Comparing Street Fighter 5's Akuma to Tekken 7's Akuma is pretty much the representation of each game's quality

Comparing Street Fighter 5's Akuma to Tekken 7's Akuma is pretty much the representation of each game's quality.

Pic related.

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the best representation* I should say.

He looks better in sfv
Fucking fight me nigga

Akuma looks relatively good compared to the rest of the male cast in SFV

>tfw took me a minute to even see the bananas

try posting how they look while youre actually controlling them in the game. sfv's akuma is infinitely superior.

Shirtless/Classic vega skin when?

Fuck you.

Sup Forums:
>art style is more important than graphics

Weird how you contrarians switch beliefs so much

>actually liking that gay shit
lmao, u wanna know how i know youre from reddit?

>Sup Forums is one person


>art style is more important than graphics

This is only true when we're making excuses for Nintendo

Try to keep up

It's one in the same really.
You don't have to judge a book by it's cover, but you have fucking eyes. You can clearly see what looks like shit, and it's SFV's playdough karate Mufasa man.

>animetard doesn't know what a general consensus is

This is what he ACTUALLY looks like ingame.

Lion Akuma is cute tho. I love his new look.

>One is a cool redesign
>The other is just "let's take his SFIV model and make it all shiny"

Besides Capcom not knowing how to do faces, I really don't get the complaints about SFV. Game looks smooth as fuck.

>I really don't get the complaints about SFV.
>One is a cool redesign

That's probably because you have shit taste. Akuma's topknot wouldn't be that bad if it was placed further back like an actual topknot. It's current placement is simply ridiculous.

You're still BTFO
Tekken 7 looks amazing

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door

Why do the characters look awesome sometimes and horrible next time?

I think it looks fine.

If you think it looks ridiculous, then there's a mod for that on PC.

Except, don't tell me. You're playing this game on PS4, right?



tekken 7 has good graphics but the animations are awful and akuma in particular doesnt look amazing. i prefer sfv akuma in gameplay.

His default sf5 design kinda sucks, but his super is legit cooler.

Capcom doesn't know how to do proper lighting.

They just threw their shit in UE4, said "yep, that looks good", and left it at that.

Meanwhile, Namco actually knows how to use UE4, and actually knows how to make good looking games, so Tekken 7 looks amazing just about everywhere.

nostalgia outfit akuma looks like akuma should and doesn't have the weird lion snout and lion mane

of course the cunts ask more money for it

The guy in charge of rigging the character select and win screen has autism and doesnt understand faces.

No its not the lighting at all.
Also Tekken looks like an upscaled PS3 game fuck off.

>tekken looking good

Animations are disgusting desu.

i dont see the problem

>STILL trusting Capcom

>Playing online while having a BR-tier connection
>"It's totally the animations, guize!"

Not in the webm, in the whole game. Movements seem just as odd and unnatural as when it was on the ps1.

Thats because they are still recycling PS1/2 animations.

>blames it on lag

This is what happens when you hire someone from the FGC to produce your fighting games.

The FGC community is just full of ignorance and arrogance. Trusting a high level player to design a game is like trusting a burger flipper to grill a steak.

The only time I've seen shit like that happen is when the guy I was fighting had like 1 bar.

At least Tekken 7 is smoother than the jittery mess that is SFV's netcode. Even when connection is good in SFV, the game just feels like ass online.

>b-but muh rollback!
If Capcom had just used GGPO instead of making their own shitty netcode, we wouldn't be in this situation.

It's not Ono, retard.

It's actually not that, it will be a directive from Marvel and Disney. Marvel do not like marketing and exposing the X-Men any more than necessary because they don't have the movie rights to them, the answer he has given is the PR answer he has been told to provide, he knows it's a load of shit but it's his job.

If Marvel ever get those movie rights back (and they won't) then you can expect to see the X-Men in everything in a big way.

I genuinely never liked or cared about X-men (not that I'm buying MvCI).

It really shows that capcom has no idea how to make Unreal look good when every other 3D fighting game is using it and looking WAAY better

>Injustice looks better
>Tekken Looks better
>MOTHER FUCKING GUILTY GEAR looks way way way better and shows how much in dept Ark went into unreal developing
>same goes for DBFZ

Meanwhile SFV only looks good when Laura's ass is on screen

Yeah, it's Combofiend. Aka, guy from the FGC who's ignorant as fuck and doesn't know anything.

>Believing rumors from Reddit

>Mark Evans
2017er spotted

Michael Evans isn't Combofiend lmao

I dont care about them either but many do.

Sucks that the game is caught in the middle of some gay company politics drama faggotry.

Wouldve probably been better if they waited for another year or two before starting.

>posts raging demon for Tekken but not for SFV

SFV characters look good except for the 1 cherry picked shots people here always shitpost with.

There is nothing wrong with the models, the only reason they look wierd in those specific shots is because either the expression or the lightning isn't right.

SFV looks good but just inconsistent. I think it's the shadders they use.

I still find this stupid
>we still own every right for these characters BUT movies
>lets kill them off instead of working with the company that owns them to make us both loads of money
its fucking stupid

Logan's movie should had been when the demo for MvsC:I landed with Wolverine front and center with him in both movie and comic's costume, a ton of people would download it and you would get great PR from it

But nope, lets be sour fucks because Fox owns the X-men movies and we dont, even though we own them in cartoons, games, comics and everything else that could do tie in with fox's movies and generate both of us tons of money

As much as people love to shitpost with the still image of Capcom games, in motion they look way better than than their competition

Is Akuma on SFV fun?
I got both tekken 7 and SFV as a gift and really like how akuma plays on Tekken, should I buy his DLC for SFV?

>Injustice looks better
>Was still made in UE3 instead of UE4

I don't know how Netherrealm does it. Well, besides getting probably shit tons of dosh from WB.

It would be great if it was just a silly rumour instead of something they're clearly doing.
You'd think that would make sense but Marvel doesn't want Fox to make money off X-Men which is something they can't even stop happening. The entire thing is stupid

We talkin shitty models?

Guilty gear is also Unreal 3
You can make U3 look fucking amazing if you know what you are doing, the only advantage of U4 is better toolset for developing games and a better default shader

leathershop is two blocks down buddy

Tekken7 Akuma plays like SF4 Akuma while SFV Akuma plays more like SF4's Oni. He's really fun to play.

How do you play as young Heihachi in Tekken 7?


SFV biggest problem is hair.

Every single fucking characters hair looks like shit. Like plasticine. They need to redo all of it. Ken obviously is the worst offender.

there's a mod out there for it
There's mods for several of the story mod costumes

unlockable hair/facial hair

Richard Hammond is my favourite Street Fighter.
I love his critical art where he crashes a car into you.

Go into customization and choose the young Heihachi hair and mustache.

But he's still old wearing a wig. He's talking about the actual young model that doesn't have wrinkles.

How the fuck can people actually be defending this?

I'm not playing it at all because there's like 5000 better fighting games out there

Been in the mood to pick up a fighting game for months now. Which should I get to enjoy at just a casual level? I'm not a button masher btw.

Injustice - too much projectile spam
SFV - too combo-y
Tekken 7 - too juggle-y

I'm kinda leaning towards Tekken but SF4 was the only fighting game I ever got serious about. If SFV is pretty similar I should just get that.

One is a new design. The other is his original design that's been used for years. What's your point? Post his nostalgic DLC.

I dont know where you got that promo shot from but this is absolutely not what Akuma looks like in T7.

This is what he looks like.

> SFV version

Fresh new look and gameplay. Like how SFV is the most refreshing and change heavy SF to date.

> Tekken 7 version
A rehash. Literally his SF4 incarnation but then badly done. Like Tekken, it's a bad rehash. Tekken tag 2 is literally a better value deal. More characters, stages, modes. Tekken 7 is a joke.

>Casual level

Wut. Get SFV.

One is cartoon animu. The other is realism meme bullshit.

Defend this Tekken furries

Bloody Roar?

honestly i wish there was an option to turn off customisations in tekken

i mean every now and then you get a clever outfit or something that actually doesn't look like shit, but 99% of the time it looks fucking awful

Its multiple layers of shit.
Everybody wants to be epin with their ugly outfits, the costumes themselves are fucking garbage PS2 tier quality AND there is very few options in there in general.

All other Tekken games had more. Soul Calibur games had MUCH more.

They just completely ruined the Tekken visuals.

not only that but the music is progressively getting worse too

i wish i had access to the jukebox but i got it on PC. tekken 4 definitely had the best beats

I wish tekken 7 had more sf characters. Akuma's T7 model makes me moist

Thank god steam has a refund option, I bought Tekken on release because of everyone saying how great it was but it doesn't even have a tutorial or a basic explanation of mechanics.

i think you worded this wrong
this is implying you want furries to defend something they like instead of the tekken fans to defend themselves against not being furry

Imagine Tekken Zangief or Tekken Sagat. They will look terrifying.

You know what also gets worse with every game?
So much shit after Tekken 5.

And yeah you might be able to mod T4 music into 7 just like with SFV, they use the same file structure afaik.

Fuck Harada for making a gay deal with Sony though. Everybody should get those costumes and tracks.

Oh dear god what

>buy skullgirls
>play tutorial
>practice for a bit
>move on to tekken
>pick character you like
>apply mechanics you learned in skull girls

Bit it haz: superiour limb based combat just dont play it like a headless rabbies chicken and maybee youd won a match or 2

>Not posting Shark Yoshimitsu.

>Sup Forums:
>>art style is more important than graphics

>Implying it's false
Look at fucking gamecube Wind waker, art style is so good it BTFO a large part of today's 4K realistic shit games. It's so perfect it even BTFO the HD version of itself.

Super Saiyan 3 Akuma is cool.
The Tekken 7 one is literally just the SFIV model.

was this when Tekken jumped the shark?

I did fine applying my general knowledge of fighting games and I will buy the game again when its cheaper.

However, that's not my point. I've been playing FGs for years and I know how technical they can be, having no tutorial or even a basic explanation of mechanics is just retarded.

Anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, KoF and MK/Injustice have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of a supplying a proper fighting engine, matches in T7 seem to rely heavily on "who can get their rage move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out fighting game mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!

If you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.

>what are youtube tutorials

>Fuck Harada for making a gay deal with Sony though
Harada and Tekken has always been gay with Sony, though.

>been playing FGs for years
>no knowledge of tekken whatsoever


Might as well have name dropped Smash Bros

>First party
>Third Party

What? both are third party games, sony does not own Capcom or Namco
>B-But sony gave capcom money for SFV
So? doesnt make it a first party game, not even a Second party game, its just a third party game that got some funding from a manufacturer, just like the new Shenmune will be

hey i love tekken 7 but the game's lack of tutorials or explanations is inexcusable

titles like Skullgirls and Xrd have ridiculously indepth tutorials. people shouldn't have to go watch some stoner on youtube (just kidding i love you aris) to learn the basic mechanics


Tekken is far better with graphics but both games were released half-finished greenlight style and both are an absolute joke compared to their previous entries.

Yeah the game is barebones and unfinished as fuck.

Fuck off retard