Am i the only person who doesn't give a crap if they make Crash Team Racing remake or not...

Am i the only person who doesn't give a crap if they make Crash Team Racing remake or not? I just don't see the point of it, why not new Crash racing game itself and not a remake? No with new technology they could make much bigger and better game and not just have to make PS1 game with better graphics

*now with

Also why so many think CTR is the best Crash game?

I don't want them remaking all the games. The whole point of the remasters was to see if people care about Crash, which I think most people do

Because it's possible to have both.

I loved CTR but the game always gave me a weird creepy vibe as a kid, especially driving around the hub world

Because they're stupid and they've never played crash bash

>doesn't give a crap
>starts a thread on it

The kart controls were tight and the powerslide mechanic rewarded good players. The items were effective but not intrusively powerful, along with innate ability to evade missiles with good steering.
The stages were memorable and fun to race on.
Crash Nitro Kart tried to be a sequel and the controls felt slippery in comparison, the items felt dull or overly annoying, and the stages weren't nearly as memorable.
Honestly I just want more kart racers with good controls and solid stages, having a modern CTR would deliver on both of those fronts in addition to modern features such as online play. I wouldn't want them to limit themselves to only making CTR stages, but those core mechanics need to stay or it just won't meet a lot of anons' expectations from a CTR game.

i thought it was cozy

People usually aren't being specific when they say they want a remake of CTR.

Obviously it shouldn't be a complete rehash (because the plot was pretty stupid and the game was very rigid in terms of modes and not having customization)

But we are still very, VERY much in need of another kart racing game in that same vein as CTR. It has the fundamentally rock-solid foundation for something much greater.

I would kill for something like this:

>Best tracks return from CTR
>Others are spiritual successors to CNK tracks with different themes, or are new entirely
>They ALL double as platforming levels when not racing, and Crash can explore them on foot for Crystals and gems
>Game is equally complete on both fronts and both ways of playing service the plot
>Cortex stays main antagonist

>>because the plot was pretty stupid
>implying it even mattered

When did I say it mattered


I know the plot its not important, but come on man, its literally wrestling tier.

Its only missing the hot chick on the start of the races, they only appear on the end.

>those jumpstick minigames
I remember trying to get 100% in bash with my brothers and it was extremely difficult.

What I want is for their exercise in remaking the original three games give the team at Vicarious Visions the incite they need to create a legitimate sequel to the trilogy.

>(because the plot was pretty stupid and the game was very rigid in terms of modes and not having customization)
That was the point, the Naughty Dog devs intentionally jumped the shark with the alien so that way it would kill the Crash series. Because face it, that's like adding in an alien to the Island of Dr. Moreau or Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Because the original is a fucking gem, and having the option to play online with HD graphics would be awesome.

>Crash Party Pack
Crash Team Racing remake
Crash Bash revamped
Crash Nitro racing Direvtor's cut

>Crash Duology
Crash Wrath of Cortex redo
Crash Twinsanjty Director's cut

What do you think?


I mean, CTR online would be great, Twinsanity remake with unused content would be great...
But what about a completely new Crash Bandicoot game? I VV still has the development of the game, I dont think they can fuck it up.

>Crash Party Pack
Why would you need to make two racing games? Other than that, I'd love a CTR/Crash Bash remaster pack.

>Crash Duology
I don't think they'd be paired together, but I'd like to see WoC remastered/remade so they can iron out the flaws and make it solid. Crash Twinsanity Director's cut would be superb but I don't think it's ever gonna happen unfortunately.