What is your honest opinion of Nier Automata?

What is your honest opinion of Nier Automata?

Weeb game.

quality post

The game was good, but a bit overrated. The story wasn't as profound as some people think it was. It raised a lot of interesting questions, but ultimately did nothing with them and kinda just threw them on the floor. Good music and cast though.

Game was good. Soundtrack was the best out of any other game this year. Gameplay is fun, but I wasn't too blown away by the story. I don't regret buying it though.

story was interesting but kinda let down by a pretty below average cast (only interesting characters imo were 9S [who is typical shota gone postal] and Pascal)

gameplay is fun but it's easily one of Platinum's worst efforts. there aren't a lot of options and dodging is overpowered to the point where it doesn't even feel good to dodge attacks. the shmup sections were interesting but overall pretty badly designed (should've really brought in some experts from the industry, but I guess Taro is working on a small budget)

i still enjoyed it, though.

the storytelling is better than the actual story, which is fine in my book, the one thing this medium has over the others is the different ways to tell a story

Someone post that webm of him fucking her and slapping her ass

Positive, beautiful underlying message, one of the best true endings in history of vidya, some of the best love stories i've seen in video games (mostly because it's not thrown into your face every five minutes and hidden under multiple layers of the story), great ost and very fluid gameplay. Like every game, Automata has its share of flaws, but it's one of those rare as fuck games that is better than a simple sum of its parts. It manages to be a unique experience which is way more than i can say about most modern vidya.

I was disappointed by the combat since early gameplay vids made me believe it was pretty much MGR combat or maybe even better but then again it tries to be a JRPG at the same time which I guess made more sense for the game to have more typical hack and slash combat. At least it is fun to play unlike the original Nier


slightly above average for a taro game.

could've been better, but about what I expected. anyway, bring on mgr 2

soundtrack was great
setting was meh
gameplay was meh
graphics were meh
characters were good
story is more compelling than the average vidya
all blends together pretty well. it's been overhyped but still an enjoyable experience
pic related is the highlight of the game for me

9S is cute and I want to kiss his lips

Best game I've played since Bloodborne. Unironically 10/10.

I really enjoyed it. 8/10 in my book. But I'm a sucker for these cheesy types of stories.

Show some restrain, 2B.


>vague hope starts playing

It's great, easily the best game I've played this year so far, though I haven't played P5 yet.

Like any other action rpg, if you take your time to do the side content you end up overpowered. I guess I could just gimp myself but that's a boring solution. Some boss fights were over in seconds

Story is boring, but the combat is good. It seems fine for a platinum game, but I was expecting more.

Game is overrated as fuck and only weebs seem to think that it is GOAT.

Game is about as Asian as it gets as far as combat story character design which would be great... If this was 05 and Asian games were considered the best as far as story and character design went.

Ending e unironicly made video games art

A generic story that is good at best, with great art and combat. The problems begin when you are forced to play as 9S and redo the entire game. They should have shortened it to parts that absolutely required 9S. Also the ending E minigame...

Easily the biggest problem of the game. Should've balanced boss levels around levels all side content gives to you because side missions are incredibly important for the story sometimes.

i have a question for the story, huge spoilers
are 9S models designed to get corrupted and/or become mentally unhinged, which is why Command sent 2B (or 2E, as we learned) to put 9S down when he eventually gets corrupted or mentally unhinged? is that the real fate of 9S?

9S model is simply too advanced so he figures out the little charade of project YoRHa very fast and needs to be restrained.

9S only goes mad because the love of his life dies and his entire life crumbles around him.

Love it, finished the first run, but I hate the hacking and weak ass 9S, second run isn't as fun because of him

you need to get through it, because the first and second run are literally only half the game

This is one of those fun phenomenon in gaming. Once the game is cracked, the overall reviews plummit. Nier was cracked a few days ago, and now there's a massive influx of people talking shit about it (much more than normal).

Why? Because those people's pride isn't forcing them to defend their purchase. They're not blinded by denial trying to fend off regret. So we get honest reviews.

This is why I wait until games are cracked before buying them. Sort of ironic.

9S is way stronger than 2B even without hacking.

>Sound of the End (Quiet corrupted ) starts playing

Here's the real question: Why were these androids built with emotions in the first place? Putting emotions into your slave bots is how you get anomalies, rebellion, and generally catastrophic failure

>War & War starts playing

How? His combos suck in comparison and the bots, which are arguably the best dps in the game are the same for both. I didn't like playing as him because the hacking minigame got really tedious

>Cherry 2000 will never fall in love with you.

It's an artistic game that unlike every other artistic game out there, does not have dogshit gameplay. Delicious music, storytelling, ass and gameplay variety mixed with decent graphics and core mechanics makes for an amazing blend showing what the medium can actually do when it does not pretend to be just an interactive movie or just a children's toy.
Best game I've played in a decade, but to be honest I've only played a moderate amount of different games in the last decade.

They are built to be as humanlike as possible even if it's counter-intuitive.
They desire to be like humans, to simulate humans.
On top of that YoRHa models have their personality data inside black boxes, alien piece of tech, and the only person who truly manages to reverse-engineer them is dead before the events of a game.

Pretty okay game
My only gripe is that they didn't fix the resolution issue, I'm aware there's a third party fix but still. The story is decent, gameplay is good on boss fights, moderately okay everywhere else.

I think it's overhyped and raised but still it's not a bad game.


His spears and large swords have better movesets than 2B with way more range and safety.
On top of that he has overpowered ranged attacks on charged light attacks. Spear throw on crit build is the single most bullshit move in the game. Bracer throw has crazy DPS.
On top of that he has heavy strings performed by dodge into light string.
His dodge counters are better than dodge counters of 2B for everything but bracers.

Tried to give it a chance but I just can't.

My heart sank when the first hub shat out some WoW quests to me. Sank even further when I had to go to the desert that had zero level design.

>few days ago

It was cracked over 2 months ago dumbass. Also please don't tell me your'e actually stupid enough to take Sup Forumss opinion seriously on anything.

The original purpose of the androids was just to oversee the replicants while awaiting for their merging with their gestalt masters.
To commit this task, they had to act as humanlike as possible to avoid raising suspicion.
Thus, they planted emotions into them, one of those emotions being an overwhelming desire to love humans, quite possibly to prevent the eventual rebellion.
Of course as 9S points out when he goes nuts, having an intristic desire to love something doesn't prevent from trying to destroy it's remains
I suppose the emotions remained after the project failed.

Right now I just think it's good, the characters aside from 9s, which they used almost all the routes on to explain, felt lack luster. The cast really doesn't hold up to Weiss, Emil, Kaine and Nier, and the tragic characters they stumble upon.
Also, I think it was rushed? Like, even A2's model look like it's using low resolution texture?

But yeah, I think I'll find it great once I replay it, after Taro has elaborated on the characters with more reading material.
Then, it might be a great game.

As you see, my only problem was the dialog + story side of things.

Great combat wasted on shit enemies.

i fucking hated 9S's gameplay

the hacking should just be something saved for special occasions. he breaks the combat up way too much and is ridiculously repetitive because there aren't enough scenarios

however the game kinda pushes you into it because his actual fighting style is slow and boring as fuck and hacking is actually really powerful

why even fight the boss when you can just hack it 5 times in a row and kill it

Good game, would be better if it had a bigger budget. You can see the game suffering from it with the lack of new mobs in Chapter C and the lack of more combos/ weapon animations.

Also graphics is pretty poor, but thats what you get for a 10m budget game i guess.

Didn't really like playing as 9s or a2. Ending E was okay I guess. I had fun though.

9s a shit

Nines was one of us.

Pic related.

the fuck is this deviantart fanfic shit?

Too shallow for its length. Should have stopped at ending A or had more content variety. Feels bait falls flat because characters aren't developed enough. Chips were a mistake.

it's one mad A2 waifufaggot shitting up all Nier threads

what a2fag? i'm not even an a2fag and i think 9s is little fag.

are you lost?

Are you talking about this pic?it wasn't even made by A2fags you retard, it's just funny

Weeb trash

>Chips were a mistake

Chips were a great concept.

It was a solid 7/10 for me. Gameplay was fun. Music was great. The story wasn't as 5deep4me as everyone made it out to be. And I'm not super into weeb stuff, but overall I'm not mad that I payed for it.

Undertale for weebs. Plays like shit, story is shit, characters are shit, music is nice but gets old real fast. Has a bunch of nice gimmicks, but that's about it.




Great concept, abysmal execution. They made the game either too easy or too hard depending on how many functional brain cells you've got. Should have worked on the combat system more instead and balanced the game around it.

Executed like shit though. You could literally easily build and auto-healing ranged character and win everything by running in circles. I guess that's what tactical RPG combat looks like in weebshit

Sure is summer in here.

And here is one example


>t-they don't get how DEEP this game is!!!
Nah, we get it. We saw entry level anime, nothing new here. It's trash.

Yeah giving people options, what a terrible idea.

It was a 6/10. And worse than the original. Nearly everything about it was either interesting but poorly executed, or flat out uninteresting. Anyone calling it game of the decade, or even the year, truly deserve death for having taste so shit.

Way to prove his point.

It was pretty decent. After I got all the ending the first time, and deleted my save file, I just haven't felt the need to replay it.

t. Contrarian

really, REALLY good story, characters, music, and art direction, i know a lot of people say it's not that deep, and they're right, but for a videogame nier automata is one of the best stories if not the best
but it also has repetitive and boring side-quests, rpg "mechanics" are really light and take away from the fun parts of the gameplay and replayability, the weapon upgrade system encourages you to use 1 or 2 weapons only, 9S is not fun to play as and he's 1/3-1/2 of the game, 2B/A2 are fun to play as but offer little depth, the ending gets too meta and cheesy where the game literally asks you "DO YOU THINK VIDEOGAMES ARE SILLY THINGS" and stuff like that, you can breeze through the whole game depending on your configuration (just buy a bunch of healing items and put in the chip that heals you when you're almost dead)
overall the gameplay isn't outright bad like yoko taro's other games but its really simple and nowhere near as complex as DMC or bayo, and 9S is shit
5/10 gameplay 10/10 everything else

One of the main contenders for game of the decade so far.


If some of those options aren't balanced, then yes, you shouldn't have that option in the game.

GOTY so far

>nowhere near as complex as DMC or bayo

I don't know people keep spouting this shit. Did you really expect combat like that out of what is essentially a jrpg?

No, that's actually normal opinion outside the weeb circlejerk.

What a sad decade this is.

you should read this>9S is shit
probably must be A2fag right?

You're an idiot.

Plot wasnt nearly as good as Nier, but it did pretty much everything else better.

Nothing contrarian about that. A lot of people find the original superior, and for good reason.

Every time someone says action is shit, people say it's an RPG. Every time someone says the balance is broken and upgrade system is shit, people say it's action. Reality is it's a bad action RPG. Bad at action, even worse at RPG.


I really wanted to like Automata, Nier is one of my favorite games, and all I really wanted from Automata was another cast that I could get attached to. I was emotionally invested in Nier to a degree I never thought possible. Was the gameplay amazing, no, but my love of the characters and story overcame that when in most cases it wouldn't.

Automata didn't really have that for me. I was intrigued by the game, but I could honestly care less for any of the characters, and while the combat itself might have felt better, just in movement and certain mechanics, I really didn't like it at all. It felt very shallow, as another user said it looked like it was just a newer MGR to some degree. My disdain for the combat and my non attachment to the characters made me not really too invested in the game, and so when I beat it I kinda just moved on. Nothing stuck with me besides the music, great soundtrack.

>great combat

Nigga what. Have you seen how OP the dodge mechanic is? Even KH2 has better balancing on its mechanics.

Let me introduce you to Sup Forums, fellow redditor. Over here we use arguments to prove points.

Yeah it's called being contrarian. The original was executed far worse. People complain about playing again as 9s, but playing half the game five times is far worse.

>that pic
Disgusting normalfags

nier automata has literally no jrpg mechanics other than upgrading weapons and leveling up and you cant pick what stats you level up
i don't dislike 9S as a character, but i don't like playing him. his moveset is shit.
in terms of moveset, 2B>A2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dogshit>>>>>>>>S

By looking like newer MGR I meant before it actually came out when I saw gameplay videos. Not what the game actually plays like.

You know, i'm really happy that character action games are dead so their whiny fanbase will become extinct over time.

Good sound track, decent if repetitive gameplay, loved maxing the weapons for the stories, story was a ride and I enjoy the characters of 2B, 9S and A2.

>you cant pick what stats you level up

Just like 95% of jrpgs then.

You got it wrong

it's A2>2B

>jrpg mechanics
It has all mechanics of a typical single-person JRPG.
If stuff like Rogue Galaxy is widely considered a JRPG, then Automata is a JRPG as well.