
I really want to like this game, but the AI is so brain dead stupid

Like any Parajews game then

Is there such a thing as a strategy game with good AI?

Just play Endless Space 2.

Give example

no, gittin gud in these types of games literally boils down to, how can I exploit the ai

The AI could stand to really use work. However, I will say that Paradox has done a pretty decent job at updating the game. They just need to quit being jews about DLC/portraits. Stellaris to me feels like a 7/10 that I can play for a whole day like Civ or something. Plus it has Dwarf Fortress references!

AI War Fleet Command?

Recently got into a war, the enemy AI defeated my fleet, surrounded one of my colonies. But before hand I had managed to intercept its invasion Army in another system and destroyed it.

So the AI literally sat over this colony for 30 years while I rebuilt my fleet. Not moving, not trying to destroy my other fleet bases. Just sitting there. I returned to the system, wiped them out and won the war.

Endless Space 2 is like the definition of style over substance. that still makes it better than Stellaris which has neither, but damn.

>style over substance
That's Amplitude. Go play Aurora 4X or Distant Worlds if you want substance.

Just like any singleplayer strategy game. If you want to think you either play multiplayer or puzzle games.

Is the Utopia DLC worth it? The reviews seem pretty mixed.

>Stellaris multiplayer
Just spam T1 corvettes :^)

To be fair, this does apply to SP too in a sense, but now you are at least allowed to think what moves might be good from roleplaying perspective

I'd say it is. After that, you can get the mods for expanded/merged traditions and it adds a little bit more depth.

Oh come on.


>Got declared war on by two AI empires with much larger fleets than mine.
>Destroy one enemy wormhole station
>FLEET.EXE has stopped responding
>an entire empires ships just stop moving despite having plenty of wormholes stations
>other ai's fleet ends up in an eternal staring contest with a lvl 1 spaceport

Kind of takes the fun out of exterminating a species when they dont even attempt to resist you.

There's not much, I agree. But choosing your traditions can hold a little depth and affect your game play style. I try to see the silver lining in every cloud, user.

>worth it
Worth to have? Yes. To buy? Hell no.
Never EVER buy DLC from Paradox. Just buy the base game and pirate the DLCs
They're jews to the core.

Got patched out by now, but for a long time the AI would randomly terraform planets just for the sake of it. Even if that meant the planet would be worse for their species/the species living on it.

Some ascensions are really lacklusting (synth/bio)
Only Transcendence is fleshed out

Game needs more events,ship variety

Wish we had decision system from CK2 or smth like that.At least some complexity

AOE2. I think in HD the hard AI doesn't cheat but is still challenging unless you're pro.

Isn't that from a mod? Besides who cares how many QUIRKY events the game has, I want good AI and better roleplay opportunities.

I agree with you. So far the ISBS combat balanced mod has made the in game fights a little more balanced/realistic. We'll just have to wait on the AI thing, I agree that it's in a crummy spot right now.

Ship AI is also awful. Say, plasma weapons are better against heavily shielded ships than phasers are because of the way AI works which is just fucking ridiculous

so is it just me or does the AI opponents not have cool down after their FTL jumps? I swear no matter the type of ftl they have or fleet size they just get up and go after 10 days while your fleet has 45 days of cool down.

The AI is pretty shit, but I like the custom empires, can roleplay a bit with it. It has potential to be my favorite Dark Souls-like, just needs some more content.


Custom start/scenario where you start with prebuild empire/borders when?


Yeah, SC2's AI is quite good as well, but RTS isn't particularly comparable to grand strategy.

Nah, it's pretty bad. It does "a little bit of everything" kind of builds that are blind hard countered by ANY committed strategy (because it spends a lot of resources teching up, it loses against rushes, and because it recruits a lot of troops, the tech comes late and economy gets behind).

To its credit, it manages to spend its gold (that alone puts it above some players) and it doesn't really forget about its units or get them stuck or anything of the sort (like ), but it "just builds stuff" without any strategical sense or counterplay and doesn't employ even the most rudimentary micro. It's less glitchy, but strategically and tactically it doesn't stand out in any way, it's the same "plays seemingly by random" as most other games.