The best game ever is currently only a bit over 1€ in steam.
No excuses now.
The best game ever is currently only a bit over 1€ in steam.
No excuses now.
the game is unbalanced as fuck, don't play it
Steam version had problems for me, should probably get it on gog
You should also buy Uplink to get the complementary hacker experience.
lmao game looks gross didn't age at all. Hard to look at.
I tried to play it but I couldn't get past the tutorial.
It's the fucking same, just get deus exe before starting
Steam version works just fine on my PC.
>nu-Sup Forums
It's overrated and has aged badly.
>that whole fucking hong kong level
makes me so fucking comfy
It's an old piece of clunky shit meme game
It's terrible and not even worth $1
Was not impressed by this game. Don't see what the big deal is. Maybe if they re-released it with better controller support.
you don't have to, it works fine without, but new vision sharpens it up and makes it work nice on newer machines and resolutions
I played it years ago and really liked it always considered it one of my favorite games
got the itch to play it again so I did last month and my appreciation for it only grew
>Giving SE money for a game they didn't put ANY input into, and an IP they have temporally abandoned
Fuck you, this is almost as bad as pay for any of the Troika or Black Isle games.
music is dope too
>Sup Forums is now infested with the children of the worst generation
it has forced head bobbing which makes me motion sick
even 1€ is too much
>you've been here long enough to see people shit talking deus ex
But I already own it
love it man.
This. It's been less than $3 on sale for over 6 years now, pretty much everyone has a copy at this point.
why is this game so damn ugly, wtf
even at the time it was not graphically impressive
>the eternal september has been happening for the last 24 years
>you are part of the generation the USENET people cried about, yet you are crying about someone else
>this will continue until the end of time
get schooled kiddo
trying this next time
I usually go for the silent step aug
there is no Linux version
>these fucking posts
bravo nu-Sup Forums
>contrarian fags on Sup Forums claim deus ex, morrowind, hexen2, original doom and system shock 2 aged poorly
>can't even talk about emulators or obsucre rpg maker games without the threads getting 404'd
>but Sup Forums bait threads and endless persona 5 waifu threads are a-okay!
Is this some kind of skin for the game? The original doesn't look like that, I believe.
too ugly man, i can't play that shit.
morrowind is shit though
The PS2 version is better
It's free on torrents
Might be shit by today's standards but it's better than daggerfall and skyrim
rest of the games on your list are good though
these are just idiots looking for easy (you)s
>The best game ever is currently only a bit over 1€ in steam.
SMAC isn't on sale and also isn't on steam so I'm not sure what you are talking about
I really want to play this game. Is there any Quality of Life mods that are an absolute must to install?
Yeah, devs made a mod.
System Shock 2 is way better.
any good story mods? beat the game but don't want to play it again just through the vanilla game. is this anything akin to half life's opposing force buy as a mod.
I fucking hope so.
>I can only like one game autism
Deus Ex Nihilum
Someone is making a whole new campaign
Deus ex is great
I already own a boxed copy and the gog one
pirated this shit a couple of years ago
deep and complex gameplay, probably a very good game
but it took me 30 minutes to realize there was absolutely noting fun about it
One of the worst aspects of Sup Forums
same famm
I bought this game in the sale and played it to completion in like 2 days. It was fucking incredible and I now understand the hype. It's immediately jumped to being one of my all time favourite games. The "first level" liberty island is such a bad introduction to an otherwise excellent game. It's such a shame it throws so many people off.
If you've ever considered playing this game, do it. I should have done it 17 years ago. Get Kentie's launcher and make sure the renderer is opengl.
Get the spy drone augment. And cloaking > radar transparency. Get ONE level of swimming. Don't level melee weaponry at all, you'll get a melee weapon that can one shot kill even with no training or augments. You can write your own notes ingame but it's even better with a piece of paper and a pencil next to your computer. Save a lot.
>tfw I have bought Deus Ex two times now
>tfw I have bought System Shock 2 three times now
Nihilim and Nameless Mod, though the latter is mostly just about Deus Ex forums. Still very fun and fresh if you want more Deus Ex gameplay with a new story.
>first entered her apartment after she invited me up
>chat about my bro
>she tells me to go get some intel, I decide to see if there's any cool shit lying around.
>tried to pick up the lamp
>it opened up a secret lab and i got a lightsaber
>skip like 2 hours of gametime by exploring shit
That's when I realized Deus Ex was a masterpiece.
The whole project of world government - going back to the League of Nations - has been funded and manipulated mainly by wealthy bankers. Remember that the UN itself was built on land donated by John D. Rockefeller.
The wealthy have always been the ones to profit from a one-world government.
The United Nations' secret goal: the supernational sovereignty of the intellectual elite and world bankers.
The UN was founded not to end war but to gradually dissolve national governments and replace them with a globalist meritocracy.
The entire executive board is hand-picked. The Trilateral Commission is financed by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.
Corporations are so big you don't even know who you are working for.
Think tanks, funded by big business. What is that? A think tank? It's privately funded propaganda.
The European Union, the plotting and scheming of corporations to make Europe into one big country with no separate languages, culture or tastes. It's more than Europe they plan to unify.
It's the tax code that makes sure big bureaucracy gets bigger and people have no power.
All taxes are social engineering. That's always been their true purpose.
hey sawyer
How fucking underage are you? How the fuck do you not own a boxed copy already?
you mean 1 muslim dollars
eat shit cuck
Can you play the whole game nonlethally?
Pretty sure you can, though it takes some serious doing to stay nonlethal while doing stuff like saving Paul.
just forget about it