7 weeks to go. What is Sup Forums doing to pass the time?
Another Sonic Mania thread
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Fapping. A lot.
I swear if Hydrocity isn't in this.
>7 weeks to go
Whaaat. I thought it was 7 days, pffff.
going fast in strike vector
Figuring out how to fucking run S1&2 .apks on an emulator.
Replaying Anubis demo over and over.
I hope this game have a original final level and not be generic space again.
Space zones are the best. Final Zone should be a Moonbase with low gravity.
Finishing 100% Sonic CD on my old PS3. Never got to beat it, now its time.
It's an interesting game. Shoved with good ideas badly executed.
Why didn't anyone told me about this?
Daily reminder this isn't even finished, what levels do you want to see get MANIAFIED?
I dare some user to finish it, I DARE YA!
Replayed Sonic 1/2/3/knuckles
Sonic and Knuckles really is the best one, when at its worst [Sand level] It's still good, because of the aesthetic and design, boss saves it anyway.
Playing Sonic Time Twisted
actually, Sonic 2 HD on Android do this.
I like to see a Labyrinth revamp with fire gimmicks.
Who will you main?
Ice cap zone
The only correct choice, of course
Labyrinth is probably going to happen, because you go down the hole the first boss creates in Green Hill. I just hope they make it like Hydrocity so you can have speed + puzzles.
>Drop Dash
>Elemental Shield powers
>Super and Hyper Sonic
ice cap can't happen because of MJ and music rights
fuck off Dobson
But Ice Cap wasn't MJ at all. It was 100% Brad Buxer.
Think they're gonna remix Marble Garden? I want it to happen.
But everyone dislikes that zone.
It has potential. A Mayan Zone has only been done once, and that's this. It could be so much more.
I also want Oil Ocean from Sonic 2,
because like MGZ, it has potential.
Mystic Cave is good too.
Imagine some new zones:
>Castle zone
>Japanese forest zone
>Detroit Zone
Circus/Magic Zone...?
Sonic Advance 3 have it.
it's the small things.
Marble Zone isn't that bad
Although replaying it a bunch of times can get old, the level design in it is fine.
spooky zone
I really wish you retards wouldn't call it "Sonic 2 HD" when it clearly isn't in fucking HD
Marble zone being bad is a meme.
Worse than that is people saying Scrap Brain is bad/slow.
special stage are in hd.
>It was 100% Brad Buxer.
More like The Jetzons
I'm sure Bruce Connole had a hand in "Hard Times" too
We already have
>Flying battery:S&K
>Stardust highway:Sonic CD
>Green hill:Sonic 1
>Chemical plant:Sonic 2
Assuming its just 1 stage per franchise,lets be honest the stage that will represent sonic 3 will be Ice cap zone,but who knows,dont lose your hope user
Yeah fucking plebs
It's only the last act of Marble that's truely bad, and even then it's not really bad. I can see how it would be disappointing right after Green Hill though. It would have helped to have had a zone like Spring Yard in between.
That said, Marble Zone has great music, and I hope the zone gets redeemed through a remix in Mania.
No they fucking aren't
They are
Yeah, I know, Toy Kingdom, but I mean like. A Big Top Circus. You know, with cannons and tightropes and things like that. A Miniboss could be a mechanical elephant... just think of the possibilities.
If you think 240p upscaled is HD than sure
Pretty sure we already know that there's two from each game.
>he doesn't know
They are not in HD you retard.
What does Sonic Team think of Sonic Mania? Do they support it?
bitter, probably.
You seem a bit behind.
I swear this fucker's videos have been getting spammed to me lately by Youtube ever since his Knuckles' Chaotix video. I appreciate his autism.
It's not like Sonic Forces will sell badly though, it includes a character creator so it'll probably sell better than Generations.
>Not knowing the legendary Cybershell
Newfag detected
they ARE
Spoonfeed me, please.
I hope they have Shadow in it in some way shape or form, I always wanted to see him in the old 2D Sonic style.
Watch his old let's plays
He was the OG Sonic let's player
He's back from the days of Somethingawful forums when LP's first started appearing on the internet.
I don't know how I missed him back then, I can't stand watching Let's Plays now but he probably would've been a nice contrast to SonikDude101 & Chuggaa or some shit for me back then. I hope he makes more videos like his current ones though, he makes some nice Sonic shit.
post yfw Team Hooligan is going to be the boss of Mirage Saloon
I forgot all about this dude.
Anyways I recommend watching those Sonic 1-3&K(and his Knuckles playthrough) LP's by Cybershell...they're fucking glorious...especially the cunt-o-meter/badnik watch gimmick. And the last part of his Knuckles playthrough is just one giant video lasting an hour covering from Carnival Night to Sky Sanctuary especially is fucking legendary(pic related is relevant).
what the fuck was not expecting that cunt-o-meter
jesus christ
top kek
Real talk. Replayed all Sonic games. The worst one, by far, is 3. None of the levels are good. Icecap is interesting only because of music and snow, snow is always top tier.
>Real talk.
>The worst one, by far, is 3.
I disagree, I find it to be the best.
Forgot about Hydrocity. APART from hydrocity, 3 is terrible
Is it like common for kids to think Nintendo owns Sonic now or something?
You can shit on 3 all you want now, at least you have great tastes on what the best zone is.
Sonic 1 is the worst sonic game
am I a bad person for not knowing half of these? is there some kind of video showing all secrets to most sonic games? FUCK
>Is it like common for kids to think Nintendo owns Sonic now or something?
Most of them are probably retarded beaners who are known for their diehard fanboyism/stupidity
Every stage in Sonic 3 is a joy. Can't say the same for K.
Sonic 1 is still good. It just has early installment syndrome.
Are you fucking retarded? Have you never played Sonic '06? Shadow? Unleashed? Black Knight? Sonic 4?
It's the second best sonic game after Sonic 3K
>separating 3 from K
I hate you people
Crash in the meantime.
Damn you must really hate SEGA then
Give me another more iconic Sonic song. I'LL WAIT. YOU FUCK. YOU STUPID FUCK.
Those games never existed, user.
>tfw the best version of Sonic 2 is trapped on mobile
Seriously is there no way to play it else where?
So does the Sonic 1 remake.
>Japanese name: Rava
Would you take more characters if they were just palette swaps? IE no new abilities
I'm gonna mess around in HedgePhysics, researching ways to make playable shitposts.
Nah, Iizuka's REAL ideal game would be this but with a Goal Ring in the middle you can never reach.
Oh but they did
Wait until he gets his revenge on Lava in Lava Reef Zone.
>that episode where he absolutely savages the plebs who couldn't get past the Carnival Night barrel
People get triggered by it to this day.
How do you figure? The boost pads, if anything, should immediately route you to the goal, not keep you from it.
3D sections should be like the webm but very brief, followed by an overly long 2D section with blocks to jump on and then Wisps everywhere.
He can't keep getting away with it.
Who is your favorite character and why?
Do I even need to say it?