...two, one

...two, one.


Other urls found in this thread:



Don't hit the camera, man!

Roxas! Watchudo with Kairi?!

I think it's time we blow this thing.

>don't hit the camera, man

>S-she's part of the darkness now!

Vidya cringe thread?


Man the UPS level was insane

> tfw you will never live in middle America where there is literally nothing around except houses, highschool and local mall

It was a masterpiece though

Links please

So... what's this supposed to be?


Post link

It's three dudes just having a good time doing something silly. I dunno what's cringe about it.

Am I the only one that just thinks that "Roxas" is completely out of character?


You dont want it user

...you're a fool, Sora.

Dat slide


Where to buy big baggy goth pants?


Hot Topic.

They only carry skin tight ripped skinny jeans now

Deadotated wham

>Those fucking 90's pants


>literally nothing around
>local mall
not nothing around then is it

i grew up in a small european village of 900 people, and all we had was a church and a school

And he walked into the distant UPS truck, never to be seen again in the mortal world.

>your dumb teenage parking lot roleplaying will never be immortalized by a Indonesian basket weaving imageboard.

I always thought that Sora's performance here was inferior to Roxas'

I love mall goths

They are metlaheads though

>make up
>goth pants
>nylons on arms

They're goths my dude

Are goths even a thing anymore

Its getting a revival. Why, i dont know.

The real ones just fucked off back into the dark where they came from. The fad faded for everyone else.

This is objectively the best version:



Link to the video?

>You're a nobody

Two posts above you.

Thank god. Rural life blows.
Small town romaticists pls go.

Did the girls put out at least?


hurr durrff derrr



You have to watch one for all eternity. The Anime Club, or Foam Adventures?

Anime Club. Foam Adventure is physically painful.

>tfw I've used a glove like that during teen age
>tfw girl
>tfw family members like aunties cousins perceive it as lingerie and think you "secretly" wants to be a prostitute


I'd hold them down over the foam and fuck them relentlessly.

I'd fuck you like a prostitute, baby.


I've seen Foam Adventure but never Anime Club. Is it as cringy as Foam Adventure?


Sorry. Didn't notice it. Thanks.

>but never Anime Club

>tfw no goth gf

>1 second in


Were you still a child when you were raided by soldiers, foreign soldiers?

Foam adventures is far from cringe by todays standards. Its only remembered as horrible because its so old.

Dear lord. Do I even dare ask for the status update on these two?

Honestly not too bad. Cringey as fuck near the end but eh.

>girl in my highschool class
>pitch black straight hair
>legit looked like
>skinny as fuck
>legit looked similar to American McGee's Alice
>lip piercing
>mom just don't understands
>used to goof around and sit in my lap and dumb shit
>could probably have ended up as something
>I was too stupid and insecure to seriously hit on her

>Saying Zeh-Ro when you can just say fucking Zero since that's clearly just the retarded Japanese pronounciation
That shit somehow outcringes the rest of the vid

This is unironically kino

did you?

Foam Adventure.

The autism is pretty clear. Why i want to dick the red shirt girl though?

suicide silence shirt. nope. thats fucking core kiddie shit.

You do realise that ''goth girls'' are only dressing and acting like that because their personality is so fucking boring or downright awful that everyone ignores them, so they all need to seek attention by dressing and acting different from the mainstream.
Huge red flag if she is also quick to shit talk other girls and have few female friends of her own, or if all her female friends are like her.

Thanks satan.

Meant to reply to

you literally described 99% of the people on earth

>by today's standards

i love how this is completely true, because back in the day that was kino cringe, but today it barely registers with people like chris chan constantly putting down shockwaves which register on the richter scale

Same guy. Hes full goth.

>oh no people are pronouncing things right

It blows dick. Its not comfy.

Middle America, the home of nothing happening ever.

I went to highschool in small ass town north of Rochester, MN. So when you wanted to do something you drove 30 minutes one way to hangout at a mall, see a movie or even get real groceries.

Otherwise you were doomed to spend time indoors playing vidya with your buds until school the next day, or if you were these kids, playing make believe outside some business during afterhours.

I even lived in a larger town before I moved there too, ans even then, it doesnt change. Most of what cripples other parts of America hits the Midwest just as hard, if not harder because there are fewer ways out. Meth us a much bigger problem in the Midwest as well because its harder to get other hard drugs, people just make it in their shacks here.


Except it wasn't supposed to be silly. They were actually taking themselves seriously. That's why it's cringe.

I agree user, but hes not a metal head. goths are really not part of the metal scene unless you count shitty symphonic metal. I dont think they are even into funeral doom metal, which is sad and ironic.

>tfw met 15 year old goth chick when I was 17
>skinny, mid length dark brown hair, skirts and stripped leggings and lots of eyeliner
>had absolutely nothing in common with her but she was hot

>8 years on
>shes grown out of the goth clothing but is still pretty alternative
>still hot, goes light on the makeup but does it well
>great taste in music
>became a vegan...


>You will never be a stupid teenager without any self-awareness again


>Fujoshits in the wild

I T ' S

Better than living in some liberal degenerate big city shithole like NYC or CA.

this is the guy who always plays commander in natural selection.

also, 209 dollars for a high quality katana? hmm...

>Its not comfy
He never mentioned comfy, what the fuck are you trying to hide? I knew you ruralfags would slip up sooner or later


I let out a loud groan, couldn't even stop it.

what happened to these people, Are they dead? I NEED TO KNOW!

special ed art program

Holy shit, they were making fun of this guy on the cum town podcast.

Fell off the face of the earth. The Foam Adventure girls at least realised the video was cringey as all hell and kind of embraced it, but the fate of the infamous anime clubbers will forever be unknown.