Apologize to Final Fantasy 6
Apologize to Final Fantasy 6
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Why? Its always been the best game in the series.
oh shit i'm sorry
Sup Forums disagrees with you.
I'm sorry none of your girls are as good as Faris
What's considered the best one around here? It used to be VI awhile back but you guys do tend to randomly change your minds.
>What's considered the best one around here?
Those faggots have a hard-on for FF12.
I see.
FF12 is I suppose sorta easy to love since it had so much lost potential. Hopefully the remaster will fix it up some.
I've never seen anyone praise 12, but I have seen endless dickriding of 7 and 8
Most people say either 6 or 9. Young 'uns will sometimes say 12, or occasionally 10. And you always get that one guy who only played 7 and thinks it's the greatest.
Still my favorite in the series, I've got no reason to apologize.
6 and 7 are objectively best
VI is the best. Why apologize?
It's GBA re-release is everything every FFVI lover ever wanted.
>but you guys do tend to randomly change your minds.
woah! almost like there is more than one person on Sup Forums, huh....
>taking contrarian babby posts seriously
I love FFVI with all my heart, but the game needs a seriously fixed difficulty.
Magic breaks the Fucking endgame, Edgar breaks the early game.
I still like 4 with the extra content the most but I haven't finished 6..
Sorry that a year later chrono trigger released and completely shit on you.
I think squeenix should go first.
Can't you just enjoy both, faggot?
ct sucks.
FFVI is okay but CT is so much better it isn't even funny.
Close, but not giving the (You).
this is what i would post by popularity
all the rest
contrarian 2000's kid detected
don't trip over all those memes dude
this and ive played em all and first one was ff4
>being this retarded
ff13 is the best one they've ever made. Nothing will ever top my waifu Lightning.
Best classic 2D FF: 6
Best 3D cinematic FF: 7
Who the fuck looked at this and thought people would be okay with it. God damn I'm still pissed. And they did it to all the early games too.
Look up Brave New World if you're into romhacks, it completely re-balances the game and actually adds a bit of challenge as well.
fuck off nigger
Played it, hated it. It turns every boss fight into a boring setup of slow/sap just to out-DPS their healing. Also the changing of the script to add terribly cringey references did not help them.
people bought it too
like faggot streamers and INSIST on playing it ion steam and not FF3 on snes
well I was talking out of my ass then, I had heard from a friend that it was good though, I was hoping it would be as good as an FF7 mod I played, now that one was pretty good
it's fine if you actually play it
the fight backgrounds are good, the monster detail is improved, and cyan's bushido is actually viable to use for the first time
Same as this but not as harsh.
It has some good ideas like tying certain esprs to certain characters, the difficulty is just DPS checks vs healing.
The one thing it did right was make esper leveling use it's own EXP so you don't need to do a low-level playthrough to max your stat gains anymore.
Other than that it was just a clusterfuck of "rebalance" that forced you to look at an excel file to even know what your gear did.
I did play it, but I played it on keyboard which I don't know how you mess up keyboard controls on a game like this but they did. I tried fixing it but it just messed it up when I had to enter names so itd be "Cyanzzzzzz"
i can't. it was so overrated here in 2007-2009
But was it really 'over' rated?
oh yeah, that happened to me too
except everyone had A at the end of their name in my case
Why would I apologize? It's one of my favorites.
Nobody, not even Sup Forums gives a fuck what Sup Forums thinks because Sup Forums has shit taste.
>i can't because too many other people liked it
Even when it doesn't look the worst it's still inferior to the 25 year old game. So fucking sad.
>Final Fantasy III is one of the game choosen to be on the Mimi SNES
Welp looks like I'm getting it.
Stone stairs are split in half, left and right side being two completely different textures. Can't find a picture but heres another thing that bothered me
What's the best version to play FFVI nowadays?
I've played and beat all of them except 3,4&12
(Playing though 4 currently and I'll restart and finish 12 with the HD version)
My personal opinions
Best - FF7, FF9 & FF10
Great - FF5, FF6, FF8
Good FF1 & FF Type-0
Okay - FF13
Wait and See - FFXV
Bad - FF2
i actually like it, its a real great game a modem epic even
snes for the art, mobile for the gameplay
GBA, if you're real autistic you can get some patches to get the SNES music or something. Has more content and the menus arw infinitely better
And the translation makes more sense
It just gets nothing right. It's a testament to what you get from projects born from zero passion, zero talent, and zero direction.
Whats wrong with it?
seems about right
I'm 18 and I grew up with XII.
I know you're not serious because the ios version exists. You can't say the GBA got "nothing right" when they only added content, fixed bugs, polished it up and fixed the translation. It only improved besides the scale and music, but thats only because the GBA
In the image I replied to? Locke's sprite isn't attempting to match perspective with his background. Look at his feet.
Final Fantasy Tactics is best Final Fantasy.
Oh shit I thought you were replying to something else fuck
I replied to a picture from the IOS version. Not the GBA.
i'm not gay please stop calling me a homo
also, Delita LITERALLY did nothing wrong
Why does everyone like FF7 so much
Why does Sup Forums even hate VI? Only reason I can think of is contrarianism. The order was FF7 gets popular, so people start saying that FF6 was the best. But then 6 got too popular, which led to Sup Forums praising IX as the best game of the series.
no one's hating on VI, though. you low IQ subhuman
Everyone pretty much loves VI, only time you'll see otherwise is in an obvious shit post, or if they're talking about the ios version
Who is everyone? This thread has been aggrandizing FF6 nearly the whole way through with little mention of 7 outside posts like yours.
7 is a fun mix of fantasy and cyberpunk with body horror elements from The Thing, to shit like giant magic robots. It sets a tone and scene throughout that entertains people and does little more wrong in doing so than any other game in the franchise. In short: All Final Fantasies are great games and there's no need to worry about the popularity of one over the other. They're all good. Enjoy what you like. You do you. Live and let live. Peace and harmony brother.
Ah I almost forgot the horror elements in FF7. That was pretty amazing desu. Like in an Anime. When you saw Jenova for the first time for example.
The only horror FF8 and 9 had was spooky castles.
I'll apologize to it when it finally gets a good remake.
XIII because it has best girl.
FFV on the PS1 is the best Final Fantasy
>music ruined
>Celes scene censored
> Final Fantasy 7
> Final Fantasy 8
> Final Fantasy 9
> Final Fantasy 10
> Final Fantasy 6
> Final Fantasy 4
> Final Fantasy 12
> Final Fantasy 5
The rest are null and void.
If you disagree with me you are wrong. I won't reply to you, just rest assured you are factually, objectively wrong.
The biggest complaint I ever hear about VI is the difficulty. Which is a valid complaint, the entire game is almost laughably easy until you get to the Floating Continent and there are very few good difficulty patches out there.
This bait is promising, but could use some work.
9 is not better than 10 nigga
I'm sorry that Tabata was so creatively bankrupt that he had to steal some of your ideas and put them into the train wreck that is XV.
I was wrong about you 6 and I see the error of my ways.
You're alright in my book.
7>8>9 is correct
rest is garbage
>when even III got a better remake than VI which just got an iOS bullshit
bui it is
FFX criticizes religion.
FFIX criticizes fucking nothing.
oh god, how old are you?
>Celes scene censored?
Old enough that the plot of FFX is far more interesting.
They cut out the guards beating her while she's imprisoned in South Figaro.
This scene was altered: youtube.com
Haven't played gba in a while don't remember that not being in the game.
Its not bad but after reading so much shit about how great it was by the time I finally played it it was a massive disappointment
I thought she was raped
Never take another persons word on any game.
She was. Dude you've got to read between the lines.
In fiction it is common that villains want to kidnap the princess to marry her. This is just the politically correct way to say rape them.
Just like in Naruto they say they "defeat" people instead of killing them.
Excalibur 2 gave me my most joyous moment in vidya, so for that reason I ranked it higher, otherwise 10 was better.
And before retards go and say this was American or Yuro censorship, this was Japan who did it.
The reason why was there was a highly publicized story of some girl who was kidnapped and beaten while she was in captivity when the game was released.
The original US for the SNES release kept the scene of Celes getting beaten. Only visual censorship was nudity.
I'm guessing on one of the summons.
>Just like in Naruto they say they "defeat" people instead of killing them.
That's bullshit. Naruto is not a murderer. He only defeats them in ninja battles.