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Crowbcat is a fag. If this means he's losing popularity then good. Stop being a shitty 12 year old and watching talentless e-celebs.
Based CrowbCat
Crowbcat literally started his e3 2014 video with a Lion King joke about Aisha Tyler
What the hell is wrong with neogaf
A bunch of sissy little shits.
So like Sup Forums?
Good thing betas aren't relevant enough to do anything about his video having almost a million views with a great like to dislike ratio.
full of pussy wh*tebois
Well, neofag hate Sup Forums's guts so there has to be a difference somewhere
>I pee with lgbt
it burns when he pees
>edbooneyebrows is banned
Can't make this shit up.
>we need more of that GAF humour out there?
Like fucking what? What humour? What do they find funny?
Fart jokes and funny cats or some shit.
Look how transphobic they actually are. But they're too dumb for that insight.
>both banned
lmao, was neogaf always like this? never really visited myself, they will kill themselves being all PC
video games
Nah once it used to be famously politically incorrect. But the mods were always power trippin' and then they realized there was money in playing the PC game so they cranked that shit up to 11.
Whatever NeoFag does, it's for money. And now money is saying white males are the cause of all evils in the world.
What happens when you ban dissenting opinions and all that's left is sjw cultists jacking each other off.
report and hide, this thread too
>was neogaf always like this?
No, SJWs infect everything they can by getting into positions of power and inviting friends/converting the already established moderation staff. Once they have the numbers to ban without being questioned they start banning for their ideological cause and never stop. Then all that's left are people insane enough to enjoy this.
I don't get where they get money from, considering how dead that shit forum is.
You have no idea.
thanks for the history anons,
one would never imagine it was once a freethought forum looking at it now, money talks then, although I'm kind of glad they have their own little containment bubble, it lets other communities thrive
Holy shit.
Why is neo-marxism so popular in video games community? Stalin would have gulag'd every single one of you without hestiation because of your hobby.
ITT: Sup Forums talks about itself.
>clearly a dog whistle to Sup Forums but you're gonna have to pretend otherwise lest some autist yells POL BOOGEYMAN at you
>Why is neo-marxism so popular in video games community?
Its the most beta movement in human history, the gaymen community is full of beta males.
>Censorship to the rescue
There are people who actually believes this. What is this, Saudi Arabia?
mentally ill person shouldn't be allowed to use that word in any way.
Let's try something
How many people here are active NeoGAF users?
Be sincere
Neogaf really is that bad.
Even reddit laughs at them.
I fucking love that, with the kinda shit fit they threw you'd think something would've come from it but no, not even a dent.
It worked in xenoblade x. Look how many pedos were mad that you couldn't dress the 10 year old character in playboy outfits
jesus christ
this tbqhwyf
>censorship to the rescue
I want off this planet
>games aren't meant to be games
I wonder if the internet just hurt society because now all these fucking retards can find their hug boxes and circlejerk for years and years which only makes their delusions worse.
Same thing that's wrong with every other forum layout.
There is a bias that is allowed to cultivate, and anything against it gets banished.
who the fuck is crowbobcat
>has the face of a child
How stupid are these people?
not video games
enjoy your vacation
I suck moderator cock xD
he's funny and /ourguy/. kys gaf nigger
NeoGAF didn't start caring about politics until about 2016.
>offended by big tits on a 13 year old
Do these people actually go outside? Girls that age these days have fucking artillery-grade tiddies these days with all the shit in the food and drinks.
You don't like open relationships? Pfffff.
i wasn't aware neogaf was still a thing
>you couldn't dress the 10 year old character in playboy outfits
this is the only type of game i want to play
>neogaf members are all cucks
Seriously who would have thought?
what kind of person spends their day taking screenshots of website they supposedly don't like and then spamming them on Sup Forums?
You didn't include the post who called that person out, and got banned for it.
now that's pathetic
>I can handle it because I have no emotional attachment to people
Comedy value and outrage porn.
why are you looking at 13 year old titties, user.
You people don't actually like CrowbCat's shallow, cherry picked montages, right?
>NeoGAF didn't start caring about politics until about 2016.
>being this redpilled
It started in 2010-2011 and progressively got worse.
A person who likes to have fun I guess.
looks like neoGAF found this thread guys
Why aren't you?
What the fuck is "GAF humor"?
those 2 retards arent right though
>mfw I found out yesterday people still post on GameFAQs
>movement found by a NEET
>worker power guys
>his grave requires a fee to enter
Was Marx a proto-shitposter?
this shit is so fucking surreal
has anthony burch fucking cloned himself?
I'm a functional human being with a sense of humor, so I do.
>girl fetishist
You mean, being an hetero male?
>girl fetishist
Are they still trying to brand heterosexualism a mental disease? They are painfully two-faced.
>girl fetishists
>girl fetishists
girl fetishists
>girl fetishists
girl fetishists
>girl fetishists
girl fetishists
>girl fetishists
girl fetishists
>girl fetishists
girl fetishists
>girl fetishists
girl fetishists
>girl fetishists
girl fetishists
>girl fetishists
what the fuck
>Girl fetishists
samefagging doesn't really work when you are doing it this much and the poster count is just sitting there being the same
It's not even a meme at this point, if you support an open relationship with your gf/wife you are a Goddamn cuck, I'm so fucking tired of cucks. It's always some nasty ass white nu-male too.
Same thing that's wrong with most online forums. People can't keep their own personal bias out of it and eventually a consensus is formed and you will find general staff such as moderators and admins trying to push away things that don't adhere to the consensus. Eventually they won't just stop at banning people who break the site rules, but they will start banning people with dissenting opinions on certain hot topics, such as politics and race fx. After this goes on for some time, any dissenting opinion is purged, either banned, dissuaded from participating further or converted to the general opinion. It then degenerates into one massive circle-jerk and the people involved are incapable of seeing it, because they've all convinced each other that they are correct.
I haven't indulged in the Sup Forums kool-aid and I find that board to be a cancer on this website for the most part, but 99% of "standard" forums are much worse in their circle-jerk. At least you can go to Sup Forums and call them out of their autism, even if they won't agree with you. Places like Neogaf will just straight up ban you.
>everything is burning and lunching
I wish.
Does anyone have that picture of the guy who simply posted "I disagree" and was banned from Neofag?
>doesn't understand what samefagging is
hello neogaf
>Trump fired Comey
*crowd cheers*
>No no that's a bad thing. We like Comey now.
What are the chances most of these accounts is just Lime samefagging?
Sorry I didn't realize you weren't allowed to post more than once in the same thread, my bad
I'm 38 and I vividly remember 4 girls in 6th grade having huge tits and the rest being a mix of nothing to moderate
GameFAQs is actually useful though.
I still want to find this guy and get him shitcanned. That's psychotic.
>girl fetishist
literally no one on Sup Forums cares about neogaf anymore besides you redditors