Bullshit in Vydia

>Harder game difficulties are only available after you beat the game in normal mode
>Hard mode or nightmare mode are not available at the start of a game

>Hard mode or nightmare mode just increase the health of enemies

>hard morde just makes enemies one shot you and have wall hacks

>Running uses up HP

Fuck you Dragon Song!

>Persona 5 on the hardest difficulty while fighting the twins
No thanks.

I loved how it gave you the option to skyrocket the difficulty after you've acquired Divine Pilllar and Firm Stance. It made me feel like a bad ass to heal through the strongest possible attacks of Shido, while literally fighting him only as MC.

Only true if its your standard difficulty increases, if its a hard mode like somthing on DKCTF that literally makes you be perfect to beat the game or somthing like ng+ then it makes sense given you have to know how to play the game.

but what if harder difficulties are just bullshit without your unlocked items and abilities from you first full playthrough?

>sidequest only available on NG+
>other 98% of the game is the same/will be steamrolled by your carry overs
whats the fucking point?

>game doesnt have a NG+ with all gaind loot is accessable
why did fallout 2+NV do this??

>Game punishes the user in super bosses for using op abilities

Ninja Gaiden Black remains the only game I'm glad locked the difficulties.

I would of jumped right into Ninja Master had I the choice. I would not of been anywhere near prepared. I do wish NG:B had a proper NG+ though. What's the point in getting the Dark Dragon Blade when you only have a lone chapter to use it.

>What if harder difficulties are harder?

In games like DMC I can understand why they would give you Dante Must Die mode after beating the game. For newcomers, it gives them the feeling of progressing through the game and are then rewarded if they want to push it to the limit even more.
But to people that are returning to the game with no save file, why must you work hard for a harder difficulty.
Why not just start the game in whatever mode you want to play in?

Hell Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix HD learned and we can finally play critical mode from the start. None of that having to play the whole game twice bullshit like Resident Evil 4.

>Final Fantasy Type 0
>getting the best weapons for all your characters requires you to be on your 3rd playthrough

>have to buy 2 of basically the same game to get all content

>increasing difficulty means you do less damage, enemies have more health, and they drop less loot/ammo which when you killed you have used up more ammo than what ammo has dropped.

Every RPG ever.

then it's bullshit, but I want the option to jump into it at my own discretion

>beat game on normal
>unlock easy mode
I don't understand why any developer would think that's a good idea

>clearly see a giant checst locked behind a door
>you cant open this door until you obtain some item after playing for 50 hours
>you have to backtrack all the way back to the chest
>its fucking nothing.jpg

>Tales of Berseria allows you to grind and upgrade your weapons for hours
>all the best weapons are only found in the bonus dungeon and take forever to upgrade to max
>no option to keep any of them in a NG+

>have to beat the game once to unlock mode
>by the time you beat it once you don't feel like playing again

>Hey you want all these cool transformations for Megaman you see in the back of this box?
>You'll need to beat this game 3 times!
>oh and if you miss anything in the first two paythrough, they are gone forever
>So get that HP memory :^)

What were they thinking

>beat the game
>about to save princess
>dude it was just practice lmao
>have to restart the game with increased difficulty and complete it again to get the ending

>Weak Mode (characters stay at level 1)unlocked after beating the longass game once
>No harder difficulty
>Items don't even carry over to weak mode from new game plus
>Zodiac Age is said to have been made easier
>"We overhauled the game balance so that it would be easier for players — closer to the feel of a classic Final Fantasy title."
>They do this while introducing a fun new dual job gamebreaking mechanic that should demand more strategy from stronger enemies

Don't fuck this up for me Square Enix, please don't fuck this up. Let me play the game on weak mode from the get go or just add a harder mode of difficulty for the enemy AI on hard mode.
I don't wanna replay the damn game to just actually restarting and playing how I wanted to in the first place.

>Your friend with version Black 2 has to beat their game so they give you THEIR Hard mode key after they beat the game
>It's one of the most rewarding modes in Pokemon
>Gamefreak takes it away

>Beat a game 4 freaking times for the "true!" ending

>tfw got B2 because I liked blue on black better than red on white
>tfw superior version despite the no moves mascot

Most times I've seen gated difficulty it's in a game were you can't change it mid game. Playing on a harder mode is a fresh game without all the unlocked abilities and such. Bullshit either way.

If you can jump straight into nightmare mode on your first playthrough and not just immediately hit a wall, the game isn't hard enough to care about hard mode anyway.

If you can jump straight into nightmare mode on yout first playthrough and it immediately kicks your ass, the game is hard enough to properly balance difficulties and give you the option on how you want to approach the game

I don't understand this idea of having to "earn" a different game mode. You earn the satisfaction from either the challenge or simply experiencing the game at lower difficulties.

>receive a new item/ability in the later portion of the game
>only get to use it like twice before the game ends

>they don't say what difficulties does, just describe it like "if you're a hardcore game and love a challenge!"