Sony won.
Sony won
I bet you're sitting in your chair giggling to yourself waiting for the funny angry replies to come in you absolute nonce
there's one
tee hee
Low effort baits doesn't work as it used to, newfag. Saged.
Yeah, it's great. Might buy it just for the collectables
Have they announced a release date yet besides "summer"?
I'm getting the Vita version
I hope that cover is reversible or something.
I get it's going for understated, but they took it way too far. The storybook's cover would have been much better even
Post goat mom.
August 4th, it's at the end of the announcement trailer. You can sign up for email notifications on fangamer's website
To be honest, it's pretty fucking neato to see Fangamer essentially publishing a game that one of their own made unto a stupid huge success.
I wish you posted a larger image the little captions at the bottom are funny.
so this is the power... of play station 4...
for the players... wow...
>Paying $60 for a $10
At least the Vita version will be $20 cheaper.
Undertale is a great game.
See how they smile like pigs in a sty see how they snide
>the only relevant pc exclusive goes console
is there any real point in spending over a grand on a pc for slightly higher framerates when consoles get far more, far better games? pc has lost one of the only exclusives it has anyone cares about. meanwhile on ps4 horizon, uncharted, the last of us, bloodborne, persona and final fantasy all are amazing and will probably never get ported. what's the point of pc gaming nowadays? steam indie horrors and age of empires?
>Last of Us
>Final Fantasy
>Persona 5
Sure Bloodborne can be enticing, but you seriously couldn't come up with better games than that?
Is it coming to switch?
>consoles get far more, far better games
pffft ahahahaaha HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>Please pay $39.99 for this $9.99 game
He's right though. PS4 games are far much better than PC ones. No need to get mad.
that's a funny way of spelling "please pay 40 bucks for a shitty overhyped meme game you can get for free in 10 seconds of dl time"
Don't you get banned for that?
I want the music box.
No, it's only coming to relevant consoles.
>pc has literally millions of exclusive games
>even a shitload of exclusives coming out every year that use current hardware
>but if it wasn't meme'd by journalists Sup Forums doesn't know or care about it
really gets the ole skull soup a-brewin'
>ur uuuurrrr urrrrrrrrrrrrrrr shitty indie games urrrr urr
this is what you were going to say. but that's incorrect and stupid so don't.
Can't wait till all the doujins now that this version is coming out in Japan
Wouldn't the whole total save deletion thing be a whole lot easier on PS4?
It would be a shame if that component of the game was missing. that flower berating was the moment that I really got hooked
I rather buy that than fucking post microsoft minecraft tb.qh
I'd feel bad that I missed this stuff because I never fell for any of those tricks, but the smugness offsets it.
no, Xbox one.