>a new era of gaming starts with real time 3D graphics becoming huge
>Kojima sees a potential and wants to try this shit out
>what better way than to resurrect your most successful franchise
>be really passionate and motivated, put all your love and care in your project
>produce almost a masterpiece, not a work of art, but like a really great mainstream movie that becomes a classic it's a game that everyone will remember for decades

>want to try yourself in new projects, because you have a fuck ton of nice ideas
>forced by your superiors to work on a sequel for your past massive hit instead
>okay, just fuck around for a bit, copy paste some shit, make it as appealing to a wider crowd as possible, including schoolgirls
>produce a great game that builds upon and expands gamepleay elements from the previous game nevertheless

>realize you're gonna have to milk that cow for some more
>decide to bring something fresh and expand the backstory of a character from previous games that you really like to keep yourself motivated
>it turns out a great, fun and memorable game with a huge variety of interesting gameplay mechanics, built upon acheivements of the previous games and your experience throughout the years
>it's a huge hit getting 9's and 10's across multiple big gaming magazines
>feel satisfied that you got to work on something relatively new and produce a game you care about once again

>feel irritated but have no choice because yakuza will murder your whole family if you say no
>slap most reatarded shit possible and a lot of fan service together and call it a day


>I want to be a Hollywood director
>waste budget left and right
>don't really care about it in the slightest, might as well use it as a chance to creep on some qt amateur actress and meet Keef
>Jewnami gets nervous and puts your project on a halt
>superiors get really mad but can't do anything but blame it on themselves and poor management
>decide to fire you
>thank FUCK it's fucking over I don't give a shit if you lock me up, fuck VGA, fuck all of this, I am just happy it's fucking O V E R

tl;dr -- MGS3 is objectively best in the series

>slap most reatarded shit possible and a lot of fan service together and call it a day
I don't think this is what happened but it is true that he just wanted to see this series to an end with this one. You can clearly see it with everything that was happening. Nothing was truely innovative in terms of story telling. It was mostly just "i have to keep it in the same vein i can't deviate too much" rehashing.
It did produce a game with some of the best moments in gaming history period.

With MGSV it seemed like he already knew he was going to tear off that Konami leech.

>SNATCHER 2 never

Kojima is a talentless hack who has no idea about videogames and who's only legacy is forcing the cancerous idea that plot in videogames is important.
Yet another developer that, if you could travel back in time and prevent his birth, the industry would be infinitely better.

You haven't played a single MGS game have you?
You're just parroting shit literal retards and contrarian spout on Sup Forums.
Outherwise you would see that gameplay was always the main focus, even in the worst MGS titles.

>inb4 b-b-b-b-b-b-but 9000 hours of cutscenes in MGS4

And yet it shits on majority of games released during its generation gameplay-wise.

What gameplay?
The mediocre stealth mechanics?
Or the shooting mechanics which, up until MGS4, were by far the worst ones in any videogame ever?
Sneak through corridors, and have all these weapons that you shouldn't use.

MGS is a fucking joke.

When I said you haven't played the games I was memeing, but now I think you really havent.

>mediocre stealth mechanics
Heard that a thousand times and it's still a dumb argument. Comparing it to Splinter Cell (which is what I assume you were going to do) is a huge mistake. SC is a pure stealth series, while MGS is more of an action game with stealth elements -- it has boss battles and doesn't really punish you that much for going lethal/loud to an extent. So the gameplay value comes not from how great and realistic stealth is, but from combination of all of the mechanics.

>This guy will direct the MGS movie.
Tell me how sad are you.

I don't give two fucks about this movie. I probably won't watch it even for laughs.

Actually Kong was well directed and with interesting style, coming from a blockbuster movie.

The director is a huge weeaboo and love the video games for real, so it's a plus.

I played all of them except MG2.
I kept forcing myself because people everywhere claimed they were good.
Turns out they have an obnoxious focus on a story that feels written by an edgy 10 year old weabo.
And then the worst shooting mechanics, along with the fact that MGS1 and 2, for some reason, have a fixed camera.
I have absolutely no idea what the fuck he was thinking when he made these two games, but i'm glad the MGS franchise is finally dead.
Shame it's a little too late.

Good, the idea of videogame movies needs to be buried.

>love the video games for real,
Every single director who makes a videogame movie says this.

This is a director who put Kaneda's jacked in John C. Reilly's character, and designed the lizards with Cubone in mind.

He's a fucking weeaboo, pretty sure he likes something so entry-level like MGS

why is PW so hated?

it's a great handheld game with tons of content, and probably one of the best supporting casts


That's not how you bury videogames movies user. That's just making a bad movie about something that could be a really good story.

it's the power of nu-Sup Forums

He didn't even wanna make 4. It was supposed to be nothing but a consulting role for him. He only got pulled in halfway through.
Which is everything anybody needs to know about the quality of the game

>what gameplay

lmao you've never played MGS.

So fucking what?
Warcraft's director was also an actual fan of the game, and the movie was a massive turd.

MGS already has a terrible story.
You think a videogame movie will do better?

> I have absolutely no idea what the fuck he was thinking when he made these two games, but i'm glad the MGS franchise is finally dead.
Shame it's a little too late.

aren't you a bit petty and spiteful, user? : ^ )

I personally love it but I guess because a lot of people played it on the HD collection first and were fucking retarded and didn't realize it's a portable game?

Yes, I am pretty angry at people who damage videogames.

Msg 1-3 had Fukushima as a writer, the rest did not. There's a reason they're shitty stories

> MGS already has a terrible story.

elaborate pls user, you seem like a huge expert of this topic

This meme that kojima is somehow forced to make MGS sequels is not consistent with reality because

>If he didn't care, he would've given people what they wanted with 2, PW and 5 instead of trying to do his own thing
>He actively came back to work on peace walker halfway through development instead of letting it be developed without him because he's an egotistical fuck and felt "the team wasn't getting the theme of nuclear deterrence he wanted" (which lead to an end product with someone named hot coldman)
>Even with MGS2, which snakesoup brokebrains try to paint as kojima actively rebelling for being asked to make a sequel, is a fake ass narrative destroyed by the MGS2 Grand Game Plan
>Lastly if he really hated it he could just refuse. He's just the ideas guy that gets to spend his time masturbating to the female models they hire for all the needlessly sexualized roles while taking pictures of burgers. Not one of the code monkeys working 20 hour days.

"Fukushima wrote the only good things in Metal Gear" meme needs to die

there is no concrete evidence to that, for all we know Kojimbo might have just lost passion

then play the games, instead of just reciting memes you've read on Sup Forums

>there is no concrete evidence to that
I agree that people overstate it if they believe that kojima didn't come up with any great ideas in MGS1-3, but fukushima is proven to be a legit writer because of ghost babel

> Gray Fox calling himself "Deepthroat is alright, but a character named "Hot Coldman" is too silly

>story sacrifices it's own plot for the "message"
>every single stance of character development happens off screen, the biggest example being Big Boss downfall, which got 3 games, and yet it didn't show anything because Kojima is simply incapable of writing such a story
>despite all his focus on the messages, completely do a 180 turn in MGS4 and try to force everyone to be a simple story
>even though it has explanations such as Liquid rusing himself into thinking he was Ocelot
>your MGS3 codec team are the fucking illuminati because Kojima had to justify MGS3's existence
>Big Boss comes back from the dead a third time to explain what the fuck happened throughout an entire game and then die again
>everything about Sunny
>everything about Raiden
>everything about Rose
>Peace Walker in it's entirety

The only thing Fukushima did was help with codec calls, which is why after MGS3 the codec had so little presence.

I have.
The only influence of MGS is forcing the cancerous idea that story is important in videogames.
It's not, and even worse, it's a terrible story.

OP here. I did like it. I like all MGS titles in one way or another. Even Portable Ops.

that's only MGS4

"Deepthroat" is a reference to a famous informant, which works as a gag because the character informs you that you're about to run into traps. It's also a fucking alias.

Hot Coldman is someones real fucking name, something they chose because IT'S TWO THINGS THAT ARE POLAR OPPOSITES LOL GET IT

MGS2 is encompased in the first sentence.
The entire plot is nothing but one cheap plot twist after another and has an overall terrible story, which MGS autists think it's fine because muh Kojima predicted le SJWs.

>Story doesnt matter
jesus christ
not all games must be "kill kill kill"
fuck off

>he doesn't know about how Kojima got so angry about people not doing exactly what he wanted when creating MG1 that he made an entire engine himself so he could do exactly what he wanted in Snatcher

And Sup Forums would be better if you were never born.

What's the point of forcing the idea that story matters when the only stories videogames tell are absolute trash?
Why would I want any kind of story in an industry where pieces of shit like MGS or Mass Effect are considered to be well written?

The "message" of mgs2 is that how you were raised and the information (or memes) handed down to you shape who you are.

How does the plot get sacrificed for this message?

You are an idiot, Kojima is literally a code monkey and fine-tuned MGSVs controls to his own preference

Because it's nothing but twist after twist after twist.
It sacrifices everything, the story doesn't make any sense and it's awfully written.
Even fucking Solid Snake tells you to not pay attention to the story, because there's nothing in the story itself.
That's the proof of a talentless hacks right there.

> The entire plot is nothing but one cheap plot twist after another and has an overall terrible story, which MGS autists think it's fine because muh Kojima predicted le SJWs.

it's not just about SJWs lol
where did you even get that ?

From people spamming the speech of the Colonel AI about how people tend to isolate themselves and live in their own bubbles.

And no, the story itself is not about anything, it doesn't make any sense.
If you take away the stupid message of the game, you are left with a bunch of nothingness.

> Because it's nothing but twist after twist after twist.

so what qualifies as good writing to you, user?

"How does the plot get sacrificed"
>It sacrifices everything

Good answer. Maybe the story doesn't make sense because you're a moron

>>waste budget left and right
>even if the budget was not as big as MGS4
>even if good part of that was made to create the best engine they ever had
>even if the game made 5 times the budget in the first day

>the story doesn't make any sense
its been 17 years, how are people still this stupid?

the story didn't make sense when I was 11 years old, is there something you want to tell us user?

You are genuinely retarded if you didn't get the story in mgs2. There are people like that on here though.

MGS2's actual story (not themes or excuses to make gimmicky video game moments) is about raiden dealing with his past and moving past it to go have kids with his annoying girlfriend or something.

I dunno what part of that doesn't make sense


He was confirmed as the director in 2005 and the game came out in 2008, I remember it clearly.

A story that's capable of talking about certain themes without going full retard.

Kojima is absolute laughable in that.

>the game's theme is revenge and the pain that comes from the loss of something
>every single line of dialogue in the game has the words "revenge" and "phantom pain" in them

>game's theme is peace
>word "peace" is in every single dialogue in the game

>Kojima wants to reference Moby Dick
>instead of writing a story about a guy who goes on revenge and loses everything, the dumb fuck calls the main character Ahab, another guy Ishmael, calls your transport Pequod and puts a flying whale in the game

Kojima doesn't even write anything, he just takes bits of movies and books he has read lately and forces them into the game.
There's not a single decent original idea in any of his games, everything is straight up stolen from somewhere else.

>From people spamming the speech of the Colonel AI about how people tend to isolate themselves and live in their own bubbles.


it's not just about SJWs or echo chamber forum, it's the tendency of humans themselves to flock into groups which favor their opinions and shut out reality

> If you take away the stupid message of the game, you are left with a bunch of nothingness.

what about the fact that you outright help the Illuminati throughout the whole game and the end by killing Solidus?

what about Raiden's character development

The reason why MGS became more shit isn't because of lack of passionate or whatever, it's because Kojima gained more control and had more freedom. MGS 1-3 were great because there was a lot of talented people and a lot of give and take. Kojima became such a ego maniac and assumed control over everything so he didn't have other people with power to filter out his ridiculously stupid/pointless ideas. It's classic George Lucas Syndrome.

>And no, the story itself is not about anything, it doesn't make any sense.
user, I think you are just stupid. Maybe you should just stick with simple plots from now on.

In response to a chain of comments talking about MGS2, why did you suddenly bring up peace walker and MGS5, games that came out a decade later that people generally dislike the writing of.

You were talking about good writing, and i'm carefully explaining why Kojima is not a good writer.
He's a thief, he steals bits of plot from other, actually well made media.
And sometimes not even that, he's autistical obsession with Escape from NY it's just embarassing.

>MGS 1-3 were great
No they were not, they were movie games with terrible stories.
The only good thing MGS has done is dying.

user, you can't just copy Mr. Plinkett's arguments and extrapolate them to everything. Where are you getting this information from?

>MGS2's writing is bad
>Why do you say that
>Became this completely unrelated game sucks


>He's a thief, he steals bits of plot from other, actually well made media.
Read hero with a thousand faces you fuckin pseudo-intellectual motherfucker

Oh yeah, MGS2 is so complex, it's so deep, it has so many things going on.
Let's just hope whatever next turd Kojima shits out is the last one.

No it actually isn't that complex or deep you are just so stupid you can't understand it and have to stick with very simple plots.

>Recycled Tank and Helicopter bosses
>very small maps
>removed stealth mechanics for no reasons like crawling
>Grinding for everything
>stupid, stupid story
>Dumb characters that are just shittier version of past characters
It's good for a portable but when they ported it to console it took the lens off and really made the faults stand out.

Not as much as the autismal MGS community who has spent years speculating and obsessing about a story that not even it's writer understands.

All of MGSV's pre-launch hype is the embodiment of how laughable the plot of MGS is.
All you did was wonder who Venom really was.
That's it.

This is what the videogame industry has to offer regarding plots?
Why the fuck would anyone want this shit?

You have legitimate retardation user

>he steals bits of plot from other
its impossible to CREATE a new plot because there are only 7 possible ways of stories to tell

that argument is irrelevant

if you though about something some one 1000 years ago though about the same thing

Why are you even in this thread?

>Dumb characters that are just shittier version of past characters


Well, for starters, you could not steal your character design from Escape from NY, you could not steal the theme of your third game from James Bond, you could not force cheap, braindead references to Moby Dick for no reason at all in the 5th game.

After 20 years, someone would have expected some kind of original idea from such a praised piece of crap.

Constantly talking about MGS5 when people are asking you to explain why MGS2 is bad (under some vauge argument of "kojima made something bad an entire generation of humans later so he sucked all along") outs you as either some sort of schizo or just baiting.

You're not getting a (you), and I'm not gonna respond to anything else you post.

tone down the salt you fucking autist lol

>You're not getting a (you),
Holy fuck, did Reddit actually manage to succesfully force this terrible meme?

PW is not an MGS, it's a hunter game made for literal children.

It's unbelievable that fucking portable ops, a game that was shat out single player content for an originally multiplayer only game that wasn't even part of the MGS lisence, felt more like an actual MGS game and had a way better use of the recruiting soldiers mechanic

>mediocre stealth mechanics
What is with this new meme? This seems a part and parcel response the past month or so to every stealth game. The exact phrase I mean.

For Christ sake I saw it in a thread about Thief 1 and 2 the other day. 2 faggots in that thread were complaining about no assassination in the game too, and how stealth games should have that option.

nu/v/ gets worse every year

it's not really stealing when you're pretty much admitting that it's an homage to those movies

> you could not force cheap, braindead references to Moby Dick for no reason at all in the 5th game.

stop bringing up the fifth one, when we're talking about the first games you moron

You're seriously not getting it.

> and had a way better use of the recruiting soldiers mechanic

recrutiment in PO was fucking useless lol

Because Sup Forums is full of teenagers who parrot what they hear to appeal to the group.

>Raiden is a fucking joke of a character
>everything was an AI is a terrible plot twist
>boring illuminati plotline
>terrible boss fights
>everything about Ocelot
>the cringeworthy retardation that Emma's and Otacon's subplot is
>gay vampire for no reason
>the last hour of the game is just one retarded plot twist after another

It's not an homage, it's a talentless hack who watches too many movies and wishes he could write something decent, but can only ripoff again and again.

Oh so I guess A Fistful of Dollars is just a ripoff too then?

>Be Kojima
>complete chuunibyou americaboo with a military fetish
>writing skills of a fanfic writer
>make games with more cutscenes than actual gameplay
>retards eat it up anyway
>laugh all the way to the bank

>haha, le yous haha i have all le yous :3333333
This is something i'd expect from Youtube comments, not fucking Sup Forums.

In portable ops you actually had to use the soldiers you captured because of the stamina and disguise mechanics that meant you didn't want to use snake all the time. In PW there's literally 0 reason to not use snake in every mission you can unless you grind for dozens of hours to get an S rank solider (in which case you just use him all the time instead)

In PO you could permanently lose soldiers, and your support units were way more active in how they helped you. In PW recruiting soldiers is basically just leveling up your skinner box mother base stats so they shit out perks at you and tedious menu surfing.

>MGS or Mass Effect have good writing
Nigga anyone who is a fan of a narrative in games or narrative based RPGs don't uses ME or MGS as part of that category.

Just because you have never played games with decent writing doesn't mean they don't exist. It also doesn't mean games should never have narrative either.

For instance, that is why certain NPCs for Witcher 3 are a lot more interesting than say BOTW's average NPCs around stables and that you talked to in a quest, and the quests give more than just tangible rewards in satisfaction when you complete them. That is a feature I certainly don't mind. Money and gear as a reward while having a decent narrative and conclusion along the way.

Certainly every game doesn't need narrative. But it isn't something that should be completely absent in all games.

Mainly just meant Otacon's dad
But NOT Meryl was lame too.
Also the new characters like Paz are fucking garbage. I don't know hwy Kojima was thinking.

>tfw MGS is finally fucking dead
>tfw the last game was a massive piece of shit that destroyed the Kojimadrone fanbase
>/mgg/ died too
>last game was so fucking bad that people thought it was a ruse or some shit like that

>But it isn't something that should be completely absent in all games.
It should be when the only "talent" that's writing videogames only has had previous experience writing Sonichu and MLP fanfiction.

>story sacrifices it's own plot for the "message"

So? Is that suppose to be a bad thing? Every great work of art has done it.

>>tfw MGS is finally fucking dead


> design from Escape from NY,
alright lets go bit for bit
Snake plissken uses a tank top. a camo pants and a eye patch
none of the main characters look like him. Big boss DOES wear an eye patch, but pirates also did use then in old stories, so did escape from NY copied old pirate stories?

>theme of your third game from James Bond,
well the theme was made using the Mission impossible rithm and not the james bond one, and the music is not from any other movie that james bond had

unless you taking about copying the spy theme, that again The Spy (1821) and The Bravo (1831) did before James bond

>, braindead references to Moby Dick
well in theory MGSV is a revenge story, just like moby dick, its stupid but there is a reason

Yes, if you are not capable of writing a decent plot while talking about the themes you want then you are a talentless hack.
LOTR, for example, it treats a shitload of themes while keeping a simple, but well written story.
MGS always has a terrible and overly complicated plot, and when it wants to speak about themes, the game just tells you about it instead of showing it, and it does it without any subtlety at all, it simply tells you directly what the message is.
Even MGS2 repeats it's message multiple times, and then they repeat it one last time after the credits in case you were completely retarded.

I think that's the problem, Kojima assumes whoever is mentally challenged.

WTF I hate MGS2 now??