Be me, a girl gamer

>enter new zone in MMORPG
>"I'm a girl gamer, do NOT speak to me unless spoken to"
>incels and betas chimp out until I leave

Why is the gaming community so hostile to my kind?

Other urls found in this thread:

>girl gamer

epic thread





Looks like someone stole your 5.

This post will end in 3.

Can I get a quick rundown on this image?

>Revealing your a girl
>not staying neutral
Well there ya go, who the fuck announces gender

dick sucking lips

>announcing you are a girl

I know this is bait, but why would anyone do this? Fags don't announce they are gay, or blacks announce their race. Play the fucking Game and if someone talks to you, either talk back or don't. You gender, race, religion are are irrelevant.

>Rampage use to make pretty weird but good futa shit
>now 90% of his work is NTR or women with proportions that don't even make sense

Holy fuck a rare black weaboo

That pic is horrifying, Shame on you op

Looks like Rampage.

i am not happy to know this but it looks like rampage0118

warning; dude pretty much just draws gaping asshole shitting futas and cuck shit, i don't know why so many western hentai artists have terminal autism

>backsearch OP to bimbo artist
>he mainly does cuck shit


If you like this image and you like 3D japs
Look for the "DDB-" jav codes by this company

You're welcome.

Black weebs are surprisingly common though.
Although most of them have watched entry-level shit like DBZ and Naruto

>artist draws great bimbo-esque shit, thick lips and huge asses
>wastes it drawing futa/scat/cuckolding
Every time

>sources all within the same minute

dont forget every girl needs to get blacked too, because he has so much "artistic integrity"

Sounds like massive entitlement issues. Why the fuck should we treat your saggy ass like some royal queen bitch? Your tits get you nowhere in anonymous settings, so tits or GTFO unless you learn some basic human social courtesy and charisma. Protip: having an actual personality helps

>tfw my GF is always on the mic while I play
>all those idiots in KF 2 who are literally proposing to them

>long ago when was 12
>played in a WoW pirate server
>Play as a girl
>some guy ask me to get closer in the middle of nowhere, thinking that he need help with a quest or a zone
>he said that I look sexy
>walk away confuse

why? now i guess maybe he wanted me to role play or something?

also, which is the autor of that picture?
im a sick pervert as you can see, and that close up could be something interesting to check out.

And don't forget the scat
I filter that faggot every time, he's disgusting in every way possible for a porn artist. No dignity

how is BLACKED even conveyed in doujin format. I thought usually those things were drawn such that all characters aren't even colored in and just look white.

Do they just slap some big lips onto a guy and call it a done deal

great thread

>entry level

this is my issue - where is the threshold where people with bimbo fetishes jump to "8 inch swollen studded futa cocked bimbo shitting out rope sized piles of feces while getting blacked by 3 niggers"? do people become like this or did they just have some autistic pre-disposition and it just took a little coaxing to turn them into a full blown degenerate faggot?

I want a based black weeb friend

>be female
>never tell anyone my gender
>use a standard gamer handle
>never use the mic
>guy on my guild contacts me
>"Hey dude, I don't wanna sound gay or anything, but I think I have a crush on you."
>tell him I'm straight
>"O-okay. Sorry for bothering you."

>"I'm a girl gamer, do NOT speak to me unless spoken to"
Fishing for attention

Not really

>want something to exist that you can't have in real life
>go through the efforts to learn to draw that stuff to meet your own standards
Why can't you do the same?

>Responding to that as if it weren't bait
Are you trolling. Isn't dragon ball z literally the most popular anime on the planet, or close to it?

Tell me you're joking

porn is LITERALLY a slippery slope and anyone who argues this is a victim in denial

western art is extremely different from asian and rampage also colors everything
also he doesn't draw doujins in the traditional way

I don't believe this happened at all but I really hope it did

Not really a weeb but Im watching Gundam origin and playing black desert right now.

if youre drawing porn, chances are you probably arent all there in the head. all it takes is one or two small steps and youre a fullblown degenerate.

the solution is go to the artist, ask for petitions taht dont involve any of the downsides.
and you get stuff you like.

Entry level is not an insult you autistic faggot, it literally just means entry level.

But these things happen almost everytime when a girl joins a new community or is forced to meet new people online. Have you seen that comic about the guy simply not responding to her and she just stops playing? "I'm a girl you know" instant lack of any character

Are you an actual retard? DBZ is people's first and ONLY anime. It's as entry level as it comes. Fucking Naruto is less entry level

>Rampage's art
10/10 fap materaial

Speaking of NTR (this is off topic, by the way), is it still cuck/ntr if the cuck forces the bull to rape his wife/girlfriend against her will?

Ah. My porn IQ isn't high enough and I don't know recognize artist names off the top. I see.

Hedonistic treadmill. What used to get them off no longer works, so their fetishes inevitably escalate. It happens all the times with furries too.

The only answer is to get off the treadmill and let it reset.

It's pretty standard. If you're in between the age of 23 and like 30 you were probably watching dbz on toonami at 5pm like everyone else.

I know this is very likely bullshit. But "do not speak tp me unless spoken to." Unfortunately for you, people are allowed to talk to whoever they want.


nah, blacked and NTR is shit

I want the shemale days back

Thank you for introducing this artist to me OP

>Realized I was a vore fag at about age thirteen
>It was actually only downhill from there

I legitimately believe the things I masturbate to might nauseate the average human

>ITT: Futa is comparable to scat


It does suck that all artists of it eventually start getting into weirder fetishes, though.

fuck off

Get off the treadmill, user. You must not let it continue escalating.

A-are you one of the mythical mexican sugar dancing fans?

But he's getting a good exercise!

I don't care about the scat stuff since usually Rampage and other artists have clean versions, but you can't fix an artist when NTR commissioners start giving them bundles of cash. It only goes down from there.

Do you just jerk off to the lingerie section of a sears catalog?

Yes you degenerate.

I'm not a fan of futa but scat and all the cheesy NTR nigga dick shit he does now is fucking terrible.

Rampage is a shit artist. Quite literally.

did you mean only have watched? fix your shit it makes no sense

Futa is comparable to worse things

If someone asked me with superpower I wished for, I would take lasereyes to burn down all Futa degenerates

Don't jerk off at all for a while. Once you get desperate enough, I imagine something as vanilla as a pair of tits would probably be enough.

The only way to truly enjoy pleasures is to abstain from them for a while.

>he never heard about Radiohead
Poor boy.

>not all furries
>not all cucks
>not all footfags
>just people that like futa


Furries would be the next on the list no doubt

Futa is literally gayer than gay porn.

>Doesn't even draw is original character enough
Shame cus she is cute and not a scat futa

Literally impossible to fap to
but also impossible to be disgusted with.
This guy's stuff is too fucking funny.

Tranny/post/pre shit now, at some point I just stopped caring whatever their genitals are. Theres just so much shame in them, so much rejection, I think the knowledge that deep down these people are suicidal mentally ill abhumans makes my whistle blow

>I don't believe this happened at all but I really hope it did

It happens. Maybe not like that, but it happens. I've had 3 gay guys come onto me thinking I was male. I have a theory, though. Men and women have very different writing styles if you pay close attention. I won't get into the details (google is your friend), but a woman's writing is softer and more emotional. Lots more adjectives and silliness when n a fun atmosphere. I think this appeals to gay guys looking for a submissive, emasculated partner.

It really sucks, anyway. Because no matter how you play it, it's going to end badly. The only way to win, is to switch servers. There is no way to stop that train once it's started, and it will take the entire guild down with it once it's moving.

>The only way to truly enjoy pleasures is to abstain from them for a while


But also I'm a middle classed American and I've been trained to subconsciously believe that you aren't truly living life happily unless you're in a state of constant euphoria with gratification on demand

asceticism of any form just isn't bred into us

Well. In my case I actually turned it down a lot. When I was a teenager I'd actively search for some pretty fucked up shit. Now it's pretty regular porn with some edging and denial sub/ Dom stuff. Not the absolutely obscene shit I used manage to jerk off too. Honestly, I think it has more to do with having sex with "normal" people. When you've literally been jerking yourself off for 5 straight years I'd assume shits going to get weird chasing a nut.

Radiohead is amazing, although I do have to avoid the turbo-scat stuff. His 2hu doujins are actually legendary.


He used to be great before scat. Just futa getting fucked with gigantic rods and some urethra play.

That makes sense. I'm the absolute last person who is going to be an apologist for a genuine attention whore, but I think the male nerds who cause this sort of thing are just as culpable for creating an environment where normal social interaction is impossible.

tl;dr- the only thing worse than a whore is a whore enabling nigga. Eliminate all betas.

Futa and Radiohead are overrated


Those are the only weebs I know.

>not cultured enough

Come again in 5 years, sonny.

>tfw you unironically like Rampage and check his h-f and pixiv at least twice a week for new images
I think I have a fetish for outrageous western art

For some reason every single weeb I've encountered has been a mexican or a black person. I actually don't know any white people who are into anime, but every brown person in a twenty mile radius seems to be fucking enamored with kingdom hearts and shit

>Fags don't announce they are gay

They do rub it in online but IRL they dont because they cant get to their safe space when they get a "Yeah and?" answer.

I use to do that before most of his work became shit. Another sort of similar artist I check regularly is Albatross, but he can be grosser and I have to be in the mood.

God damn my fucking sides.

>if you pay close attention.
It's pretty obvious. I doubt you're female though, so you could be fooling me.

It's bred into us all, user. We're driven by consumerism and temporary highs. That combined with the fact that we inevitably adjust to any pleasures we indulge in makes for a spiral of consumption which only goes further and further downward. We must break these cycles ourselves, or inevitably be consumed by them.

*tips fedora*
Radiohead was good the age of 16-17, kys


Autism knows not colour or gender



>Be OP, a total faggot
>make shitty threads on Sup Forums while wanking in my mother's boyfriend's basement