



How does this change the fact that its a still a shitty game specifically made for the lowest common denominator?

Next year a new fucking survival shooter shitfest will show up and it'll be just as popular and you'll forget all about this


Agreed op

The butthurt is hilarious

Streambait trash.

Bought that garbage and refunded almost instantly, don't really see the appeal of it and why everyone shills it so much on Twitch.

>Buying early access in the first place.


>refunded almost instantly
>don't really see the appeal

wow i wonder why

i unironically really like pubg

I want to play conan exiles but dont have a PC that isnt a potato. Im not sure if its worth it to invest in a 800 +dollar PC just to enjoy these meme games l. I am kind of envious though, to going to lie

Only this one isn't shit like the other ones?

Farily certain that PUBG takes more skill than any AAA shooter out there, patience, positioning, good aiming are vital and a sense for manouvering are required to win.

Rust, H1Z1, Ark and some others are still popular

In short, FOTM is a buzzword used by dumb contrarians on this board who try to fit in.

Damn tell me that girl has a penis

I think you described every shooter ever. Even COD has this.

Next year a new fucking car racing shitfest will show up and it'll be just as popular and you'll forget all about this

Next year a new fucking sports game shitfest will show up and it'll be just as popular and you'll forget all about this

Next year a new fucking 4x strategy shitfest will show up and it'll be just as popular and you'll forget all about this

Next year a new fucking wargame shitfest will show up and it'll be just as popular and you'll forget all about this

Next year a new fucking cinematic RPG shitfest will show up and it'll be just as popular and you'll forget all about this

Congrats, you've cracked the code and figured out how the video game media market works.

Well you can save yourself the trouble since conan is shit. Funcom once again shows something promising and fucks it up.

It frustrates the fuck out of me but I've somehow put in 110 hours, so the game clearly has be by the balls anyway.

>there are people in this thread who are defending these shitty "survival" type games

what the fuck happened to Sup Forums?

something being popular doens't make it good, user. Specially when it's popular on twitch which is the most fickle demographic ever. As soon as streamers move on form this game, it's going to die.

It's still a really shit game though

all this shows is the insane power twitch has today

I watched some of this game on youtube and it looks like total shit. Why are people shilling this game?

You'd be able to see the bulge in the middle shot if she did.

It makes me feel alive when I kill a man

Oh look its another early access garbage episode.
First the meme was survival crafting, now its arena shooters, wonder what it will be next?

>As soon as streamers move on form this game, it's going to die.

There are quite a few streamers who are clearly fed up with the game and try to get away, but they keep having to slink back a few days later with their tail between their legs because viewership goes down when they try to move on to different games.

Then they spend their entire stream whining about the game.

I dont even like Counter Strike, but i am willing to bet it has more skill involved.

idk why people don't just buy arma and play the mod

there is tons more you can do in arma with other mods

this seems just like an equally shitty, more expensive, less content version of some shit they've already played a thousand times

I think people just like seeing updates so they can tell themselves it might be better one day

It feels really meaningful to win.




Arma is 90% walking/vehicle simulator with maybe 10% actual gameplay.

Why would you want that?

did you take your medicine this morning, user?

>TFW my most played games currently are Gwent, PUBG and Darkest Dungeon
I am the dude you bitch about.

I played OFP CWC, Red Hammer and Resistance and all the ARMA games, with thousands of hours invested, but I have more fun with PUBG.

so the faster pace is the only reason?
why not just play h1z1 then because sn't even faster? It feels tighter too

I don't know why people go for the realism over the arcadey stuff

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Horizon: Zero Dawn
NieR: Automata
Persona 5
Super Mario Odyssey (you just know it'll be a classic)

still have 6 months left in the year as well

You know what I'm saying is true.

PUBG is more of a core gaming experience that 99% of the bullshit people on this site shill every fucking day, but because it happens to be similair to other games and happens to be in early access dumb niggers shit on it because they are desperately trying to fit in since nobody likes them in real life

I want to like this game but I feel it wasn't made for people to have fun.

>Get shot from places, hear the shots, but the sound design is horrible so I can't figure out where they are coming from.
>There's no tracers or anything so it's even more impossible to see where people are coming from.
>I think muzzle flashes are a thing but I have yet to see them.
>Game encourages camping, you can win by not killing any other player sometimes.

It's, the movement and gunplay seem good; but it's frustrating to play and I don't see how you, "git gud" when there's little to no counter play offered. I can be getting boltied from a base 150 meters away in RUST and still land multiple headshots with a pistol while juking shots, but in PUBG it feels like if I'm hit once I'm dead because there's no way to fight back.

I guess people like the whole, "sit in a bush, kill people in 2 shots from a full auto across the map" gameplay but that clearly isn't for me. It makes even less sense to me that some guns are just plain better, so it's all RNG and luck and nothing about, "Oh sweet, I found my favorite weapon, it's got less range and the recoil is kinda bad but it still kills quickly and it's a beast at close to medium range! I'll use this!" that makes games fun.

HZD is fucking trash

We have this thread every day.


If GoTY means "most popular/best game in the average person" it's

Runner up = zelda

Power gap

Horizon: Zero Dawn
NieR: Automata
Persona 5

(mario odyssey excluded since it's not out yet)

You obviously expect your acquired skills from similar games to migrate over and refuse the relearn the game from scratch. Or in short you are trash at the game and blame things that can simply be learned... pfft trash sound design yeah right.

You sound pretty bad. I can pinpoint what direction and the distance of a shot almost immediately. Also Muzzle flashes are a thing but they matter less on day time maps.
>Game encourages camping
Yeah but its almost super easy to take a house, you have grenades use them.

you forgot to add

Sup Forums will not be pleased when you return there

they literally get paid money to do so

Flavour of the Month that hangs on to it cause it got the Twitch idiots preaching it. Also just a watered down DayZ who takes away all the element that is not fighting right? 30 bucks for this shit? Nah.

Lol. LoL and Blizzard games (If any still got millions of players) would win every year. You think this PUBG shit is even remotely popular? COMPARED to these shit games?

Grenades, aka that thing that you see maybe one person die to per round.

It is. I can tell exactly where shots come from when I'm playing RUST, but there's absolutely no feed back left/right/behind/ahead in PUBG, you just hear bang. For example, if I hear a shot, and I turn my camera to the left and start looking, the sound is exactly the same; there's no way to figure out where shots are coming from.

I know you COD kiddies get off from your instant kills at long ranges with no chance of fighting back, but that's not fun in my book. The only way I've found to reliably figure out where people are shooting from is moving behind cover and realizing, "Okay, they aren't shooting anymore: they must be in front of me" which directly translates to, "the second I peak out I'll be headshot anyways and they're not going to push me, so I guess that's GG unless I can run away."

Obviously talking about new games, although a lot of the reason league is popular is because everyone car run it. That's why PUBG being succesful is amazing, most people can't

Im not a CoD kiddie but have you played CoD in a while? That fucking shit got small shitty maps with barely any ranged and all kids just auto aims at your head from growing up with CoD being pushed into their fucking blood stream.

>He doesn't use molatovs to clear first stories
>He doesn't preemptively flash when entering houses
>He doesn't smoke in the final circle
>He can't cook a frag
Absolute shitter tier.
I bet you don't know how to draw people out of cover by peppering the sides of cover either.

>question mark on the end of a statement
Opinion discarded.

Whats the big deal? It looks like a shitty version of DayZ. Like all the other fuckers already done already. Is it Twitch that made it big? One of those mah mainstream dudebro youtuber/twitcher making it big cause the company got a bunch of those to shill it for some mountain dew and dorito contracts.

So those wallhacks just instantly tell you someone's in there, or do you hack yourself to have infinite grenades?

le twitchbait games are basically the popular games

Ah if you play well you must cheat I see I see this is the mind of a bad player.

u can be a complete fucking noob and succeed

Just by looking a bit on Twitch people will learn fast how fucking obnoxious and full of themself Twitchers are.

No, this one struck gold. It's the end game of the indie survival multiplayer shooter shit fest. It's more popular than any one before that in sales or popular exposure through marketing /streaming. Coming to consoles is the next big step

That is not true. I play with stereo headphones and I know which direction shots are coming from and relation to myself. Like if it's in the distance coming from the west. And I also can tell when shots are fired at me as opposed to someone far away

It's not that hard to figure out someone is in a house. Most campers announced themselves because of their anxiety.

>compound of four buildings
>three buildings have multiple doors open and clearly looted
>one building has all doors shut
9 times out of 10 you've found your camper.

So how do you have the 7 grenades needed to pre-emptively use them in every single house when you have no idea if there's anybody in them? You didn't get all the loot you needed to reach #1 in the first house you dropped at, so I can only assume that you literally walk up to every structure and pop a grenade into them.

Sounds like making things up is the best way to hide the fact the game is shit.

It's going to be a tie between Botw and Odyssey, with Wolfenstein New Colossus as a runner up

Expeditions vikings as an honorable mention

It's H1Z1, which, if you remember correctly, both killed Planetside 2's development team, and also had a sizable playerbase until PUBS came along. You're playing H1Z1's sloppy seconds, essentially. Eventually someone will make something "better" (read: less mechanics and worse optimization) and everyone will move on to that. It always happens.

Lol you're talking out your ass.
I just bought this game to give the multiplayer survival genre a try, and, while it has a ton of issues, the gun shot sound in the game is so good I can usually tell where it came from within about a 10 degree angle.

Also all bullets are projectiles so if you're getting headshot the moment you step out you're peaking really slowly.

Are you people puting this dudebro shit PUBG on the list of GOTY? Seriously? What does it do that renders it worthy of that? As fart as I seen the game is a brain dead version of zombie survival games with some retarded Battle Royale focus. That removes the zombies. If can take any of the bigger japanese games who seem to do more than just lol random shit I be suprised. 2015 Witcher 3 was bitched on but holy fuck if PUBG wins any of those prices.

Franchise worship and justification of purchase.

>when you have no idea if there's anybody in them?
Lol. Its easy to tell if someones in a house use your ears and eyes.
>So how do you get the 7 grenades
Pretty easy desu they spawn at least 1 or 2 a house.

You do realize you can hear people move, right? Footsteps on wood floors, the scraping sounds of prone players dragging themselves across the floor, etc...

I played four rounds today and got two grenade kills. One was a prone looter in a field and one was a guy in a shed next to a building that I lobbed through the window. I heard him run in there.

>no one likes the camper shacks all around the map
>added destructible cabins
>actually just changed half the shacks to these new ones and kept the camper friendly version no one wanted anyways

It's only popular beacause people stream it!

lol, anything to discredit a fun game eh?

>avoid the game for ages because Sup Forums says it's shit
>hear good things but shrug them off thinking they must be wrong
>finally buy it
>been having the time of my life since

I'm starting to think you fucks don't actually enjoy having fun anymore. I have been using Sup Forums since 07. I found myself getting angrier and depressed at nothing. I stopped coming here for years, instead browsing the superior reddit, in that space I got myself a girlfriend, a better job, a car and my own home, I finally became happy. I came back for E3. I have found myself once again getting angry again. Fuck this place. You fuckers are cancerous. You just want everyone to be as miserable as you.

I literally didn't mention pubg

The one match I won was by walking into a building, grabbing the shotgun, shutting the door behind me, and laying prone on the floor waiting for people to walk in.

You're full of shit because you have no clue I'm in there and it shows.

I love these kids who have never played the game but talk like they're experts because they watch their favorite let's plays :)

Then why is it I've watched so many RUST streamers and YouTubers ask, "Where are they shooting from?" when they can turn 260 degrees and headshot someone with a bow because they heard them pick up a rock at 30 meters away in RUST? The game has fucking terrible sound queues. Where did this meme come from? It's like we're talking about two completely different games or they MASSIVELY overhauled the sound design in the last week.

you had me until
>instead browsing the superior reddit

Nah but one of the other guys did. The one you quote was puting fucking PUBG on the list.

>You're full of shit because you have no clue I'm in there and it shows.
Heres an easy trick, open the door run back, your probably shit and will fire, if not I can just alt look around from the frame oh hey your laying prone on the tub with no line of sight on me enjoy a flash bang. Taking defense structure is not hard unless were talking fuck boy shacks, or the 2 duplex reds.

Why do faggots try to build themselves an identity by posting the same pictures? What went wrong with your childhood?

I played H1Z1 for like an hour and immediately refunded it. Was convinced to try this shit and am sitting at 200 hours. It has something the others of its genre don't, and I think it's a dev team that actually implements improvements at a decent rate. That and the moment to moment gameplay is less arcadey than most.

Still waiting on that first person only mode though.

You fucking retard
GOTY is not about how good the game is
It's about how popular it is

I un-ironically like watching Danny G and NL play this game.

>people who have clearly never played pubg

the tactical positioning and movement of PUBG are NOTHING like CS:GO or cod. im a cs go baby, cause ive only put in like 300 hrs, but cs is all about reflex shooting where in pubg, you need to PLAN your kill. your angles, distance to target, what attachments you have on gun, round calibur, oppents gear. lots more factors user, and it really is fun and tactical

Naw man, because I heard you walk up, you're already dead because I'm better at the game than you'll ever be. I'm pointing out that your shitty camperfest game is a shitty camperfest game. That's why normies love it: they don't need to be good at the game, they just need to die hundreds of times and watch their favorite streamers put up highlight reels so these fucking idiots will go onto anonymous message boards and act like they've got big dicks and built-in wall hacks.

It's pretty pathetic, honestly.

>i'm so good i grenade literally every single structure i approach and there's no way the guy inside will ever counter me because he's shit and i'm good

What's your Twitch, bro? Sounds like I might learn a thing of two.

>It's another "Sup Forums hated whatever is most popular and tries to justify it with reasoning to hide the fact that they're just being contrarian" episode

Whats the meme with Dan Gheesling?

Did he do something else significant before becoming a youtuber? I swear they hold him in high regard and I don't remember him being there a year or two ago

nvm i just did what any 20+ iq being would do and googled him

yo user, if you wanna play a couple rounds with me, i can give you some helpful pointers on positioning and keeping good engagement techniques!


Ok so you heard me walk up what? Your going to shoot me through the wall? Through the door I'm not going to stand in front of? Whats your plan here since you already said your just sitting alone in a bathroom.

What is your attack plan that's the most important part of pubg, a good plan.

Not him, but you are the most arrogant piece of shit I've seen on here in months and that's a fucking accomplishment. I'm almost impressed at the sheer level of conceit.

Why are you trying so hard to defend a game

>Then why is it I've watched so many RUST streamers and YouTubers ask, "Where are they shooting from?"
because they are shit at the game, you can accurately tell the direction shots are coming from up to about 400m, but if the weapon has a suppressor then that drops down to about 100m after that its just general direction.

>I love these kids who have never played the game but talk like they're experts because they watch their favorite let's plays :)
>Then why is it I've watched so many RUST streamers and YouTubers
you fucking moron

>mfw people actually call it "Pub-Gee" in spoken word instead of just Battlegrounds

You're a teenager.

Refunded this instantly. Looks like craps, runs like crap and plays like crap.

why would I have any reason to push some retard hiding indoors with a shotgun?

you're gonna have to leave eventually or the circle will getcha

But it's "pub-guh."

I'm not defending it, I just hate how immature Sup Forums is.