shadow King
He should be in all black tight leather like those other superguys who had a few movies a while ago, the Revengers.
Fighting games are already a small audience these days, and whatever people where hyped for MvCI are put off now due to the extremely limited roster without the X-men
even known Capcom shills like Maximiliam are being warry of this game
Capcom has been constantly shit in the recent years.
Capcom shills telling you it's disney's fault should feel ashamed. Don't listen to them.
Look at Insomniac's Spiderman and tell me with a straight face it's a clusterfuck like MvCI because of Disney.
he's right. most 'marvel' fans are fans of the MCU who don't know anything about the comics themselves. they wouldn't recognize most Xmen, with Wolverine, Storm, Nightcrawler, Prof X, etc. tv cartoon heavy characters as the only standouts.
Professor X doesn't count as an XMan?
>The blue chick
Wow, it's like Marvel has so memorable characters
Why would they rehash Spencer out of all of the capcom side? Jesus Christ there's viewtiful Joe and amaterasu
The Cops
The White Man
The Welfare Office
The System
Micheal B Jordan
I remember Deadpool and Dr. Doom and the Fantastic Four.
>Injustice 2 has the capeshit characters fans actually want
>Dragon Ball FighterZ has the 3v3 gameplay people actually like
Is there any reason MvCI won't bomb?
that would mean outing Ike
this guy probably doesnt want some assassin send after him
Well congratulations faggot. You get your boring character and everyone who likes any of the normal marvel picks for MvC get completely screwed.
>Is there any reason MvCI won't bomb?
Appeal to casual players who also happen to love the MCU. UNFORTUNATELY this game will sell well.
But Americans don't like Dynasty Basara.
We'll just throw more Megaman and Streetfighter characters at you.
I need the oppinion from someone from Sup Forums who understands how well the Xmen as a brand is doing right now in general 2bh.
I know the fgc will miss these characters because they see them as iconic to the mvc francise, but they make up like 20% of the people who will buy the game. Does the casual audience even care about Wolverine being in mvci or not?
Retarded Gwenpool fans and delusional silent majorities.
I know it's a crossover game, But she looks so out of place. Due to how shit her model is.
I think her Alpha costume would make her fit in more.
Seriously. It's a fucking crime Joe is not back.
Capcom? Who remembers them? I'll just play an NRS or Bandai game.
God I hate Marvel
Professor X isn't really actively fighting with the other X-Men, he's more in an important supporting role.
I'd argue Rogue is more iconic.