What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
not video games
>break Vidcon rules
>go unpunished
Never attend a con run by cucks.
Sargon is a piece of shit though.
fuck off
What are vidcon rules?
She's ascended to sainthood in the mind of these complete losers.
Like fucking pottery
I don't care it's not video games!
She was born
so are you
anita was barely related to video games even when her kickstarter was a thing years ago, this thread should be on Sup Forums
This.... this is brave.... woah.............
no link to the fucking article? fucking prick
polygon is a video game site
its vidya related
Is Anita one of the biggest hacks of this decade? Even if you look at shitty books and movies like Twilight, there's at least some ounce of quality there, a sliver of redeemable content.
Meanwhile Anita is possibly the worst critic that has ever opened a mouth and pretended to know what they're talking about and yet she gets paid tens of thousands of dollars to give talks. All her insights are so unbelievably pedestrian, it's baffling to me how she's not embarrassed with herself.
hello r*ddit
People keep giving a platform to authoritarian thought police like idiot pictured. Don't like it, find arguments against it other than "my talking head doesn't like it so I don't like it." Stop swallowing bullshit by populists.
shes a victim lads, get ready for the waterworks
>progressive feminist figure being allowed to do whatever they want with no repercussions (which leads to even more abusive behavior)
hmm where have I seen this before?? Was it Leigh Alexander? Or Zoe Quinn? Or Devin Faraci? Or Mattie Brice? Or Samantha Allen? etc
eat shit an die
>hate group
>right wing ideologues
>She still asks money to make videos even on things no video games
Her fans are suckers who believe in any clickbait done by shitty journalists. They shouldn't be worth anyone's time, including Sargon's
>Conspiracy theorists
are they fucking real?
Why is this toxic cunt still alive?!
>hate group
it's been years and they're still clueless
Will they EVER get over GamerGate?
Yea but so is she.
>spent years harasing sakeesian?
not really he just made counter arguments to her feminist propaganda
Dudes a faggot, fuck him.
But this is true.
>but I support GG and I'm not a racist so nobody is and this entire paragraph is wrong!
Spare me your underage retard logic
Gamergate is a hate group?
good bait
Only if the money dries up. The Jews got a country out of their persecution complex, she should at least get a small Micronesian nation.
Considering that they're hating the guy that's making The Last Night or something for shit he said three years ago, no. GamerGate is literally their ONLY way to remain relevant, even if the corpse has long been beaten, rotted, and decayed.
>zoe quinn
Reason i pirated Jazzpunk to be honest familia
Can't say I'm surprised when these are the founders. Beta males are the issue here enabling them.
How can you refute the holy scriptures of the Anita?
was she involved in that game?
Let's be honest. All political gaming youtubers are pieces of shit.
Nice deflection, now try an actual argument.
If you believe making a video that refutes a point she made constitutes harassment, you're without a doubt the biggest retard on Sup Forums and should neck yourself immediately.
Real talk though, anyone baiting as a "modern liberal" is going to trigger poe's law, if you don't want this place to actually turn into reddit you'll have to stop it.
>tfw even turbo SJW Randy Pitchford is rebeling against his master
Never. Everybody needs their 'big bad enemy' like Sup Forums has da joos.
>still giving her more exposure
Haven't you filled her pockets enough Sup Forums? After all, you're the sole reason why she had ""success"" with her shit after all.
Same with Wu and Rapp and Quinn. Which's patreon pockets you faggots managed to fill as well.
When will you ignore or at least sage this shit to obvlivion instead of posting it for outrage SJW bait
They're both so fucking awful, I hate when they show up on Beer & Boardgames.
I think the better question is will Sup Forums?
Did something happen?
Didn't she have trouble finding work
I haven't heard about her in years
Rape accusations
I don't who the other two are.
lmfao did she just rekt herself? Why is she allowed to say that shit to that guy like that without any repercussion?
How the fuck is she trying to twist it around like that? Why don't they give a counter argument
Why are you guys still here? we fukcing hate your fag ass movement as much as we hate anita, go back to Sup Forums or the_donald, no one likes you, just like in rea life
No, because faGGots themselves won't get over it.
SJWs and niGGers feed on each other.
says the loser posting anime
>making me feel bad for Randy Pitchford
She really is a monster.
>Were finally pushing this Sandraker out of our hobby
>she says the same shit over and over
>calls hima. garbage human
>makes endless videos that go after feminists
hang doesnt she do exactly the same shit?
What exactly did she do?
>FBI LITERALLY proved they were harassing themselves and calling in bomb threats on their own venues
>Retards still think this
>drama between youtubers and idiots
Why should we care? They're just attention seeking idiots.
Don't (you) reply user. This is a baiting/misdirection tactic. Call him a faggot and move on.
Yes. Refund the DLC if you bought it. she did voices since she's not a game designer but they still wanted her onboard for SJPoints
>they even apologized to her
dear god how can people be this cucked
Isn't Sargon the humongous faggot selling these Kekistan flags you see at Trump rallies?
Not really, GG is like a slinky at this point. It's always fun to revisit now and then no matter how long ago you should have stopped enjoyed it really.
But instead of being fun to roll down the stairs, it's this toy that makes really terrible people shit themselves in anger. Anyway all I'm saying is death to those that dislike slinkys, heil Hitler!
>left special snowflake met right special snowflake
>now both shill their patreons
GamerGate was a mistake.
>not really he just made counter arguments to her feminist propaganda
Wtf user, that's literally rape!
That is such a misrepresentation that you can only be a redditor if you believe it
And it's only going to get worse.
>they're still bitching about gamergate
That movement lost traction and dispersed ages ago. Why are they bringing up past boogeymen? They may as well be talking about literal Nazis.
Second he cashed out he devoted his time to giving shit to people on twitter and being a cynical bastard. He's been Sup Forums since day dot.
I forgot about the literally rape meme. Gonna use that today. Forgot how funny it was.
Not to harass other people
The dudes were literally just standing there recording the speech and she went off on them
Jesus christ i fucking Hate this Bitch seriously, how is she allowed to say that and get a crowd cheer and he's not allowed to counter it, plus HE said debate him and she bitched out because she cant
>she's still involved with video games, more so than cucks here
i am
dont bully the people that come to see the fucking event
What did she actually do though?
"'If you go to the marketplace and shout my name, you get shitheads like this dude who tries to debate the infalibity of the bible', she said. 'They just say the same shit over and over again. I hate to give you attention because you're a satanist. These heretics just making endless claims that go after every Christian over and over again is part of the issue of why we have to have inquisitions.'"
It's like a musician who's been popular for many years, slowly starting to lose chart spots.
>releases new song, it's all autotune and chuck berry samples
>Look at me! I'm still relevant and hip to the times
same shit, different face, alternative medium.
>Crowbcat thread is pruned
>this garbage is allowed stay up
Get to publicly insult people with no backlash, get paid to go on stage and insult people to an audience, get defended when others speak out against her, have companies changing practices and products to match her ideology.
This woman is a fucking genius. I don't care what anyone says. I detest her, but goddamn shes playing everyone perfectly to get exactly what she wants.
I can't even begin to imagine how amazing it must be being openly hateful against people and being paid and revered for it. Fuck.
Called out a member of the crowd and called him both a shithead and a garbage human.
>They may as well be talking about literal Nazis.
They do that, too.
Is that minecraft notch?
learn to readplus she broke all the vidcon rules by literally defaming him and bullying him in front of an audience and the audience cheered
Nothing, which is where a lot of hate comes from seeing as people paid her to do something.
good thing i just pirated it
This would be top fucking tier if Notch replied to Randy with something along the lines of "how dare you speak to me"
Why is notch such a shitlord?
>I pulled myself up from the bootstraps
Minecraft was 100% luck.
>the es jeh duv-e-us
>fake laughs
>oh my god
> keeps fake laughing
> he is a liberal centrist middle cuck
This is all this videos. Reddit loves Carl, he has no place here.