

I will wipe anime off the face of this Earth.

Brilliant. Now where are the keions?


>this isn't fan art or a shoop
>it actually exists and is happening
SHAFT cinematic universe when?

Literally making a complete baka party.

What a time to be alive

Just imagining the interactions is great. I hope they throw some money at this and not turn it into a cheap cashgrab mobage.

Imagine if it got big enough to get an anime

Having Yuyushiki and KMB together is like a dream

That would be great, unused character would finally get the spotlight she deserves.

I'm personally interested in how they're going to play off the incredibly dark plot of gakkou gurashi. It's the only one that doesn't really fit and I bet they'll somehow pretend it's a simulation

So how do I join this moe bullshit? It's mobile obviously but is in non moon?

It's not out then, but yes JP only

Not that it really matters to play it


>kill me baby

Now this is a good roster but seriously,
where is moogs

You know Keions and Rabbits are money.

Wait until they need Events to push the game.

Is that 123-chan?
I don't remember those thighs

She's a modest girl but they're definitely there

Who /wasawasa/ here?

I only noticed now but her birthday is also 123
Not with that chest

Baka here

Bebby PLEASE kill me

>mobile "game"
fuck off, not going to play it just because there's whole bunch of cute girls in the game.


Also, Nichijou when?

>Wide is now video games
Well shit

Not only a "whole bunch of cute girls"

They are the top tier CGDC collection all together

There was a DS game too

>Hidamari characters

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