ITT: Uninspired dreck

ITT: Uninspired dreck.


>shotgun mage in space
>not inspired

I liked it OP

It's a bioshock ripoff and not even a good one. Replace underwater with space and it's the same game.

you have no idea what you're talking about do you

It's a spiritual successor to System Shock 2, same as Bioshock you nitwit.

Plus which, though Prey isn't an incredible game on the level of SS2, it's still far better than Bioschlock.

I hated all those mimics in Rapture; really overused. I also hated all those moral choices beyond whether to kill a child or not kill a child. Rapture really did rip off bioshock beat for beat

>oh wait

Opening this thread I expected this answer first. I'm getting old.

>It's a bioshock ripoff and not even a good one

It's inspired by System Shock and unlike Bioshock its puzzles are actually challenging.

the story is incredibly immersive and exploring the station is fun from all the secrets you can find, im about 40 hours in, and anyone here who hates the game hasn't played it or is a weeb autist

Is there any relationship between this game and that quake-homage shooter with the indian spirit powers from a few years back? Or just same title?

just the title, no relations

You guys know you can stop shilling now? This garbage already killed your boss. Zenijew's replacement already on the move.

but BF4 was actually good you mong

I was with you until that last bit. Prey is hot garbage and at no point in the game does it get interesting. It's like they took bioshock and swapped some characters for Chinese people, peppered in a tiny bit of Mankind Divided then hired the janitor to write a story for in 10 minutes.

They didn't even bother to use a different font or visual design from bioshock.

Yes. Bethesda bought that IP, killed the sequel, and made this instead.

Prey is great.
Anyone who shits on it is just an assblasted nigger who wanted Prey 2 which was never gonna happen anyway.

>Prey is the spiritual successor to [something other than the original Prey]

>waah dont talk like what I dont like! Shill! SHILL!!!
Keep crying.

Man, why would I cry, only out of joy of course. Colantonio was fired and prey is gigaflop. So I'm pleased with end result. Now you are the one who can cry all he want.

Remember that Sup Forums is always wrong about everything they say about games

why does a first person shooter need to be "inspired"

for the last time video games are not art and do not need to deliver any sort of message

yeah new things are gay i wish we just had the same thing a billion times

This, when are we finally going to get a proper AAA game with a transgender main character?

>inspiration = diversity
what's wrong with you?
when I think of inspiration and fps I think of tribes ascend, battlefield 2142, half-life, doom1+2, and portal.

Boring bioshock clone without the interesting story, villain, big daddys, or even weapon variety.

those games are all at least a decade old, name anything that could "innovate" the fps genre again

Before I post anything, concisely and narrowly define what your meaning of innovation is.