What the fuck is this? It seems like something I'd like. Is it really a successful "Roguevania" like the trailer says or is that just a cringy ass word they slapped on it to sell? Seems to get good reviews. It looks kinda nice too, except I hate when pixely graphics have soft lighting.
What the fuck is this? It seems like something I'd like...
This is my favorite game i picked up during the sale, and i haven't played "Roguevania" type games in a long time.
It's a lot of fun, really good combat system, solid art. The game is polished pretty well so all it lacks now is content which is coming incrementally in the future.
I didn't really like Rogue Legacy honestly, would I like this? What I mostly didn't like was that it was "grindy". I don't like playing the first level over and over again just to get currency to buy stuff outside of the game to make the first level easier and easier. I didn't like it in Necrodancer either, and Gungeon has a hint of it I don't like.
I'm more into Binding of Issac where you need to actually complete the game before you start really unlocking stuff that might appear in runs later.
You won't like it then. Every enemy drops things called "cells" to unlocked upgrades. And you'll be replaying the first for levels a lot
just another gameplay-scam with enemy scaling.
Well how long are the first levels? That was also my problem with Rogue Legacy and Gungeon. If you fuck up, you have to go through a setting that's already boring and it takes forever just to get to the part you're ready to die again. Binding of Issac levels got longer and longer and you could complete the first two in like a couple minutes each.
>Early Access Game
I'd wait although I want to get it already
I like enemy scaling. It reminds me of games that didn't have "RPG elements" and the enemies only got easier when you actually got better.
>It seems like something I'd like.
then go play it.
As big as my backlog is and I find myself wondering if it's worth my time to play games I already own, I actually don't own this one yet.
Around 2-6 minutes depending on skill
Add cloud saves to your game first and I'll consider it
I might check it out, maybe wait for 50% off instead though. It seems to be doing a lot of stuff I don't like, I'm not crazy about item shops before runs, but maybe this will be different. The videos of the game makes it look cool.
They comissioned new cover art instead.
They said it will cost more when they get more content, so you will wait for 50% off. It's early access
Well they'd be retarded to raise it above $20 so I hope they mean it would only be $3 more.
>only 15% off
>early access
I don't care how good it is or looks I'm not buying until one of those changes.
It is a 20% done rogue-lite in the vain of rogue legacy.
But somehow still really solid. I wonder what it will be like once it is finished.
You guys really should buy monolith tough, Who the hell doesn't like bullet hell and cute ships?
It's pretty fucking fun and well worth the fifteen bucks they're asking for it. Even though it's early access it's already pretty damn robust and full of content. Try it out, it's great.