Tfw you will never watch these trailers for the first time ever again

>Tfw you will never watch these trailers for the first time ever again.

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I played the game for hours and hours but I never watched any of these trailers

>tfw I can

It was an experience honestly..the trailers made me believe that I was gonna play the Apocalypse Now of videogames.

The kino we never got.

msf > diamond dogs

>Tfw never got to see BB become the villain.
>Tfw never got to play as Solid on his assassination mission.

Best trailer was the "We are not your kind of people" trailer

Who cares?

Actual game was better though

>Showing throw away scenes that meant nothing to the 'plot' as if they actually mattered and even scenes that weren't in the game at all.
Fuck Kojima.




>a bloo bloo bloo why didn't big boss kill younglings and kick puppies
>why wasn't the game my headcanon? reeeeee

fuck off


i wanted this so bad, Solid Snake at the end, I actually believed it would happen

faggot are you actually autistic?
do I even need to ask

When is this game coming out?

This to be honest. Also the trailers were unironically better than the game itself

>You will never go back to the times when we thought about MGS V with hopes and dreams

Yeah, I have to admit Kojimbo made some hype-ass trailers for MGSV

>playing some Metal Gear Solid V again for shits and giggles
>someone is invading my base
>haha time to defend
>failed to create session
>failed to create session
>failed to create session
>lol FOB defense failed here is the damage report


Fuck off underage

I can very vividly remember the fist time I saw the nuclear trailer
life was better then

You need to take that cock out now

i remember cutting up the trailers and making my own vid back when i was in hype mode for this game


You say that but the story we did get wasn't anything remotely memorable either.
>Naked plant girl who can't wear clothes or she would die
>Pretty much just there as waifu bait so the player can have a tragic love story with Stef-chan
>Hot Coldmam-tier villain who does nothing
>Mission after mission of go to X and fulton Y with minimal exposition
>Snake is a blank slate self-insert with barely any characterisation
>Oh and he's the fucking medic from Ground Zeroes
>Ocelot is boring, he and Miller are pretty much just there to argue
>Ending and final boss are cut content
>Game is literally just Peace Walker 2.0 without the charm for a mass audience

When all is said and done MGSV is filler that added absolutely nothing to the overall saga. The story of Big Boss becoming a villain still had room for some interesting developments, instead we got what may as well have been nothing.

BB did become the villain, you just see it from another perspective.

>Wakes up from 9 year coma
>Hey Boss we're gonna do this thing but don't worry it's for your safety
>S-sure I guess, bye guys
Yeah, what a monster.

yeah but we never got to see it

Fuck. I thought about this just half an hour ago. Kino trailers. I want a MGS movie.

>Trailers were 10x better than the game
Ya'll fell for the movie director Kojimbo's ruse

Worst Metal Gear Solid game

you can drop the Metal Gear Solid

Just imagine. Playing as Solid in the end. Being tasked with killing every soldier, killing BB, and blowing up MB. Destroying everything you worked so hard to achieve. An ending like that would have been considered the very best...but we didn't get that..

It was a brighter time, full of OC and hype

man, MGS5 makes me want to remake it - properly - so that it gets the quality it always deserved

Honestly i was expecting LOTS of little details on MB with maybe secret events if you visit a platform at a certain time etc. It started out really great with a little humble one platform where Ocelot explains the basics to you but then evolves into a great big lifeless emotionless husk of metal. Its like they just dropped everything and said 'lets deliver it like this'

>another perspective
>in which you don't see BB at all

>Its like they just dropped everything and said 'lets deliver it like this'
He doesn't know

Dunno. According to Ocelot The Patriots sold the idea of BB being a terrorist and a monster. For a reason he says the whole world wants you dead.

I was expecting BB to fight against the Patriots and clean his name. Instead we got not-BB doing side ops meanwhile the real one was creating OH.

>hurr chapter 3
Its not just that

Infinite heaven mod makes the game have more life at least

>random skulls attack in free roam
>attack choppers everywhere patrolling like they should
>Afghanistan actually feels like it's under an annexation from Russia and not just occupied with lazy assholes squating in tents doing nothing.
>chopper dog fights

The early game is great, and the gameplay is still the best out there. But the late story you really see where they proceeded to push kojima away and serve us filler with no crunch.

>TPP first reveal
>all that speculation and hype
>finally gets revealed as 2nd part of MGSV
It was crazy, i remember Kojima walking in GDC with Ishmael's mask too

I think the problem was everyone and myself was expecting a RPG when open-world was mentioned. Unfortunately the devs had something else in mind and we got an empty plane of sand

>V has come to


did you not play the game?

These are my personal favorite trailers of all time. Movie or game.

No? That's surprising? I quit around 10 or so hours, I got really bored by the repetitive structure.

I'ts at the very beginning. Nurse dials a number and says "V has come to."

you are like little babby

game didn't get "good" for me till about the 40 hour mark when I started understanding how it all fit together.

meant for

it is really an excellent game but it takes a lot of effort to really feel it.

>tfw the Chief will never replay his role as BB
Every BB's line is now in Kief's voice for me

Is mgo dead?
I kinda wanna get back into it because of boredom but I imagine the only people still playing it are super good

I think.

If you made the acc less accessible. Make the area of operations where most of the game take place, and added more random encounters. Also add the bosses from mgs1 as recruitable characters with their stories.
Remove the acc, remove the whole operations thing and make the game less about fultoning everything.
Should have had hunger and thirst again, it would have been interesting scavenging Russian outposts with a purpose.

And yes, the this in with solid snake in the end.

He was sooo good in his portrayal of BB. Better than Hayter I think. It's pretty bad that we got so little spoken lines.

I play on occasion and still do okay. P2P is ass though

>make the game less about fultoning everything.

>Also add the bosses from mgs1 as recruitable characters with their stories

Your posts are giving me whiplash from the opinions.

Jesus, what do you even do in the game?

jerking off to Quiet
Isn't it called metal gear SOLID?

>Remove the acc, remove the whole operations thing and make the game less about fultoning everything.
Nigger just don't upgrade stuff. I went full naked on my second playthrough and literally didn't build anything or recruit anyone. It was fun and pure and I would do it again

>would have been interesting scavenging Russian outposts with a purpose
Again, go naked. Then you'll have to look for weapons and gear in every mission.

Build up my FOB.
Have fun with the gameplay mechanics.
Dicking around with the loadout
Look for the remaining capture cage animals

This game could have been so great. Imagine if the FOB system allowed you to truly customise your bases. Every invasion could be unique and you could set up traps for invaders in your own base.

>can freely select which structures are on which platform, including where the ladders and stairs are placed
>can set guard patrol routes, place mines and cameras, have some doors locked or maybe unlocked
>completely select the loadout of each guard allowing for a combo of snipers on high platforms and shotgunners in close quarters

Instead we got
>every base looks exactly the same
>security settings place everything in fixed locations and there is no reason to not have max security settings selected ever
>the ability to place more than 1 camera and 4 mines freely requires you to buy more bases with real money so that you can raise your team levels high enough
>all guards besides snipers are actually blind for some reason

I'm at 250 hours and I'm not even 100%, I've only spent 20 hours or so in MGO and I pretty much ignored FOBs. If you didn't hit at least 200 hours, you didn't play the game

>no Raiden
shit game desu

Stop user, let it go. It is what it is, they didn't have the time to finish it. It's time for us to accept it.

>cassette tapes don't get overlapped with dialogue
>shitty 'walls' in open-world removed allowing for a few more shortcuts
>dialogue isn't repeated when you press the intel button (codec)
>automatically no reflex mode, no markers (except on map) and seeing through walls, no white enemy alertness sensor
>helicopter can transport you across the map like in MB
>make ACC exclusive iDroid functions (like customization) available during deployment
>possibility to include more than 1 item in a supply drop
>possibility to deploy without a primary and/or secondary weapon
>only buddy available is D-Horse
>no tranq guns
>no fulton
>can kill child soldiers
>map intel actually shows what terrain there is so you know what camo to bring

just like that the game is 10x better and all we hypothetically did was change a few lines of code

>he thinks the game wasn't finished
wait till the trailer for the movie comes out. blockades will start to come down. the time is nigh.

>no reflex mode
nah. That's what FOB is for

>people shit on side ops
Why? It's the best part of the game. It's the comfiest shit ever, you drop in the map and you travel across it while infiltrating stuff. It's a grand metal gear adventure. And every side op has a bit of twist, even if it's a small one. Tank side ops were some of the coolest moments of the game to be honest.

fuck you mean 'nah', like what are you a pleb? it's the dumbest shit ever

It gets stale fast cause you get 5 types of missions streched out across 100+ of them




shit ideas

Are you a troll or a shill? Either way you sound autistic.

Yeah, I sure love EXTRACT THE HIGHLY SKILLED SOLDIER 7. Much better than #6 or 1. I especially liked when the soldier only had A+ in his stats anyway.

No it doesn't, I completed all of them and it was FUN. Sure, there are like 10 tank missions. But each one is a bit different and by that point you're starting to unlock crazy weapons. Playing around with AI using crazy weapons and tactics is the core fun of MGS.

You have a shitload of tactics at your disposal. Play with them, negro. You haven't tried everything in your story mode, you haven't even unlocked everything. Put a flamethrower on you walker gear, ride into that village and burn it while rescuing soldier 7 and tell me how me if that felt different from soldier 6

git gud

>rescue zombies 1-15
>destroy patrols 1-15
>destroy mechanized patrols 1-15
>obtain item 1-15
It was fun at the start sure but its uninspired

>only buddy available is D-Horse
EAT SHIT. Buddies are amazing and it seems like a lot of people have no idea how to use them. Quiet alone unlocks a lot of really cool scenarios, for example with her raising a fuss you get to have an MGS4 experience of sneaking during a war. Enemies are running around and shooting and you're just sneaking through. That's fun

>only buddy available is D-Horse
>no tranq guns
>no fulton
I'm not defending the game but those are technically limits you can impose on yourself. I had a lot more fun having to rely on CQC for non-lethal takedowns and actually carrying my targets to the helicopter like in Ground Zeroes. It's a fun challenge when you have more than one POW to rescue, so you have to use a jeep to drive them all there. I often used D-Horse as a 'mule' to carry them so I could safely sneak out of the area, there are much funner and tactical ways you can rescue prisoners than just fultoning them.

>possibility to include more than 1 item in a supply drop
You can technically do this as well, since you can have your alternate loadouts delivered to you.

>tpp is bad because I can't kill children!
>git gud xD

grow up

Yes, you do have to kill enemies and get objects. But you also do that in literally every game. There's a lot of creative scenarios in side ops, those patrols aren't random, there's something fun about each one

I mean, you get a bonus for not triggering it

no tranq/ fulton aren't self imposed limits though, considering tranqs are balanced around other lethal selections and it's a waste of GMP to fulton soldiers indiscriminately

>those patrols aren't random
Which is also a big minus. Side ops had a lot more potential but they gave us the bare minimum

so wasnt there a bunch of retards making "ruse cruise" threads like two weeks ago? please tell me they were doing so ironicly

Just some attention whore trying to shill his youtube channel. Now that his epic theories are not coming true, he conveniently disappeared.



>buddies are amazing
buddies are SUPER EZ mode
like, literally ZERO challenge when you have quiet or d-dog because all of the enemies get marked on the map and you use pleb shit like markers in-game and reflex mode

the children can kill you
kojima meant for you to be able to kill them
they are soldiers, just like any other

you always get the bonus if you just disable it in the menu

my nigga, this is the true way to play it

I regret watching Elegia.
It spoiled way too many scenes that would have been neato to have sprung on you while actually playing.

the biggest autist of them all resurfaced like a week after having a mental breakdown during E3 and he still says the ruse cruise is on because "muh kojimbo interview" and "muh plane crash"

>buddies are SUPER EZ mode
Eh, easy is fine as long as it's FUN. Don't abuse it and just have fun with it

>you always get the bonus if you just disable it in the menu

Quiet was originally intended to be a temp buddy and using d-dog means you can't use D-Horse or D-Walker, so

You know what really triggers my autism?

>can develop a ton of different weapons in each category
>most of them either feel exactly the same or are all clearly outclassed by one weapon

>Punished Moomin
I love it. I guess Stinky would be Huey.