What are you hunting?
What monster would you most like to see make a comeback in World?
What monster would you keep as a tiny, non lethal pet version of itself?
What does a Demondrug taste like?
What did you name your first Palico?
Comfy Monster Hunter Thread
>What are you hunting?
Jhen Mohran, fuck my life
>What monster would you most like to see make a comeback in World?
Fucking Chameleos, I would love to see what they can do with that monster in a 3d space
>What monster would you keep as a tiny, non lethal pet version of itself?
I'd love to see a tiny Tigrex play fetch
>What does a Demondrug taste like?
Probably very bitter and nasty
>What did you name your first Palico?
Foxy, after my cat
What are the odds MHXX is gonna release in the west? I'll just import it otherwise.
I'm pissed monster hunter threads have been brought into the cancerous console war shitters
Considering the fact that the switch is getting a decent client base, I'd say quite likely. Hold your breath on an import, IMO
I'm pissed I wont get World on the Switch. And I'm allowed to voice that opinion.
Were you pissed that the last 6 years of MH games are not on Vita?
>not already playing it on your 3DS
>brave LS
I don't get it
how do I raise my meter without sakura slash
what's the point of these sheathing attacks
is blue meter that much of a buff
why do I get a shittier adept dodge
This thread started off on the wrong foot.
I'm happy about it, if only because it's enjoyable to laugh at bitter people who would begrudge someone like me who's been playing Monster Hunter since day one who's glad that we're finally getting a game that doesn't look like it came straight out of 2004.
I dont have a Vita. The vita was shit, which is why I got a 3DS, which got the latest MH games.
And now suddenly I wont get the lastest MH game? I never played a MH pre-Nintendo, and I never will. If it eventually comes to Switch, then fine. If not, then fuck it. If they want to betray their loyal userbase then thats on them. We dont have to like it. We dont have to sit with it.
Nintendo and MH was a partnership that worked for all sides. One sold consoles, the other games. If they wanna throw that partnership away to cater to FIFA players, then please go ahead. But I wont stop voicing my displeasure with it.
I'm excited for MHW, since I kinda liked MHFU but dropped it when I unlocked Kushala Daora on the elder (never killed him).
Started emulating it, but I just boot it up, kill a Kut-ku, don't get a monster bone+, and stop playing it.
I guess MH ain't my cup of tea. But I'll always lurk those threads. They're so comfy.
I'm so excited for the changes that they added in MHW. The ability to channel a level 3 charge into the hammer to do bonus damage sounds like the PERFECT improvement to the hammer playstyle.
Kushala is probably one of my most hated monsters. In general I kind of hate status effect monsters, and Kushala is probably the worst one of the lot. I fucking HATE its wind effects, it's just utterly bullshit and insanely unfun.
Just poison it or use a wind resist set.
My thoughts exactly
I fell for that poison meme and went for a lance poison weapon (forgot which one) and I just couldn't keep the poison up after the 2nd or 3rd time. Resistance buildup is brutal and the poison just doesn't last long enough.
Kushala and Chameleos were so fucking frustrating in 2nd gen. They're actually fun in the latest games.
My buyfag friends play Generations and I refuse to play with people online. Not gonna jump over to XX alone despite preferring the solo experience. Hunting with my real friends is too much of a blast, and I probably won't be able to go back to Generations after XX.
But which continent?
Wind resist will make your life a whole lot easier, don't be afraid to build certain sets for different monsters.
>actually liking playing videogames in 240p on a 2 inch screen
Feels like it'd be too slow to catch up with the jumpiness of Kushala. I usually use poison SnS and focus on the head, it should break within two sessions of poison, then the wind stops being a problem
The last batch of monsters I unlocked all tore me a new one. Kushala Daora, Blangonga, Basarios, Rathalos (never killed him, but captured him) and Monoblos. Not on a git gud level like Khezu was, but on a "what the fuck am I supposed to do?" level. That was back then. Now I got into fighting games, and my salt levels are over the charts when I fuck up the spacing.
>If they want to betray their loyal userbase then thats on them.
Yes, they did that in 2011 when they decided to exclusively release their games on Nintendo consoles when they had only supported Sony before Tri.
>Nintendo and MH was a partnership that worked for all sides.
All sides except people who are sick of the same game with the same outdated graphics and mechanics year after year for the last 13 years.
Stay assblasted, friend. Your tears are delicious.
I wasn't aware the breaking the head stops the winds, that's good to know if i had my saves and didn't lose all of them like a fucking chump
what happen?
>What are you hunting?
G Rank Lagiacrus in MH3U for building a certain armor, fuck I hate underwater battles
>What monster would you most like to see make a comeback in World?
Nibelsnarf. Love their design.
>What monster would you keep as a tiny, non lethal pet version of itself?
Deviljho. He'll be like a little garbage disposal
>What does a Demondrug taste like?
probably spicy and like something that would irritate the hell out of your stomach
>What did you name your first Palico?
SD card stopped working for no reason and I didn't have a backup. I had like, 300+ hours in 4U, with GC gear, along with lances for every element and status effects.
It hurts.
I would love to bully a tiny Jho by putting it in a pickle jar
There must be a drawing of this somewhere
Fuck, I had the same problem. So glad it didn't kill my 3U/4U saves and I had only 80 hours in Generation.
Please don't give up on the hunt
>What are you hunting?
nothing atm
>What monster would you most like to see make a comeback in World?
Duramboros for World or we riot
>What monster would you keep as a tiny, non lethal pet version of itself?
>What does a Demondrug taste like?
Angry. I don't know what exactly that means, it just tastes angry
>What did you name your first Palico?
>What are you hunting?
trying to solo Dreadking Rathalos
>What monster would you most like to see make a comeback in World?
(pic related) just for shits and giggles
>What monster would you keep as a tiny, non lethal pet version of itself?
Tetsucabra because I like frogs
>What does a Demondrug taste like?
a bottle of Frank's Red Hot Sauce
>What did you name your first Palico?
I don't remember, but in gen I have a purple palacio named Callie and a green one named Marie
>What are you hunting?
Yian Garuga in Gen
>What monster would you most like to see make a comeback in World?
Deviljho + Qurupeco dream team
>What monster would you keep as a tiny, non lethal pet version of itself?
>What does a Demondrug taste like?
Like redbull mixed with fruit punch creatine powder and spicy rum
>What did you name your first Palico?
Don't remember. Palicos in 4U and Gen were named Lud and Zallen.
I started over fresh in generations and am also playing portable 3rd with my friends. The hunt is never over.
what's the general consensus on the Seltas Queen? I just hunted one for the first time in 4U and I can't remember the last time a monster tilted me this hard.
I think it's because all the monsters I've hunted in the past few hours have been flying wyverns, who all have more or less the same moveset, and Zynogre, who I already knew how to fight from 3U, so she's the first monster in a while with a unique moveset, plus the Seltas running around didn't help.
does everyone have trouble with this bitch? or is it just me being bad?
She's quite tough because of how unique she is, but that's probably why I love her so much.
I love the Seltas species in general but they're a bit too easy to deal with.
I also like that the Hammer is a fucking drill.
As a gunner bro I've never had an issue with this woman. Just keeping distance and dealing with her beta boi when he shows up helps. The charge moves are annoying because of how big she is, but other than that she has tons of breaking parts. You can tear up the legs and face, just be warry when that tail is up and try not to ever go under her. Just keep that seltas away from her, you dont need her to be boosted and flying around.
>What are you hunting?
Little bit of everything.
The woes of making far too many weapons and armor sets.
>What monster would you most like to see make a comeback in World?
>What monster would you keep as a tiny, non lethal pet version of itself?
>What does a Demondrug taste like?
Cherry flavored energy drink.
>What did you name your first Palico?
Imagine being so cucked that you want to pay Nintendo for the privilege of using your internet to play MH online
You have to pay on PS4 too user.
In fact it's more expensive.
you're just bad. HBG with pierce shots completely destroy her
Good thing MHW is also on PC
Which you apparently don't have.
>whining about Nintendo
Telltale signs of someone who only uses a Sony system for vidya.
Favorite monster by far, even though the fight is pretty easy. Bug looks like a tank and the subspecies even has a military theme to its design. What I need next is a Seltas redesign to have him look more like a helicopter so I can finally have my mecha gattai
>when you kill 3 Seltas before the queen in one hunt
I'm just baffled at how Nintendies won't shut up about this issue even though they're all raving on about muh PCtendo all the time. MHW not on Switch should be a non issue.
Nice projection though.
>I'm just baffled at how Nintendies won't shut up
You realise they aren't talking about it right?
They're more pissed about XX not being localized.
I have a pc, ps4, and WiiU. I just hate Nintentoddlers and especially switchfags
>What are you hunting?
Replaying 3U, just killed R.Ludroth. I don't miss swimming at all
>What monster would you most like to see make a comeback in World?
Definitely Rajang. Someone needs to make a hammer blanka ball vs Rajang blanka ball video if he's in
>What monster would you keep as a tiny, non lethal pet version of itself?
That mini Apex Gravios from the 4U DLC was way too adorable. That or Deviljho
>What does a Demondrug taste like?
Like a really thick and spicy protein shake
>What did you name your first Palico?
I never name them, but my tank in 4U was Havel
What's the population size like for 4U compared to Gen? Is it still possible to do early game leveling in it?
That is not what the guy I replied to was complaining about.
Royal ludroth is so much more fun to fight on land, it's not even funny.
He's also a falseflagger if you hadn't noticed
Use a weapon with wide swings to chop up legs. The tells have a long windup. Don't get dunged. Don't bother with trying to mount, capitalize on staggers. Pitfall Trap immune when enraged (if I remember right, Seltas carries her over). Fire is your friend.
Charge Blade is a good choice, especially with KO and wide Axe swings dealing with Seltas. Gunners have it easy until they get burped on by Seltas.
>What are you hunting?
nothing atm. old 3DS is kill and I'm not shelling out for another one maybe the new 2DS but idk
>What monster would you most like to see make a comeback in World?
I'm torn between Barioth and Lagiacrus
>What monster would you keep as a tiny, non lethal pet version of itself?
>What does a Demondrug taste like?
like a not shitty redbull
>What did you name your first Palico?
Eh, I think R. Ludroth becomes more menacing in water, and that makes him put up more of a fight than doing diddly squat on land
>swims past you
>wind press even when HH wind resist encore is up
Feh...nuthin personnel, kiddo
Why the fuck is Gen so hard to get into?
I loved 3U and 4U, but Gen just doesn't sit well with me. Wherever I start playing it, it only makes me wish I was playing one of the prior ones.
Fuck, I just want to have some hunting fun.
I think it's because there's just a bit too many quests.
No Marm
No Buy
Too many quests and an over abundance of choices that don't feel too significant.
Who here /importing the last real MH/ in august?
Will the switch game be a good entrypoint for a newcomer? My PC a shit and my only other gaming gear is the switch. I heard some shittalk about it but that was in a faggotry thread.
Sure, if you speak Japanese.
If you had lengthy MH experience it'd be alright but for your first MH ever I wouldn't recommend a Japanese one.
Try 4U on the 3DS or 3U on the WiiU
>What are you hunting?
Hellblade for powders and random hypers to stock on materials
>What monster would you most like to see make a comeback in World?
I'm a Gen baby so I don't know, but deviants would be nice again, they made Rathalos fun to fight
>What monster would you keep as a tiny, non lethal pet version of itself?
>What does a Demondrug taste like?
Cherry-flavored Monster, maybe Dew
>What did you name your first Palico?
Nikki. I have threee with the same name before I gave up on getting a good one for Prowler
Why are Rust weapons so annoying to get? What is the best way to farm them?.
MH4U came out years ago, why wait until August?
Generations. Get a 3DS, it should give you at least 200 hours and get you familiar with he MH flow
Anyone wanna hunt on MHX? I could use a hand with a Hyper Brachy
If the Switch is the only thing you have access to then go for it but I would recommend 4U over it seeing as the amount of quests in Gens is somewhat overwhelming to a newcomer let alone the amount in XX.
Dude, it's Monhun, you don't exactly need to know nipplish to play it.
Will we be able to romance a Rathalos in Worlds?
If my first MH had been in Jap I wouldn't have enjoyed it much.
You won't be able to read any dialogue whatsoever and it'll be a fucking chore
I'd prefer this glorious hunk of love, just look at those powerful arms and magnificent tail
You need current resist for that, it's a different skill
Probobly not
Capcom never cators to their furry audience : (
I believe the correct term in this instance is 'scalie'
Yeah, uh, actually, Im gonna have to ask you to shut the fuck up. They're the same damn thing.
fuck off guildmarm
RUDE, I just want to get some monster dicking, is that so bad?
The great thing is it at least guarantees you won't have another big monster getting in your way since that slot will be taken up by the little Seltas