Are games art?

Are games art?

Anything created by man using tools and engineering is art. They're unique to the culture and help give an understanding of the mindset it came from.

Even marketing is best form of modern art.

Fuck no

no way fag

Yes, they just aren't good art. They pretty much fluctuate between sitcom and hollywood blockbuster on the art scale.

>music is art
>painting is art
>sculpturing is art
>literature is art

Video games makes use of all of these.
So what now?

Justin Bieber's newest music video uses all of those too.

And thats art

Games have art within them, but are not art themselves. They are experiences. Much like how a football stadium or jerseys can be a piece of art, but the game of football is not art itself.

99.99% of all games have garbage tier dialogues.
>painting is art
>sculpturing is art
Only a few games are hand-crafted, most use procedural generated geography.
The creatures too often lack soul and look like your standard Ubisoft, Unity 3D shit which was done by 20 year old graduates. That's supposed to be fucking art?
>music is art
Some games have nice and unique music, but often it is the generic orchestral crap which lacks originality.

Most Games are NOT art. Gaming is a shitty industry and we are getting only shit. In no industry the standard for quality is as low as in gaming. I mean you have multi-billion companies giving you buggy, laggy messes. Can you fucking imagine if a producer of sports cars would give you a car with bugs and imperfections?

Gaming is fucking cancer. It is created by assholes FOR assholes.

Yes it is an art medium
Almost anything can be an art medium
"Art" is not something that has to be "deep" or even good. Art is literally anything that expresses human creativity and yes that is something video games do.
End this fucking argument

Video games obviously contain art, but are the games as a whole art

a museum isn't art even though it's full of art... who am I kidding, there's a way to say that anything is art because the term is so vague


Why does Sup Forums so eagerly downplay their own medium?

A good way to start a discussion would be to try to define the word "art".

Can there be good discussion on this shitstain of a board?



They are art. But not fine art.

You do know the latest LN dropped the bomb that they ARE blood related, right?


woah way fag

nah I dont read ln nor can I japanese but dat would be awesome

Anything that isn't paintings and sculptures is not art
