Is there a cuter canon couple in all of video games?

Is there a cuter canon couple in all of video games?

I am not gay but this is pretty cute

Mercy and Reaper is the actual canon lol



>Blizzard specifcally says ONE character of the overwatch cast is gay
>Tumblrtards immediately start shipping 2 fags Pharah and mercy
>Turns out neither of them are and worst girl tracer is the fag
>tumblrfags have a meltdown that there shitty fanfiction isnt cano

This one

They aren't a couple and it's not canon.

no, this one is

watch as it will be revealed in some comic or other shit that both of them are married to/dating men already

Yes. Next question?




Pharah is canon straight

this is what cucks do

It's only cucking if it's with your wife or gf.
Fictional characters are basically objects.


>PharaMercy is a tumblr ship
oh you sweet naive child

>western yuri

That's not even the cutest canon couple in its own series.

Mercy got BLACKED

what is this from?

More canon than those two being rug munchers.

thats her dad.

Does that mean Pharah has a fat, brown futa cock? I'm okay with that.

You idiot. Mercy is only married to her job and doesn't have time for romance.

if you like a character you're making yourself a cuck by shipping it with another character

They don't even know each other in canon
What's with that retarded ship? Where it even came from? Hog x rat is more plausible than that shit

Fuck off back to faggot.

Reaper is a beaner


She has plenty of time for carpet though.


>They don't even know each other in canon

"I suppose I'll be patching you up as usual""

yes, sounds like they don't know each other

>They don't even know each other in canon
It may not be explicitly stated, but there is only a small chance she didn't at least know her as a child, her having worked with her mother an adll.

Are you saying watching porn or reading porn mags is also cucking?
Don't you think people fantasize about fucking characters or porn stars too?
Are you a fucking alien who's trying to pretend to be human?

who r the ones on the very right and left


Not only is Reaper not black, the race he is hates black people like 40 times more than white people do.

it's not like you can fuck your waifu in the same way, you can fuck your wife, so it doesn't really count.

She got bogan'd

Not even canon.

Mexicans hate niggers? Why?

Unused Character Concept #65 and #134 respectively.

She's not even black, but rather egyptian.

>loli Fareeha

My head canon is while she was reconstructing him she gave him a top of the line rabbit vibrator with powerful vibration settings.

Gang and low-skill labor competition.

>pharah slowly being shifted out of the meta now that mccree got buffed and winston basically does her job already

a lot of it probably has to do with gang-violence

They said 3 are gay. One will be a white guy and another will be a non-white person who fits traditional gender identities.

Can't be Zarya, Pharah or Mei 'cause people will say, "Of course." Can't be an ethnicity there's only one of, because those fans will be pissed. Can't be a robot or monkey 'cause people will turn it into a joke.

So, probably Mercer and Samurai. I don't play SJWatch so I don't know their names.

>that reinhardt

that means I can keep playing her without worrying about all the crying about her needing nerfs

It's basically Cannon

>the way Mercy is backing up against Mcree
either they fucked or they gunna

>I don't play SJWatch
>but I keep up with its identity politics
pathetic desu senpai

That's hot.

Fucking Mccree damn


Someone is in denial because Gency is a confirmed thing.

they were both 17 in that picture what do you think?

This shit is pathetic.

Reaper is American

i Ship tracer and winston it legit belive me senpai

>why do people hate niggers

Mexicans hate anyone that isn't Mexican.

whos that bitch and why is spike with her

The cutest and purest

>not posting the best couple

>fuck off with that sjw tra-
oh wait

Actually Mercy is my loving wife and I don't appreciate when you post things from her past it makes her uncomfortable

>A blue haired cunt who blames everyone but herself for her problems and a annoying as fuck, bland looking hipster.
>Best couple

How people think Max is cute I will never understand. Her voice especially annoys the fuck out of me.

This is cute, where'd you find it?


Their love is the purest because it was purified by the blood sacrifice of thousands of innocent lives

>skinny, pale hipster lizzies

I don't know whether to fap or vomit


who's the artist, this is really good

people actually give a shit about this soulless corporate husk's characters?


explosives users hurt themselves in fps games sometimes

That blue haired cunt had a hard life. No matter what happened, she was never dealt a winning hand in life. She needs some peace and quiet with her girlfriend.

Shoo shoo chu chu

Do you dare?

Lmao the dude who worked on the lore is Asian and prob has a thing for white women. Furthermore did u see the valentines interaction between genji and mercy?

All this game did is make me sad I'll never be a cute teenage girl that gets dared by her friend to kiss her ;_;

Max is meh at best. Chloe is the cute one.

Their relationship is cute. Max is an awkward yet empathetic hipster while Chloe is aggressive outgoing and ballsy. They balance each other pretty well.

Go away CivNat cuck.

She needs to kill herself my man.

Maybe then she'll get to see her precious dead daddy again.

D.VA and mekka is best waifu couple.

Failing that Tracer D.VA is about right.

>More life is shitty shitters plaguing threads

Holy fuck is there a more overrated game on here?

>people can't enjoy a game I don't enjoy! waah!
seriously. nobody cares.


whew lord, the edge.

now this is a good one
dare i say, LOL?

>tfw got cucked by a lesbian and can't never enjoy yuri or lesbians scenes anymore without it reminding me of the girl i loved

Just end it

Doesn't change the fact that it's not a game, and whatever it is it's still a pile of shit.

Why is every artist falling for the chromatic aberration meme?

It's ok that you're wrong sweetie. Just let it go.

But they are only a couple OUTSIDE of video games, so any couple IN video games, no matter how lousy, is automatically a better one than them.