FF4 is the worst
FF4 is the worst
>inb4 "xDDD XIII / XV is le worst :^^^^^^) II is a masterpiss" faggots
FF 2 is the shitties
>story is generic
>worst gameplay
>literally who character
Because FFXIII exists
My nigger.
I can't actually say how bad FF2 is because I never finished it. But FF4 is easily the worst in the 1-9 series outside of that.
Good combat pacing
>oh enemies can counter now, let's have all of them have a counter
Good story presentation
>But the story itself is shitty, let's give everyone a noble sacrifice scene oh wait nobody actually died, also Kain switched sides again
Not to mention it was the first and last game in the series with ZERO customization because your party is always fixed. Why it's constantly fellated is beyond me except maybe nostalgia. And the music is good.
Final fantasy XIII exists and at least FFII brought interesting mechanics into play.
It isn't All The Bravest.
FF13 exists, specifically 13-3.
Fuck off projared
You can literally lock yourself out of beating FFII by not learning certain keywords because they only appear once ever.
This, FF4 was the start of the cinematic cancer that killed FF.
IV ripped its story from II and played worse than III
it belongs in the trash
If we're counting spinoffs then Dirge of Cerberus and Crisis Core were far worse. At least FF2 gave us the SaGa series.
I remember reading a review that bashed FF7 for making everyone played the same then praised FF12 for doing the exact same thing. Ever since then I've been convinced it's all meme opinions and special snowflake syndrome.
The entire series is garbage.
That place is reserved for emoboisquad adventure
Just because he's a youtuber doesn't mean he isn't right, user.
Mystic Quest.
>Story is generic
When it came out, it wasn't.
>Worst gameplay
Being different doesn't mean it's bad.
>Literally who character
Applies to all games.
FFAdv is objectively the worst by far
playing the Steam version right now for the first time and like 12 hours in.
I like the characters though mostly because of their concepts and not their plot.
I've set the combat to hard and it's very engaging so far.
I would say it's pretty solid so far.
I don't remember any FF2 characters getting pushed by their director as hard as Toriyama did with Lightning.
Also The After Story still exists, and is definitely the worst since it effectively ruins EVERY FF title from 1-6 if you treat it as canon.
At least it has no FMV cutscenes and no voice acting. I'll take it over 10/13/15 any day.
This, babby's first JRPG series.
>When it came out it wasn't!!
Read a book or watch a movie from back then and see how wrong you are.
>Just because its DIFFERENT doesn't mean its BAD!!
Yeah, because gameplay focusing on how long you've grinded and has only two settings of "not ready for this monster" and "can completely steamroll this monster" is SO different and thus SO good. Are you retarded?
>"I'm defending one of the shittiest games in the franchise so I may as well shit myself and try to bring the whole series down with me despite having some of the most identifiable characters and memorable scenes in gaming!"
I bet your parents wish they had drowned you when you were born.
>FF is
>not DQ
>The game that takes hours of grinding and hardwork
>cryptic bullshit throughout the entire game
If a kid finished a DQ game back then that kid's a winner.
Ask any normie if they've played FF and they will likely say yes, ask them if they've played DQ and they'll say "what?".
You are fucking delusional if you think DQ is more entry level than FF.
FF Monsters of the deep exists
O like FFII but you can think whatever you want, you bully.
DQ is elder god tier patrician JRPG series. The purest fine extract of the genre. It's like fine wine.
my melanin enriched brother
I feel like popularity can't be your metric for calling DQ babby's first RPG, so what is?
I can't, II is horrendous. XIII is pretty awful too though.
Simplicity. I absolutely didn't mean it as an insult, but DQ1 for example has one fixed master of all character. It was cryptic but at the time so was FF. I agree with
in that it's pure and hasn't flinched in like 30 years whereas FF has tried everything in the name of keeping its western and more casual audience. DQ is just RPG all the time.
FF3 is personally the worse FF game around. It tries to be like DQ3 with it's class changes. And while you have the ability to switch almost on the fly the game rams you all the time to be certain classes (some only really useful once). And a lot of classes are just not useful at all or just upgrade to another class. It's just not an enjoyable game. FF2 while broken on a lot of levels can be fun because its system is so weird that you can do really amazing things and some honestly works.
DQ just sucks. That's why no one has ever played them. The stories and characters are garbage.
Final Fantasy XIII is worst
frog shenanigans are at least fun, which is more than you can say about more recent entries
Are you genuinely implying that the Famicom final fantasies are the best the series have to offer?
FF 2's problems go far beyond it's levelling system. FF 3 actually has well designed dungeons, and who fucking cares if a lot of classes are just direct upgrades, how is that a problem? FF 3 knew how to pace its game and not constantly treat you like an asshole with probably the worst map design I've ever seen in a JRPG. I have no idea why you would think FF 3 is bad just because you need to switch classes sometimes.
>The stories and characters are garbage
Are you actually saying that with a straight face when FFVIII alone has shit like school buildings that randomly start flying, monsters literally raining down to earth from the moon and TIME COMPRESSION?
Let's not kid ourselves here the stories in JRPGs (especially 3D Final Fantasies) have always been written by monkeys but that has never kept me from enjoying them
They took a step back from the cinematic shit in V and it's the best in the series. Shame they went back to it in VI.
V is just as cutscene heavy as IV you dolt
mercenary and child soldier training facility
Sup Forums is probably the most retarded when it comes to the FF series. Just abysmal redditor contrarian taste.
I don't really want to play FFII because it's only like half of the system SaGa uses for leveling up characters. If the game had sparking and didn't require getting hit to get health or evading to get evade, then I'd totally play it.
The redditors haven't come in yet. You'll know when the tier lists appear and they put FFT at the top.
I like the overworld of FF2 since it had much more more live in feel. Where you had the option to go to near end game areas and the game didn't stop you (until you got fucked over by a monster). Plus how half way in the game all the weak enemies are pretty dead which is such a strange but amazing idea. Dungeons I 100% give you that because fuck those empty rooms.
Seven exists.
>it's contrarian to hate FF2
>say something positive about FFII
Lol, hit yourself to get more HP!
>say something negative about FFII
Whats wrong? Too casual for proto-Saga game?
>say something positive about FFIV
Go kill yourself nostalgiafag!
>say something negative about FFIV
Go back to FFVII you underage piece of shit!
>say something positive about FFV
Kill yourself you pretentious hipster piece of shit!
>say something negative about FFV
Fuck you, it has the the best version of job system and is the most fun FF!
>say something positive about FFVI
Kill yourself hipster, FFVII is where it's at!
>say something negative about FFVI
Kill yourself you FFVII fanboy!
>say something positive about FFVII
You only like it because it was your first FF!
>say something negative about FFVII
You only hate it because it's popular!
>say something positive about FFVIII
HURR Squall is dead!!!1! R=U!!!1! DURR
>say something negative about FFVIII
You didn't play the game correctly and/or didn't understand it's story you casual piece of shit!
>say something positive about FFIX
FFIX is a slow piece of shit! FFIV / VI / VII is better!
>say something negative about FFIX
Fuck you, it's the best FF because reasons!
tfw you genuinely like the FF games (even if just for the nostalgia you have towards them) but want to strangle the entire fanbase to death
tfw you used to make daily FF thread couple of years ago but stopped due to the sheer shittiness of FF fanbase
>Lol, hit yourself to get more HP!
Wish this fucking meme ends. That is honestly the worse way to play FF2. Near the end enemies just do % damage to your party so having insane health is meaningless. Best you can do is literally just go naked with everyone in front and just take normal hits. You should always have enough HP and MP (if you cast all the time) for every dungeon.
>Fun and unique ideas and colorful characters
>Soulless protags that run around grinding endlessly with big tiddy princesses and cockney bandits
>the Mysidia part of FF2
>enemies are weaker than what you were fighting earlier, but some of them can cast swap to drop your hp and mp to their low values instantly and others will drain mp on physical attacks
>these enemies appear right around the time that it gets really hard to increase mp by casting normally and really helps you build up your available resources before tackling the Mysidian Tower
FF2 is neat.
Tfw I never knew you could do that. I played the Famicom version as a kid and later the GBA remake. Never tried hitting myself.
I didn't have internet so I just played the game normally. Never had any issues.
Kain constantly switching sides is the best part!
It's an okay game, but for a FF it falls short.
>zero customisation
Right after 3, where you could literally pick jobs and how they develop, it was a bit of a suckerpunch.
>And the music is good.
The music is good, I agree, but that in itself, and only being able to like one or two characters highlights how bad the rest of the game is. When Golbez showed up, I liked his music a lot, but it made me notice that, as an encounter, it was like hammering the skip button in a VN or something. I only loitered on dialogue during his encounters to hear his music, not because the writing was good.
The absolute worst, imo, would be 14 or 13. Maybe even 15, it's just cookie cutter modern open world with really nothing to do in it rubbish after all.
>I have only played DQ VIII, the post
and it's a dumb description to boot
That'd be FF12.
>knockoff of an MMO because it was developed from the remnants of a failed MMO project
>boring, downright self-playing combat with the (forced) assistance of gambits
>vast world that's empty, a precursor to modern open world games, less secrets than previous FF titles, i'd argue less content than FFX in total.
>annoying characters, remembered solely for their lack of charm or interesting characterization
>dumb waifushit on a level beyond even x-2
>no fun superbosses, yiazmat is literally just a chore.
13 exists.
At least 2 doesn't play itself.
it isn't very accurate calling those people the "FF fanbase" who are just shitting on every FF game except their single favorite one
The funniest meme.
In other FFs, you press a button and the character does the corresponding attack, in 13 you press a button and the character does the corresponding MULTI-attack, BUT you can customize it if you want which you will need to in harder fights and missions.
It's also the only FF I played where I had to switch up playstyles then entire game instead of just attack/heal.
FF3 is great. The job system is far better than DQ3's classes, and yes many dungeons are designed around certain classes so that you actually use different jobs. How is that a bad thing?
ff4 is the most overrated (and mostly by square who give it endless preferential treatment for some reason), but i'm not sure "worst" is the right word
XV exists.
It doesn't matter if you like the game, you have to admit it makes for a really lousy turn-derivate RPG by virtue of not bloody being one.
>ff4 is the most overrated
Holy shit no. If anything it's the most underrated. I have no idea how it got such a shit reputation. It came out in fucking 1991.
>it's the most underrated
Not even close. If anything, that would go to FF1. Too many people say how much they loved FF4 for it to be labeled "the most underrated" Final Fantasy game.
It doesn't feature Rinoa
You must be retarded. FFV has more total cutscenes than FFIV. What it did well though, was customization.