Monster Hunter World: Sup Forums btfo edition

>Some people have maybe taken this as “the Westerners didn’t like the potion animation, so they’ve taken it out. They’re trying to appease Western casuals.” But… we don’t just start picking our own game apart at the seams like that!

>It’s just that now the monsters can be anywhere near you and there’s no loading barrier to hide behind. You can’t jump out of the area by one pixel and suddenly be safe and have time to do your animation – you have to be ready to face the monster. It’s almost like the pace is much quicker.

>That’s how we take each of these things and look at how to do them.Otherwise we’d have a new concept but it wouldn’t mesh with all the existing features.

>Tsujimoto: Yeah, we’ve been asked quite a bit about it. I think when you get a series that runs for quite a few years… the numbers start to get bigger and bigger, and it starts to become increasingly off-putting for somebody who isn’t into the series already. They might think “am I going to try Monster Hunter 5 when I haven’t played the first 4? What if I don’t get it?” and so on. We wanted to take the next main-line title and name it in a way that is indicative of the key concept of the game.

Damage control

>excuses for clearly western casualization

God I hate all jap developers

third nuke when?

>This amount of damage control for a game that normies have already forgotten about
wew lad

>Sup Forums comes back with shitposting and delusion when confronted with devs telling how it actually is
Why am I not surprised?

This coming from "Characters are just functions. Nobody remembers the X-men" Capcom.

What about arena areas in the regular MH games with no exit?

I am glad they at least addressed it, I am slightly at ease now, but given Capcom's track record, especially with Street Fighter V, I am still cautiously optimistic. I am just glad I don't have to sell a $100 Nintendo Machine to people to get them to play one of my favorite game series now.

t. jap dev

eat nukes

Those are completely different divisions within Capcom though. Their fighting games have been seriously fucked lately, but I doubt that this will have any impact on the MH team

Yeah, as if devs are going to come out and fuckin admit "yeah we're making the game more casual because retards overseas won't buy it unless it's easier." Dumbass.

You never needed to leave the area to use a potion, even in G-rank. This is casualization, just admit it.

tdlr version?

Get fucked fag

>Hiding a in a different zone to heal and buff
>Not waiting for the monster to start a long attack or be distracted by a teammate.
Casualization confirmed

Not to mention all the hard stuff takes place in arena maps anyways so you couldn't just zone out whenever to heal even if you wanted to

>monster attack animations become more fluid with less free openings
What now?

Fucking triggered.

I'm so tired of people complaining that monster hunter "wont be the same"...The devs even said its a mainline monster hunter title.

>defending crapcom
and this is why we get shitty business practices that you all complain about like
>day 1 patch
>casualization of series
>15 dollar map DLC
>day 1 dlc
>early access games
>gambling boxes that are clearly designed to make money
>"episodic" series instead of finished products
and more.

You're the one to blame here. I bet you don't even remember who the X-men are huh?


This sounds very logical and promising.

>People actually zoned out to heal
Disgusting casuals, the lot of you. I never even zone out to fucking sharpen, let alone heal.

>what is RE7

if you don't like being able to move while using a potion then just stand still

The best part is almost all of these are going to be included into this new monster hunter game, while the worst that happened with the Nintendo games were putting some content behind a time lock, but making sure it was free.

Now that same content will be cut and you'll be forced to pay for it. Enjoy paying for G-rank metal raths in World.

when shit gets real in g-rank user. When shit gets real....

>Those are completely different divisions within Capcom though. Their fighting games have been seriously fucked lately, but I doubt that this will have any impact on the MH team

Can people stop saying this MH team is still own by Capcom who's been on a record track to fuck up their operations. If Capcom told MH team we want it casual as fuck MH team would have to do it or simply lose their jobs or leave and make an spiritual successor to Monster Hunter.

I'm not saying the game is good or bad we officially don't know anything outside shills like proShill/Gajin shill and devs who work for Capcom anything.

Especially after abysmal demo Capcom put out on Marvel vs Capcom infinite. I'm skeptical and everyone else should be as well. Regardless of the track record of the monster Hunter team. The 20 min showcase didn't really do anything well to show it wasn't casualize at all either it just left more questions than answers.

dollar map DLC
which game had that?

What about those gameplay changes already on the demo?

Source or fuck off with your strawman victim complex nintenbro.

>t. babby that started at X and has played it for 20 hours

If I catch you getting hit while sharpening (like I know you're fucking gonna), your ass is getting kicked out.

Nigga are you really that dumb or did you only start playing MonHun at 4? All the DLC basically cost nothing to make because 99% of it was either sponsored content from Japanese magazines or it was PS2 assets ported from 2nd Gen.

>If Capcom told MH team we want it casual as fuck MH team would have to do it or simply lose their jobs or leave and make an spiritual successor to Monster Hunter.
Monster Hunter's producer is the son of the CEO of Capcom, he can probably get away with a lot of shit.

The only time shit ever got "real" in g-rank was event quests / apex monsters / hyper deviants and 9 times out of 10 you'd be one-shot, making potions irrelevant.

>Dead Rising 3
Should I keep going?

>Needing to sharpen
t. babby that hasn't even played monster hunter

Let's be honest here. If, and I mean if, they're really pushing this whole "monsters are everywhere" thing and they left flexing in then it would be Dark Souls 3 all over again where everything operated by Bloodborne rules except the players.

Not a argument, come back with a well written counter argument


What game has capcom made recently that hasn't been casualized. World will be the nail in the coffin

The answer they give doesn't work anyways because some of the hardest fights in the series take place in arenas or areas you can't zone. Monsters give you tons of time to heal and even sharpen.

>We want a larger audience

A vast majority of DLC these days is just cut content from the main game. It costs nothing to make, which is why they chop it off to sell it later. Which Capcom does for all their games.

Also you forget how Capcom put cheat codes behind a paywall.

Blow me faggot, I've played every single game (yes even PS2 MH) and I've solo'd every single quest both off and online in every game since Tri. I don't need you.

Come talk shit when YOU put in 3k+ hours in this fucking franchise.

Have they confirmed Balrog and the Lord of Lightning for MHW yet?

No, I mean you're actually stupid. MonHun dlc has always been porting old monsters in nearly unchanged to the new entry and giving it a hunt on various difficulties.

The difference between 3DS games and World is that they basically can't get away with porting PS2 monsters anymore and have to make new versions.

No shit they're going to charge. Every expansion for every game is basically you paying for the new monsters and now even old monsters are going to be "new" due to new assets, animations, textures, etc.

>"It’s almost like the pace is much quicker."

See, I'm not even a monhunfag but I can tell they're damage controlling for actually changing the game up. Their games being changed for easier money and Capjew is trying to hide it, so of course the monhun fanbase is gonna sperg out.

I personally believe the monhun fags are as autistic as DaS's community but no core fanbase deserves to have what they love shit on for casuals, it's been an all too common thing since 2007 or so. All this is, is another cash in on casuals attempt by Capcom, because unlike capcom doesn't ever fucking learn from its mistakes, see SF5.

Fuck a corporations money, the second you shit on your core fanbase you're asking for a temporary and non lasting gain from a unstable market of non dedicated players who wont last you but a 1 or 2 entry net gain of profits. Overall long term capcom's going to suffer for this and will have to fall back to "WE'RE GONNA RELEASE A CLASSIC MONHUN" like they do anytime they fuck up and try to save face. Mark my words this WILL happen.

Capcom LOVES fucking up.

Yes, they actually do that all the time. There are plenty of examples where devs said "people had problems with this so we changed it" so I have no idea what you're talking about here. Dumbass.

Not to mention that people can't really complain about MH being too hard unless they bought it. But MH actually sold more and more with 4U being the best seller in the west so far. The sales rised, they didn't fall. Which wouldn't make sense if people stayed off it they found it too hard. Casualization isn't and never was a solution for more sales in the west.

Most people in the west are simply not interested in arcade games which repeat the same missions over and over again.
But you fags will complain about any change anyway, because you're too stupid to see a franchise for what it is and see any change as hostile takeover. Stay classy Sup Forums

>because unlike others* capcom doesn't ever fucking learn from its mistakes, see SF5.

Fuck my tired typos.

You're a retard and don't know how DLC quests for monster hunter works.

They never make new monsters. Only higher difficulty or with a gimmick. In the case of both 4U and Generations, they put certain classes of monsters behind DLC so you couldn't finish certain armor and weapon paths until the DLC was released.

Given how Capcom and Sony together love to jew their base. "For the Payers!" Expect to see these exact sort of quests that were originally free, to now be behind a paywall because of how much more it costs to make World.

You have been warned.

DmC wasn't terrible.

Let me put your post this way: The same arguments could and were made for DmC. It was a watered down, shit game. I do not care about Capcom's profits. I do not care about their overall sales if it means sacrificing quality of gameplay. I care about gameplay. I am a consumer of their products, not an investor. If my choices are for them to attempt to make a profit while making a good game and possibly fail or make a worse game but have the safety net to keep making them I would choose the former every fucking time.

Considering the amount of fuckups capcom had with revitalising old franchises with new stuff like Dead Rising, DMC, Street Fighter, why can't people be worried when they're doing this with fucking Monster Hunter? I bet a hundred dollars you defend SFV too

>drop-in multiplayer
>select quest from list of people that have sent out SOS

Cool, I can't wait to jump in during the last 5 minutes of a quest and hit the monster twice, get full credit, and craft all my gear more easily than ever before!

And this is where we part ways. If you are okay with DmC then I have no further conversation with you because you'll be okay with anything.

Wow not only are you stupid you're immensely illiterate.

Being optimistic for World is difficult considering how often Capcom has fucked up by trying to do this exact same thing before.

so everything people have been saying was just reiterated by the guy who made it


You kidding me? Not that user but they are 100% right. Capcom DLC is less than a MB. The files are all 100% already in the game. The armor and weapons you get from it are already in the game. They just make the quest available. That's it.

How does CrapCum's dick taste?

>gated content is inherently bad
>even if it's free

And if it wasn't free? That's what the worry is about. Are you the one that is illiterate? I mean, Capcom already charges Japs just for the ability to play online just because fuck it.

there are some concerns that are valid like healing and the heartbeat thing

but that's pretty much it

If the monsters and environment changes why the fuck wouldn't you change player interaction too? Clearly we can see why they might need to have changed healing and item use right?

>There are still people on this planet who trust Crapcum to put out a decent video game in 2017
Man what fucking school you go to? How many shitty Crapcum games need to come out before you realize that they're fucking ass now because they have no fucking money?

>just because fuck it
I doubt this
>and if it isn't free
i'll judge it when I see it. If it is somehow worse than the constant rehashing then I will join you in calling it out for bullshit

I don't associate monster hunter with the other franchises because deviation from certain concepts in those games is far more damaging than in monster hunter

especially something like street fighter where the competitive aspect draws out the smallest flaws and requires more consistency

if we get a rathalos porting across the map on a rare occasion or doing something weird nobody really cares

>>It’s just that now the monsters can be anywhere near you and there’s no loading barrier to hide behind. You can’t jump out of the area by one pixel and suddenly be safe and have time to do your animation – you have to be ready to face the monster
Lots of the more difficult fights have one-way entrances, and you can only get back via kitty cart.

I'm not getting what you're implying here

player interaction? it's supposedly the same?

t. co-op leeches who hide behind teammates or cats to heal
try playing a man's game like FU alone, that'll grow ya some chest hairs

Well they are the ones that are perfectly fine with their favorite series reusing the same assets and everything from the very first fucking game over a decade ago and paying full price for each iteration and its updated versions EVERY TIME. Why wouldn't Capcom realize this and milk them more?

while xx is the worst monster hunter game it isn't anywhere near the magnitude of the other shitshows

They lack talent not just money

You doubt it? It's fucking fact. MHTri is a great example. Capcom had a subscription service for Japanese players. American and EU players didn't have to pay to get online. They've only dropped it because they can't double-dip with Sony/Microsoft charging for online as well. You're living in total fucking denial. As says, they will try to get away with whatever they can to make money.

Why the fuck are you trusting Capcom for a second? And fuck, we have people in here defending DmC for Christsakes

But this time it's different!
It won't be like DMC!
It won't be like lost planet!
It won't be like Street fighter!
It won't be like resident evil!
Don't you see those were all just slips???

t. casual babby who thinks he's good because he played a babby game where attacking is mapped to the BUTTONS

How about YOU try playing an ACTUAL man's game, kiddo.

>Sharpening at ALL
Seregios weapons better be here or the devs are going to be the hunted

>living in denial
I'm not privy to japanese economics and neither are you, I'm merely expressing doubt because I can't comment on their situation, and neither can you

>why the fuck are you trusting capcom
I'm not, I'm trusting the MH devs

More like you're in full damage control.

I don't need a PhD to know they said, "Oh shit, we have to host some servers. Let's charge the players and make a profit as well." This isn't the only series that has done that in Japan. Subscription services are way more common there.

Your argument is wholly retarded. Am I not allowed to criticize on-disc DLC for games because I may not understand "Japanese economics?" An anti-consumer decision is anti-consumer, period.

And you are forgetting who pays and owns MHTeam. Look at what happened with Street Fighter, for example.

>The devs even said its a mainline monster hunter title.

>announce casual game
>people revolt
>"it is not casual trust us"

>>It’s just that now the monsters can be anywhere near you and there’s no loading barrier to hide behind. You can’t jump out of the area by one pixel and suddenly be safe and have time to do your animation – you have to be ready to face the monster. It’s almost like the pace is much quicker.

Like any decent hunter does that. Come on brah.

I doubt Capcom will fuck up MHW, but if they do, they will have officially ruin all of their major franchises. At that point they might as well file for bankruptcy or hopefully get bought out by Bandai namco.

>Lost Planet
>Resident Evil
What's so bad about RE again? Rev 1 and 2 were both fine. 6 was pretty bad but the mercs mode was fun. RE7 was good.

Also, are you pretending to be retarded or do you just not know that World is being made by the Main-line team?

There's no switch version of this game.

For some reason Capcom always stops being complete shit with Monster hunter
>DLC is free
>constant DLC and crossovers
They treat Monhun well because its their biggest cash cow

This one is being handled by the good guys, it's A team this time!

funny enough, there are jap devs which basically have said this

Usually Nintendo is the first one in admit it

>steamlining a cult classic
I don't want to be all "normies ree, get out of muh secret club", but...


that's because it's not DLC, just timegated content that's already in the game

It has been released man.

You mean the main-line team that has been reusing assets for the past 10 years? Yeah I trust them going out of their comfort zone and actually working on a game

Nice arguement.

Nice spelling dipshit

Nintendofags are so fucking triggered by MH being on a Sony platform. Somehow an open world design is bad.

what about the crossover DLC and whatnot

How fucking upset would MHfags be if this manages to outsell every MH game to date and the jap fanbase love it?

Damage control. Video was blatantly view botted. People know it's casualized shit. GG Crapcom. Hopefully they go under and Nintendo can pick up their two worthwhile franchises, Okami and DMC.

Again, all of that is in the game from the start, they just unlock the quests over time
You'll often see hackers with DLC gear ahead of its normal release date

Did you play Tri?

>LOL you misspelled a word guess that means I don't have to make an argument :^)

Does it matter? It just means the series' fanbase is different. Its happened with lots of games that got casualized. I don't get why Sup Forums loves casualization so much when it claims to be different.

If you were any more salty people you would be already dead from a heart attack