Dragon Ball FighterZ

>[1] Piccolo
>[2] 18
>[3] Kid Buu
>[4] Broly
>[5] Krilin
>[6] Vegito
>[7] Beerus
>[8] Janemba
>[9] Ultimate Gohan
>[10] Gotenks

Do your work, anons.


He's going to job so fucking hard in the tournament isn't he?
He'll do fine against the B-listers but when it's time to go up against Jiren he'll get his shit completely wrecked just to prove how hard it's going to be for Cuckarot to beat him

How would you all feel about a roster similar to Budokai 1?

Probably not as bad as Gohan.

Do you mean size-wise? That's probably what we're going to get.

too small for a 3v3 tag fighter, a few uninteresting choices (nappa, raditz have very little to offer, I like 16's design but he doesn't really do anything interesting and 17/18 are unfortunately very popular)

we won't get the entire ginyu force because we're a sinful species that doesn't deserve nice things

No Great Saiyaman, no buy.

I'l love it. 21 is the perfect starting size for a 3v3. Guys like 19 and Zarbon will likely be replace with more relevant characters.

Seriously, why don't they just call it the Goku & Friends Show and have done with it already?

Gotenks,mystic gohan and vegito are pretty much a given.

On the less probable side I'd want bardock, cooler, tien and gogeta

I want Broly in, thats all i ask

>46 - Tao Pai Pai

You know what to do.

downvoting all the super shit

>mystic gohan and vegito are pretty much a given
You know there won't be variants of any kind for any character right? The Gohan in the game now is the only Gohan you're getting and fusions of existing characters won't be a thing. Gotenks has a decent shot though.


Get rid of dodoria recoome and 16 forsure
Possibly Raditz and Nappa need to go too

My ideal roster already exists, just replace SSJ3 Goku with whoever you want, or more likely Beerus, Or Yajirobe

Cooler and Bardock would just be Frieza and Goku clones. Why waste the slots?

Nappa can stay if Broly is not in the base game which is likely.

>Goku clone
You never played any Dragon Ball game, right?

nigga replace fucking supreme kai too and why is vegeta way in the corner on this shot with trunks dead center???

you people make me sick

>No Garlic Jr

Shit list.


I would rather stand alone Black over merged Zamasu

What are the chances of those what-if transformations and fusions you see in Heroes and the old Budokai games as DLC characters?

Eventhubs Poll:

1. Piccolo: 601 votes / 6.5%
2. Android 18: 565 votes / 6.1%
3. Broly: 506 votes / 5.4%
4. Beerus: 381 votes / 4.1%
5. Krillin: 343 votes / 3.7%
6. Android 17: 340 votes / 3.7%
7. Tien: 318 votes / 3.4%
8. Gotenks: 315 votes / 3.4%
9. Kid Buu: 279 votes / 3.0%
10. Hit: 273 votes / 2.9%
11. Goku Black: 260 votes / 2.8%
12. Master Roshi: 255 votes / 2.7%
13. Bardock: 240 votes / 2.6%
14. Vegito: 228 votes / 2.5%
15. Great Saiyaman/Adult Gohan: 227 votes / 2.4%
16. Hercule: 219 votes / 2.4%
17. Cooler: 213 votes / 2.3%
18. Yamcha: 201 votes / 2.2%
19. Super Buu: 188 votes / 2.0%
20. Captain Ginyu: 186 votes / 2.0%
21. Gogeta: 180 votes / 1.9%
22. Nappa: 179 votes / 1.9%
23. Android 16: 178 votes / 1.9%
24. Videl: 170 votes / 1.8%
25. Caulifla: 165 votes / 1.8%
26. Janemba: 151 votes / 1.6%
27. Pikkon: 148 votes / 1.6%
28. Dabura: 129 votes / 1.4%
29. Radditz: 120 votes / 1.3%
30. Kale: 115 votes / 1.2%
31. Whis: 106 votes / 1.1%
32. Zamasu: 102 votes / 1.1%
33. Mr. Popo: 98 votes / 1.1%
34. Uub: 94 votes / 1.0%
35. Goten: 81 votes / 0.9%
36. General Tao: 74 votes / 0.8%
37. Zarbon: 74 votes / 0.8%
38. Yajirobe: 65 votes / 0.7%
39. Recoome: 64 votes / 0.7%
40. Jiren: 56 votes / 0.6%
41. Garlic Jr.: 55 votes / 0.6%
42. Burter: 55 votes / 0.6%
43. Tapion: 54 votes / 0.6%
44. Supreme Kai: 53 votes / 0.6%
45. Android 20/Dr. Gero: 53 votes / 0.6%
46. kid Trunks: 50 votes / 0.5%
47. Jeice: 48 votes / 0.5%
48. Android 19: 43 votes / 0.5%
49. Cabba: 40 votes / 0.4%
50. King Cold: 39 votes / 0.4%
51. Chiaotzu: 38 votes / 0.4%
52. Vados: 36 votes / 0.4%
53. Evil Buu (Grey): 26 votes / 0.3%
54. Guldo: 26 votes / 0.3%
55. Frost: 26 votes / 0.3%
56. Babidi: 21 votes / 0.2%
57. Oozaru: 20 votes / 0.2%
58. Bergamo: 19 votes / 0.2%
59. Cell Jr.: 16 votes / 0.2%
60. Champa: 16 votes / 0.2%

We can't make piccolo any higher than 1 user what do you want from us?

Take out SS3 Goku, Goten, Trunks Jr. and Recoome, Ginyu is enough.
As much as I like Tien, if the space is limited I'd rather replace him with someone more unique.
Add Bardock, Broly, Janemba and maybe Bojack.

doubt it, but we'll see

Saying variants won't exist makes sense for goku's various transformations. Teen Gohan and Mystic Gohan are completely different characters with different movesets



They have completely different fighting styles and cooler has a completely different form compared to frieza.


Really? I didn't think he'd be popular enough to make a list like this.

>All that Champa hate

At least Vados is doing even worse...

I kinda want C-17 or Super C-17, even C-13

Hit will be the biggest jobber this tournament. He will lose to Vegeta to show how much stronger the latter got, and then Vegeta will lose to Jiren, or Hit will lose to Jiren, since Jiren introduction was him being fast as fuck.

Aside from the givens(Piccolo, 18, Krillin) I just want Ginyu and Super Buu

All I know about Janemba was that he used to be a fat fuck and he had that cool ass glass shard super in the PSP game.

>people downvoting main cast
What the fuck?

Janemba is one of the more unique move villains and has a unique moveset so I'm not surprised.

>Best Villian not even on the list

Being a Super Buu fan is suffering.

>Goku/Vegeta reskins rated higher over actually different characters

This poll is shit

>there won't be variants of any kind for any character
I love this statement without a source

Vegeta will shit on the alt saiyans aside from FemBroly, who he'll double team with Goku or Picollo if they use the Special Beam Cannon. As for Jihren, I think he'll just keep getting up akin to his fight against Kid Buu.

Probably because they're guaranteed anyway and they want their favourite obscure characters as high as possible.

>Special Beam Cannon
I don't think that's going to be used here.
In fact I don't know why he was going to use it on frost, that move isn't something you hit someone with expecting them to live.

>whis at 31

I just wanted to play the boi pucci

This list is fucking awful why is kid goku so low but shit like blue vegeta and goku, vegito, goku black, bardock so high? Super niggers should be gassed.

Who's the joke char gonna be? They have to have one, and I will main them as is tradition in my family.


Hopefully, she's top tier

You sound like a pleb

Arale isn't a joke though, I mean someone like adult gohan, with no redeeming traits.

>Launch not even on the list

I expected this but it still hurts.

Obviously Satan Hercule

>too small for a 3v3 tag fighter,
With the GG style it is not going to be much over 20 at a push, even with simpler characters

Well people think Yamcha is actually going to make it, so probably him.

Jesus I hate Brolyfags so much

>piccolo at number 1
I hope we can agree that he deserves it

oh yeah I actually forgot about mr satan.
yamcha's a cool cat though, he did stuff at one point in time, just like yajirobe. Adult gohan though? Never did shit. Even the ultimate power of the mystic sword wasn't good enough compared to his dad.

I was only referring to blue vegeta and goku and goki black. Bardock and vegito are just waste of slots. Only fusion character that deserves to be in is gotrnks.

>Blueku and Bluegeta over Kid Goku
Superfags really are cancer

Will he have his iconic pose?

Only bad picks there would be Dodoria, Zarbon, 19 and Raditz

They lack fights and aren't that well liked

Downvoted all Super characters.

>ultimate gohan
>version of a character that only existed for 1 month and never defeated anyone with its completely unearned and bullshit power

Literally the worst version of any character in the history of db. He is the classic mmo scrub with p2w armors and weapons that ends losing the game and then drops the game after wasting thousands on it.

Beerus, SSJ Blue for both Goku and Vegeta, SSJ Rose, Piccolo, Android 18, Kid Buu, Vegito, Krillin and Roshi.
For everything's that is holy do not put in game Great Sayaman, Hercule, Caulifla, Kale, Omniking, Zamasu, Popo, Yajirobe, Arale or Gogeta. Idgaf about the rest.

>wants the blues in over characters with different fighting styles
Fuck off

I FUCKING hate super cucks

FUCK you

>Bardock and vegito
>wasted slots
You know, I'm getting the feeling that anti super fags are just anti Z fags that just "moved up"

Trunks adult ( who's been announced already ), Piccolo, 18, Krillin, Adult Gohan and Gotenks are 100% guaranteed to be in the game, I mean they're the main fighters and have been in pretty much every DBZ fighting game. Maybe add Majin Vegeta to the list because he's been in every game, sometimes replacing normal Vegeta because he has an unique move list, and they love clones in fighting games so there you go, 2 Vegetas.
Mr. Satan has been the joke character in basically every single DBZ game, so let's assume he's in.
Broly is extremly popular in USA and Japan, so there's a huge chance for him to be in.
Kid buu is a main villain, and has been in a lot of games since the SNES.

>Zarbon is more popular than the Ginyu force

B-but double sunday...


*muffled autistic screeching from the attic*
I'm so glad to see faggots like you getting triggered. Deal with it autismo, Super did not fail as you wanted.

Adult gohan should be in his world tournament outfit if he gets in. That way it pleases both saiyaman fags and adult gohanfags.

>version of a character that only existed for 1 month and never defeated anyone with its completely unearned and bullshit power
Reminds me of Vegito.

>He Doesn't know how Arc works with games in their engine
19 not 17

This is the real list

>Future Bulma
>21st Budokai ChiChi
>Maron from the filler

>Beerus, SSJB, SSJR
Superfags NEEEEED to gas themselves, jesus fuck.

Double sunday doesn't have anything to do with 17 and 18, user, he's talking about one of Radditz' attacks.

why do people like piccolo
he doesnt even have a dick
he's a fucking eunuch

Missing loli Chi-Chi

Those are the only females this game should have, and Lunch is already a never ever, and Arale feels like she's possible, but I'm not sure.

Here's your final boss, ningen.

>there will never be an arc where Vegeta defeat the big bad

Gohan has
Trunks has
Why can't Vegeta have his time to shine? His sacrifice against Majin Buu was great but it was completely useless.

looks like someone needs his daily dose

Double irrelevancy.

I could see

Maybe Pan if they add GT

There's no way for Lunch

I really hope arale gets in it'd trigger so many people and I'm not sure why vecause dr slump is better than DB not to mention she's the canonically strongest female in the db universe.

Vegeta killed the whole Ginyu Force.

He did though, he got himself crushed under ape Gohan in the saiyan arc


>anyone BUT Beerus being the final boss of arcade mode

Merged Zamasu is small time

because tori hates vegeta
he wanted to leave him dead on namek but he was scared of the backlash since he became very popular

Vegito sells merch, Ultimate Gohan not nearly as much.


>Trunks has
No he hasn't.

Merged Zamasu is a lot more threatening and more fitting of the thematic than Beerus is.
Beerus will be this game's Slayer.

Merged Zamasu could probably play like some mixture of Justice and Dizzy, make him as bullshit as Missing Link Justice if he's final boss too.

please arcsys