Crowbcat tf2 video


>you can't break the bottle anymore

The last I've played was only a few years ago, what happened?

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off with that racist shit.

>What happened?

Valve moved onto other things like DOTA and managing Steam more and such

Now en days all we have is a small team working on TF2 from time to time, which makes sense in a business standpoint but the quality has lost some of its traction

Though i still have hope, even if its small hope

why can't you break the bottle anymore though?

when are mods gonna ban this shilling

I never played TF2, but now I kind of hate it. The gaming industry has pretty much taken a leap off a cliff in terms of quality, how can they ruin such an iconic game?

>Never played TF2
>I.. it's ruined guys!


like he needs the 100 extra views

Are those changes to accommodate free players with lower specs or something?

>I hate a game I've never played

How the fuck did the graphics get worse?

>tf2 graphics
who cares

Who gives a shit?
Only retarded poorfags play the game anymore


it got deleted accidently updating the game and they lost the files for it, and since it was entirely cosmetic they didnt bother remaking it

stop shilling your videos here mong


They updated models to optimize memory usage, so they had more space to add hats.

Why would anyone give a flying fuck about this shitty dying medium in 2017?

>TFcucks will defend this

>he can't brake Demoman's bottle and claiming it to be downgrade

wew lad

People thought the broken bottle did more damage. Pandering to casuals so they got rid of it so little timmy doesn't get confused

Funniest thing, I could run the game in 2008 on a a midrange Acer laptop on over 80 fps, never dipping bellow 60. The only way that very same laptop can get 60 fps now is by standing in a corner, looking bellow, on top of the game being literally 10 times as big.

What the fuck Volvo?

>tumblr nose

Holy shit this infuriates me, how can people be so fucking thin-skinned

>people thought breaking it gave it more damage
>valvle then removed it because of this
VALVE testers are the WORST anyone have the "tester ran in loop for 1 hour"? REALLY drive home the point

TF2 is a deeper game than overwatch at least.

Eh, ok then

There's far more problems with the game now though then a few graphical downgrades.


a lot of this could be modded back in to current TF2

Its head deeper in its ass, sure.

i knew something felt off when i played it the other day

when last time i played tf2 like year ago i think it worked, idk about now maybe they broken it


>took out a wrench stuck in a cog puzzle because people didnt know what to do
not in the slightest, wish i had the images
dont forget the dishonoured testers who LITERALLY thought you couldnt go upstairs because a guard told them they couldnt

>you can't hate a game without playing it
Fuck off

>have to mod graphics back in

>One playtester is a retard
>"This is a compelling argument to remove a part of the game"

Another case of fpbp

You underestimate the powers of f2p's

that's not why, they took out all the physics objects and little detail animations because they needed a quick optimization for all the bloat they've added to the game over the years not because of some incredibly easily dispelled myth

>we want to appeal to the lowest common denomanator as possible for more gibs

This can't be real

i'm not saying current valve doesn't blow or that downgrading is forgivable, i'm just saying someone ought to do it instead of just complaining the game looks worse now.

tf2 is shit but he has a point you underage manchild

How so? Do you really expect better from neogaf?

Remember that Valve also ruined Half Life.


Wow it's another lazy as shit crowb video where he nitpicks stupid shit.

In this episode, he shows where elements of TF2 had to be modified so that the game would be able to handle a greater variety of weapons and cosmetics.

like pottery

It's disappointing that TF2 decided to calm and darken the colors when the entire point of the game was a less realistic, more cartoony shooter.
Not the most entertaining video, but still sad.

Crowbcucks really scrapping the bottom of the barrel here

I'm confused, what 'racist' shit did he do?

How is it a lazy video? Even if all that shit's already documented he still took the time to record comparisons.

Wtf? I hate tf2 now! XDDD

Someone please post more valve playtester retardation
I need my rage-ahol

neogaf is offended by WE WUZ KANGS jokes about the new assassin's creed

i didnt realize it get worse in that manner as well. all the shitty weapons and cosmetics ruined the game for me so i stopped playing it long ago. sad. tf2 used to be such an important game on Sup Forums back then too.

>game can run on ANY PC
>dude optimization lmao
they did most of that shit because hats use a lot of resources

free to play. Mostly children and autistic 80iq south Americans

I wanted to post something really interesting, but fuck it. TF2 does not deservere even this comment. It did not deserve any comment since the drops and inventory were introduced.

On Ac trailer he made we wuz kangz joke

we wuz kangs joke in his e3 video

3 second voice clip:

>make an engine thats all about fucking with physics
>update game to not take advantage of it

What's the deal with Valve breaking their games after time?
-hl2 ported to ep2 source build
-hl1 steam release
-hl1 expansions without their soundtrack for years
-tf2 bloated as shit, hq weapon models removed becasue of skins

Free 2 Play. People who spent money on TF2 created a boogeyman out of people who didn't.

does anyone really miss tilting when strafing?

What has that got to do with Half Life 2 play-testers?

>Crowbcat is basically probably a ringleader of sorts over at that Sup Forums forum.

Post how you would fix TF2 in its current state:

I like Crowbcat best when he isn't making console war baiting videos

Blizzard won

Seriously? How is that racist?


yes, i like it

can i revert HL back to its original release state? or any otehr valve game? HL2 looks ballin

How isn't it?

>How is it a lazy video.

Literally all his videos are him just finding tiny little things to nitpick without giving greater context as to why certain changes might have been made.

You don't think loading up two versions of a TF2, showing a few different changes with absolutely no context given for why those changes might have been made, and uploading it is lazy?

He's lazy as shit and just tries to generate views by riling people up. Worst example is the Halo video.

game got so bloated with hats, maps, weapons and left overs of old code so new people hired by valve had to scrap shitload of stuff to make it work with new hats and unsuals.

Do you expect me to know what NeoGaf is like? I've never been there and never will.

Everything is to NeoGAF, except when its racist towards white people

I hate those people so much. I don't know them but I hate them!


well we have threads about it every day

what's wrong with the last night

Because valve are nothing more than a bunch of hacks who got greedy as fuck, hell i'm still see lord gaben memes in 2017 despite how shit steam is, even the basic feature of refunds weren't a thing until 10+years after launch

So he's a sony cuck, a weeb and a overwatch shill? What a pathetic life.

Also most videos are compilations/reuploads

jesus fucking christ, this was just so sad to watch, and I honestly have no idea why is that.
these changes do not really affect gameplay and I never noticed it but holy shit
i've been playing it 08-12
what have i become, my sweetest friend

Imagine if people made "We Wuz Romanz" jokes? The joke is made to belittle someone's history and culture. It is the definition of racist.

It's mocking idiots who think their ancestry is someone else's culture, not blacks in particular.

though the specific instance is to blacks, the same joke would be made about whites who thought their ancestry is from birds.

Tell me how it's racist

the dev is pro-GG and the game is about how universal basic income is bad