You're going to buy notSelvaria's game, right Sup Forums?

You're going to buy notSelvaria's game, right Sup Forums?

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is there a demo ?

is it legit bad or it just upset people who were waiting for another turn based tactical game ?

Those tits are insane

Nope, what's the point to buy her game if she dies in the end? She is even related to the protagonist this time around.

Flopped in Japan, it will flop here as well, literally no advertising. Shame to see the VC series die with a spin-off.

Superior size coming through.

I'll tell you whats not flopping rn

I would consider it if not for the torpedo tits.

They are the same size though, in-game Selvaria is not accurate to Raita's design. Like Alicia who is almost flat in-game.

Just bought 5 copies

>same character
>selvaria is still miles better
how did this happen?

No. It's literally just Dynasty Warriors. And even then it somehow manages to be an even shittier DW game than actual DW games. Also they went out of their way to make this an alternate universe to bring back Selvaria in some way, yet she fucking dies again.

This series is dead because Sega doesn't know how to handle a franchise.

The uniform on Selvaria looks better.

I wish she was my mommy

well these balanced ones are nicer.

>she fucking dies again
are they fucking serious

I'll think about it because of those huge knockers. Wouldn't have cared otherwise.

I wish I could suck your mommy while you are away.

>It's literally just Dynasty Warriors
It's an arena rpg, I didn't have to open up menus mid-battle in any DW. It is even more ridiculous that they implemented menu choices later after the initial backlash of the original japanese demo which was action non-stop, no menus and orders mid-battle, all to try mimicing the original gameplay of the mainline titles yet the result is just not the same.

>creator says its aimed towards more a japanese audience
> flops
>expects it sell elsewhere

Yes, Brunhyld is the final boss, she is revealed to be the protagonist's sensei whom he great respect for, in this setting when one becomes a Valkirya their appearance changes completely, not just a hair dye like the mainline games, that's why the main cast didn't know at first. The final battle is a bittersweet one as they can't avoid fighting as their ideals clash, Brunhyld dies in his arms.

Never played a Valkyria game before, is the remaster for the PS4 a decent place to start?

yes, for this chubby


It is the best way to start.

I like it. Not the best or anything though. Combat is all over the place. Dont know what they were going for here but it just feels unbalanced. Also hate that upgrading wrapons requires sacifricing your ragnite skills. Makes it slow and grindy as shit because you will not want to waste shit most of the time unless you have surplus.

Honestly, the only good thing about this game is it's soundtrack. I don't understand how Sega fucked up so badly on what had the potential to be a classic franchise.

Only played the original Valkyria Chronicles. Do I need to play 2/3 for this?

that or the pc version
don't bother with the other games, they're all shit compared to the first one

No, it is an alternate setting that only borrows some concepts from the mainline titles, it is completely unrelated story wise.

Wait, I thought it was an RPG? I was already pissed off enough that it's not a proper strategy game, but it's a hack n slash?

Alright, good. Thanks.

>they're all shit compared to the first one
You have not played VC3.

It's the only way to start. After you play that skip VC2 and play VC3 and then pretend Revolution never happened.

And we never will unless you learn Moonrunes, which no one but the weebiest of weebs will.

>game was so shit it never got released in the west
really activates my almonds


He is wrong, it is something like Tales, where you are transported to a field map where you can attack enemies on a limited field, but the map is way bigger than something found in any Tales game.

In fact just imagine the previous VC games but completely stripped of any strategy, you can just mow down through the map with no limitations.

Does it stay this cut scene heavy throughout? Because this is getting silly.

I'm tempted to just sell/trade it in already.

Are you dumb? VC3 had been fully fan translated years ago, holy shit any device nowadays can play PSP through an emulator if you don't have hacked PSP itself.

You're better off hammering a surgical ice pick into the left corner of your right eye to forget VC1 so you don't remember how much better that was while playing this.

It actually is the best selling VC game in Japan with awarded with good reviews. It wasn't released in the west because at the time the PSP was completely dead in the west.

those boobs are retarded.
if you're actually aroused by them then you have a dumb nigger brain

Why Ben Garrison hasn't killed all faggots yet?

>Like Alicia who is almost flat in-game
Thank God for that. Her tits in the concept art were a bit ridiculous. And it didn't stop there, just look what Raita has done to her.

Niggers don't find large boobs attractive so your argument is moot.

Is the story even worth playing through? Not really enjoying myself here.

>Welkin puts his panini in that oven every night

>just look what Raita has done to her.
Done what? Draw her the way she is supposed be? He fucking created her.

>no actual direct sequel to VC1 where we play as isara taking her father's position
We should have gotten that instead of VC2.

So what newer game should I get instead of this Sup Forums? Ever Oasis, FF15?

This should've just been a paizuri simulator.

What do you think of nuAlicia?

Can you really do this somehow, or is this a meme? I dropped VC1 around halfway.

all the game needed was a more dynamic cover system that let you shoot over and around more obstacles

I fucking hated her, she needs to fuck off. I don't like any of the characters yet.

They aren't similar and don't have the same roles, she isn't secretly a valkirya either, honestly she is right up there with VC2 as the most boring main girl in the series.

Enemies that do more than stand around would be cool too.

>no actual direct prequel to VC1 where we play as Belgen Gunther and Theimer in EW1

It hurts to live.

A well leveled scout can do that just fine.

She looks boring from what I've seen. She doesn't compare to Alicia.

>no sequel to VC1 where you play as Jaegar and go back to his sand country to fight a bloody guerrilla insurgency against the Imperials

Why is both not an option, my brainlet friend?

I came in with zero expectations and was still let down.

Don't kid yourself, VC died when the retards at Sega decided to sacrifice the entire Western market to appease the shitty gook-only handheld market.

>you can just mow down through the map with no limitations.
Oh so like Dynasty Warriors then, gotcha.

It worked for them in Japan though, VC2 and VC3 sold more in Japan than VC1 originally did in Japan. Worldwide sales does have VC1 surpass them but maybee SEGA felt the series wasn't meant for the west or something.

You don't go through menus in mid-battle in DW, retard.

>VC2 and VC3 sold more in Japan than VC1 originally did in Japan.
Yes, that's why I called it the "shitty gook-only handheld market". You know, the same group that have all migrated to using their fucking phones as their primary method of gaming.

You don't go through menus mid-battle in Tales either, unless you're a stupid nigger that doesn't know what you're talking about.

>VC 1
>respecatble designs, semen demon female villain still had a great design despite being sexualized

>everything after
>full on turbo-weeb shit with high school setting and waifubait everywhere that doesn't fit the setting at all

absolutely disgusting

I think this image sums it up.

It's really getting trashed in the reviews. And I don't blame them. Apparently the devs literally tossed in any idea any focus groups had and didn't flesh any of them out, gameplay direction got tugged in a bunch of different directions and ends up being a bland shallow mix of everything at once.

It's insane that they've re-released VC1 to fantastic sales multiple times now and STILL won't make a true successor, like VC4 with stuff from 1 and 3 combined. Unfortunately this game is going to push Sega away from the IP, it looks like it was expensive and muddled from the start

this game looks fucking terrible

the first VC game was still the best and the series went downhill ever since 2 was set in a high school and they put in an anime sword class

WHOA... so this.. is the power... of weebshit

It's been fully translated for a while already, user.

It sold really well and got incredibly good reviews. It's also really fucking good, it's VC1 atmosphere and writing with improved VC2 gameplay.

Honestly it deserves much lower

VC truly is one of the great tragedies of gaming history.

It could've been one of the greats. It was unique and perfectly balanced its weebness with legitimately interesting plot and gameplay. There was so much that could've been done and so many places they could've went. Instead, we got... This. Whatever this is.

I only wish that Sega let the series die with some dignity instead of trying to jew the thirsty western audience out of one last batch of cash with the impossible hope that their purchase will let 2/3 come west in HD.

Reviewers are corrupt SJWs

If reviewers hate it that must mean it's good

That's what confuses me the most. the rerelease was successful and even Sega commented on it. So what possessed them to churn out this pile of shit instead of making a proper sequel for VC1 with the same style and presentation and no high school/weeb shenanigans on next generation consoles?

>ONE FUCKING GAME has a high school setting
>That means every game is shit

I don't even know why they bothered keeping the swords in VC3, no one used them or even liked them. Luckily VC3 allows you to reclass them.

>making a proper sequel for VC1 with the same style and presentation

They did. It's called VC3. Well, it happens alongside VC1, so not exactly sequel.

>>ONE FUCKING GAME has a high school setting
>>That means every game is shit
it's the one that destroyed the series though

Except VC1 remastered still boasts good scores and reviews.

Japan only so might as well not exist for most of us.

A proper sequel would be on console, not handheld. VC3 is just all the more painful because it shows they still had an understanding of what made VC1 good even after 2 flopped.


One of the things that just kills me about Japanese games is, often the visual aspect is so, so strong and you see so much effort put into aesthetics and textures-- look at her dress, the fabric was rendered so lovingly

and it's in service of fucking nothing, just completely vapid content and the whole thing was a big waste of time and you wish those assets could've been used to make a good game

i feel bad for visual designers. zelda felt the same. so much effort on atmosphere and immersion and it was in service to a game devoid of much story or true substance

To this day I still haven't beaten VC2 despite going ahead and beating VC3. I think one of the biggest problems was the cast. The main character was annoying as fuck, and the main heroine was so bland that I forgot she was the main heroine.

I was going to disagree but naw man, fuck this pandering shit.

>what the fuck happened?

Playerbase service happened

imagine being this easily exploitable

>kill her off in the original game
>her popularity soars
>have new game take place in a alternate universe so they can copy paste her
>kill her too
Why does Sega hate her?

She's a boring princess character with a special snowflake ability but I can see her panties so I'll let it slide. Those royal panties are truly an inspiration to the war effort.

>They did. It's called VC3.
nice grimdark setting with epic huge swords and extra black and red

She doesn't deserve to be soiled by our filthy world and must return to Valhalla.

It's musou shit but slow and crappy

Hell they gave the new clone a closer relationship with the protagonist as well so they had all the elements in place, but just killed her again.

That VIP APC escort mission though!

>getting mad his anime game become more anime than before
VC3 is a better game, still.