Game tries to be funny

>Game tries to be funny
>it isn't
What's her name?

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Anything Anthony Burch wrote

all of them

>Game tries to be funny
>It's sexy
All too often.


I want to fuck that rabbit

Final Fantasy X-2

All it's actually funny moments are unintentional.

Comedy is so subjective it isn't even funny.

One man will die laughing at a retarded joke, and another will claim to have never laughed before in his life.

Borderlands the pre sequel

I want to commit a crime

Yooka-Laylee. Way too much fourth wall shit.

Borderlands 2. I assume the first is like it, but i got gifted the second game. It was like pulling fucking teeth.

The second plays up the first's humour

It had a lot of the same elements and beat your head with them but didn't beat so hard as to break the fucking hammer in doing so

Name 3 (three) games

Sonic Colors

Too self aware. That's usually the problem with comedy games. Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden is probably the most funny comedy game ever made just because it never breaks in-universe kayfabe and all of the retarded shit going on is taken deadly seriously by all the characters.

Every Tropico game.

Beyond Good and Evil 2



Sunset overdrive

I want to fuck that bunny.

>comedy is subjective

You're objectively retarded


>game has an intentional moment that is genuinely funny enough to make you laugh out loud
What's her name?

Conker's Bad Fur Day. Legitimately a game for kids.

How are you this much of a shitposter?

When Papyrus jumped through the window in UnderTale

I played it over at a friend's whose dad bought it for him
As a 15 year old it was hilarious, I wonder if it holds up

the most damning thing of borderlands 2 is it makes borderlands 1 humor seem understated.

>try to uglify their character to keep people from sexualizing it
>make the mistake of leaving concept art so people just use that

>Dates itself with shallow Seltzer-Friedberg pop culture references in place of jokes
>Thinks cartoony characters swearing will carry its humor all the way through
>Poopoo peepee
That being said, Great Mighty Poo's song is the funniest bit in the game.


> game tries to be funny
> it is

who is that?

One of the buns you fight in Mario Odyssey.

Already has loads of art just like swordbitch from Xenoblade 2.

why is a character in a nintendo game allowed to have breasts that big

tell me one thing you think is funny, and it would be possible to find >0.5 billion people that disagree

>game tries to be cute
>it is

the one on the left looks like a reskinned morton

is that how she looks now? kek

reminder: Sup Forums is desperate enough to want to fuck anything vaguely feminine

MediEvil: Resurrection


I want to marry Harriet!

I really like Harriet

the lowbrow humor isnt the real source of the comedy, its the ironic juxtaposition

It's weebshit, those are sorta a mandate at this point.

She better have a lot of porn when Odyssey releases

Did they fug in the car?

then follow with this

GTA V about 50 percent of the time.

Nah I just like rabbits.

World of Final Fantasy

>Too self aware

Do you even understand what parody is?

I prefer fauns, but not bad

Fauns ain't bad either.

I'm sorry but whenever I look at this game all I see is a reskined shitty bloodborne.I don't like console wars faggotry and I wish pc would just get the damn game so they could agree

I want to fuck that hare


They fugged every time the fox completed a test but the rhino kept helping him cheat

>game doesn't try to be funny outside of a handful of one-off setpieces
>game decides that since these one-off's have a decent fan reaction, this means they need to be stretched into a 6-ish hour segment to turn a decent fan reaction into an amazing fan reaction
>6-ish hour segment tries to be funny
>it isn't
>it keeps fucking going
>it doesn't know when to stop

May I have the name?

The Borderlands series

It's not funny when a parody constantly breaks the 4th wall to go "haha guys I'm in on the joke too ;)" There are plenty of parodies that don't do this. I already mentioned one.

What Does The Fox Say


>2016 had top bunnyfu Judy
>2017 has decent harefu Harriet
What's next for 2018? More vidya buhnis or a music rabbitfu?

I want to kill that wabbit

Why does NIntendo suck at making character models? This isn't a visually appealing model at all. Freaking Freya from a Playstation 1 game by Squaresoft looks better designwise than this rabbit bitch.

I dunno, I'd hit it.

No shit there will be

Agree. This game got way too far up is own ass. Shit like this and Kung Fury completely miss the mark on what they are trying to be by going too far with everything.

I love the way she reacts like: He fucking hit me did you see that!

foxes > rabbits

kung fury was great though

You have to be over 18 to post here.

ur moms 12 xD

>not "kill da wabbit"