It's Official: Nintendo Won E3 Again

Best of Show
Super Mario Odyssey
(Nintendo for Nintendo Switch)

Best Original Game
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
(Ubisoft Paris/Ubisoft Milan/Ubisoft for Nintendo Switch)

Best Console Game
Super Mario Odyssey
(Nintendo for Nintendo Switch)

How do they keep on doing it, Sup Forums?

you wanna try that again?


>microsoft winning anything
KEKing hard

Anyone can buy bots to watch their shitty stream, champ.

Best Strategy Game
Mario + Rabbids Battle Kingdom
(Ubisoft Paris/Ubisoft Milan/Ubisoft for Nintendo Switch)

Best Handheld Game
Metroid: Samus Returns
(MercurySteam/Nintendo for Nintendo 3DS)

How can Nintendo be beaten?

Best Handheld Game Metroid: Samus Returns. I'm actually happy it won. Fucking Metroid is back.

Best of Show 2015
Fallout 4

Best of Show 2014

Best of Show 2013

>best original game
>literally Xcom with a mario skin


>people watching something the most means it's the best


Wow, Sup Forums actually got blown the fuck out this time, myself included. Bravo Nintendo.

>Best Fighting Game
>Dragon Ball FighterZ
MVCI BTFO How will the capshills ever recover?

What was your pick for most original game this E3 user?

>best original game

Good joke. There isn't an original bone in this industry's body.


>Microsoft 2
>Sony 1


I didn't know people even still used that e-beggar site. There are dozens of sites to stream from. I'm sure more people watched on YouTube than twitch.

nitnendo ended up being very disappointing despite their good momentum with the Switch sales.
the only big game we knew before e3 is the only big game we know post e3. mario odyssey.
they blew their load by announcing pokemon in a very anticlimactic way probably YEARS from release.
and they are not even getting the next real MH. if that doesn't spell the WORSE third party support ever I don't know what does.

poor nintendo you are run by retards.

Pretty outdated image, mate. Monster Hunter isn't even coming west and doesn't have shit like Rabbids and Pokken.

There was no competition really.
Which is really sad.

>Watching Nintendo live shit on Twitch

Youtube is a way better streamer when its used.

But i didn't watch this on Twitch you ultrafaggot, neither did most sane people

Whats wrong with twitch.

it proves the nintendie narrative wrong so it doesn't count

Go away underage fag that stills shitposts about consolewars, fucking scum of this site, I want real reasons.

It has a rep for being incredibly laggy.


Sony's presentation was good, though lacking in new announcements

>nitnendo ended up being very disappointing despite their good momentum with the Switch sales.
>announcing new kirby, yoshi and metroid games plus showing more shit for Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade 2 that shows that it might be worth the buy
Even then they showed more in 28 minutes then any other conference this year, E3 2017 was literally looking up to be one of the worst of all time until Metroid Prime 4 got teased

>How do they keep on doing it, Sup Forums?
Because each and every one of their fans is a retard without an ounce of taste.

>Sony's presentation was good
How the fuck was it good? They showed nothing except for another remaster of SOTC with NO NEW ADDED COLOSSI. I own a PS4 and I was interested in nothing at their show since MHW will be better for PC provided its not a casualized shitfest.

Yes, yes, yes. Now tell me how an eight out of ten is a blunder of the century.

>Need For Speed Payback

>How the fuck was it good?

11 FIRST PARTY GAMES. (including the expansion for HZD and the indie Matterfall)


Knack 2
Gran Turismo Sport
Everybody’s Golf
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
Horizon: Zero Dawn‘The Frozen Wilds’
Days Gone
Shadow of the Colossus remake
God of War
Detroit: Become Human

>until Metroid Prime 4 got teased

Most retarded movement next to the pokemon non reveal. instead of making a square enix tier trailer, they blew their load with a logo. it's literally saying "hey we will make a game in the next 5 years"

Why are you posting a list from the 2016 e3, user?

The stats were taken immediately after E3 ended, so EA had a massive advantage as they were first up. For reference, the NFS trailer had 3.4M views at the time, and has 4.3M now. Mario Odyssey had 5.5M at the time and has 12M now. Battlefront had 7.9M, has 10.2M now.

Except all of those games look like shit. Who gives a fuck if there's a release date I don't want to play them. Kirby alone looks better then any of that shit especially since its basically a spiritual sequel to Kirby 64.

>DLC is new games now
come on user. You already had a nice round 10, don't be silly.

>All of them dated
What? I don't remember a specific release date for God of War or Spiderman

Did SOTC even have a release date either?

>Why are you posting a list from the 2016 e3, user?

has it EVER been done ?

>11 FIRST PARTY GAMES with release dates

not a promise like "we do it".

>come on user. You already had a nice round 10, don't be silly.

what is greed ?

>What? I don't remember a specific release date for God of War or Spiderman

early 2018 pleb

have I flexed my sony muscles enough to scare off dyel nintendofags ?

>NnT game announced for PS4
>Shit graphics
>No voice acting
>Probably no Escanor or Commandments

Bandai Namco is a bunch of faggots.

Sony always win, baby


Good joke nigga.

That new game Sony showed where you climb and kill the giant monsters looked fuckin' dope!

>Knack 2

why are they still making a sequel


>b-b-bu-t all those g-game are s-shit. It d-doesn't count. Delet.

its about time cawadooty stopped topping the charts

>Get kicked in the dick for 8 years
>Finally have a good year at E3

Well congratulations,Nintendo, on not killing yourself too early. Now we just sit back and watch as they fail to put out any worthwhile 3rd party content.

inb4 "muh Skyrim"

>to put out any worthwhile 3rd party content.
Literally who cares about this

Consoles are for 2nd party and 1st party games while 3rd party is for PC.

If you don't think this you're either poor or you consider a console your primary platform.

This. Although switch does have that portablilty factor. A few of those 3rd parties could be fun on the go.

I can agree but it's as "vital" as people claim.
Having games like Rocket League is a good move though.

*not as

They've won 2 years in a row now

microsoft was on a weekend

and ubisoft and sony were on monday

that explains their low views

>Sells worse than PS4 everywhere except Japan
>now the PS4 even outsells the Switch in Japan according to Media Create Sales
>Nintendo winning
It's a four year old console and still Nintendo isn't even beating that competition.
>REEE it's because Nintendo can't produce 200k Switches per month while everyone else is perfectly able to produce enough devices


>Knack 2
Surely you jest?
>Gran Turismo Sport
Literally do not remember
>Everybody's Golf
S U R E L Y Y O U J E S T?
>DLC for Uncharted and Horizion
No problems here
>Days Gone
Has potential but can easily fuck up
If they include the cut colossi it could be a GOTY contender
>God of War
More of a Last of Us clone than the actual zombie game
>Detroit: Become Human
It's a David Cage game about robot ethics how the fuck do you think it's going to be?
Needs great open world mechanics and mobility and a decrease in QTE's


>DLC for Uncharted

It's not DLC. It's been confirm that it's a full retail game. Even has it's own case.

It's DLC.

I'm honestly more surprised Spiderman got that much attention.
I didn't think anyone gave a shit.

Normies love marvelshit


>doesn't include main playstation channel

yeah have fun with your golf game and knack sequel

Xcom: mario edition got the most original game?

Howlong before a modder adds mario and rabbits to xcom? cant wait.

It's BEST original, not MOST

Ffs lrn2read

it fucking hurts that that game died so fucking hard
and now For Honor is going the same way and I keep telling myself I won't buy these games but they're so fun

Best or most doesnt matter when its not original.

All of them dated my ass, '2018' 'Early 2018' and 'Spring 2018' arent actual dates. Heck Days Gone didnt even get a year.

>>now the PS4 even outsells the Switch in Japan according to Media Create Sales
you will not see these posts by the time Splatoon 2 rolls around, guaranteed