Really makes you think

So crowb cat released a TF2 vid comparing old TF2 and the most recent version. What do you think?

Other urls found in this thread:

They probably removed some of the little details like rotating revolver and syringe gun to make the game run better for lower end machines, so they could get as many people to play as possible.

Also the thing where you can no longer pick up weapons for ammo was in the patch notes ages ago, new players were dumb and didn't know they could get ammo from them so they figured it would be better to just have ammo boxes fly out of people who died.

>to make the game run better for lower end machines
Valve doesn't give a shit about this, unoptimised hats have been killing performance on toasters that used to be able to run the game fine for years.

What the fuck is the point of hats and other stupid fucking accessories anyway?

TF2 has bigger problems than minor unnoticeable details being altered/removed.

>remove little details to make cosmetics more compatible

This. It's like Valve main M.O.

You're just thick and don't follow Valve.

Someone should do the same for Dota 2.

So having a discussion about a vidya related video is shilling. The video itself is just blank information, it's made to spark discussion.

>play on high when puter good
>play on low when puter bad
What's so hard to understand?

How the fuck is a shill if the video talks about the how shitty is the newest version?

The only difference in your picture comparison is a single line of vmt code that anyone can change by editing it with notepad

But every problem is worth pointing out. The TF2 balance problems were already covered to death by the 9 milion TF2bers that exist.

Valve hasn't been worth following for years.

>valve still hasn't updated the grenade launcher model to have four chambers instead of six

The fact that my game runs better with high settings on my old PC, and on low settings on my new one.

Crowbcat is pretty professional at doing these

Four grenade chambers would look terrible imo

>that spy revolver and medic gun clip
what the fuck

Didn't original TF2 have cartoon style heavy muzzle flashes?

i think that was just promo vids.

Used to use a replacement that had four, it looked fine. I'll try and find it.

Why does mods close every thread with this video? Are they not only nintendo but valve fanboys?

So what actually happened here? Is this all just optimizations? Because with some of them I just can't see an excuse, like Scout's fucked up face in class select.

I'm cashing out on my earbuds and special weapons.
See how much steam wonga I can flip.

This was the last straw for me with this faggot crowbcat. He knows nothing about what he's talking about. I despise team fortress 2 but at least I can be fucking objective. What the fuck was the point of this video? A pathetic attempt at acting like the game is worse 10 years later because a few extremely minor not even noticeable in game changes were made? Are you fucking kidding me?

Do you literally just sit at home thinking "Hmm, what massively popular game can I gather videos of from ten years ago to compare to today in hopes doing so will make people think the game sucks today?" Your life legitimately must be pathetic.

Every game this fag shit talks literally proves him wrong time and time again. TF2 is no different, as it's popular as ever. Go take a look at the steam charts of all these games you Fucking delusional morons...

Truly makes me laugh how people can watch this idiots videos and just sheepishly nod their heads in agreement when he hasn't made ANY legitimate points. No one who plays TF2 cares about the coloration of a part of the weapon... has zero effect on the gameplay. Get a fucking life, this is the type of faggot that literally jerks off to videos of Ubisoft downgrade compilations.

Before anyone bites, this is a copypasted youtube comment

That was just for the beta, it looked awful in game so they changed it.

Holy fuck I just picked it up a week or two ago and was wondering why the hell I couldn't pick up enemy weapons for ammo anymore.

I seriously doubt people could be so stupid they couldn't pick that up after a few minutes of playing that makes no damn sense.

ban this fucking nobody eceleb shit mods do your job

it was funny how people got offended by that video, despite him not saying a word. Just showing two clips side by side.

The earbuds train left a long long time ago.

then I'll keep them when I play tf2 again in 10 years

Actually, that was only half the reason for the change

The other half is that they added the ability to literally pick up weapons with a key that would change your weapon out for whatever you picked up off the ground (assuming it was still usable by your class)

He's not wrong

This type of video is the youtube equivalent of shitposting for (You)s

Why does this trigger the tf2cucks? It was easily the tamest video crow has ever released.

That was part of the reason. The other part is that now you can pick up enemy weapons and use them (provided you're the same class/your class normally uses it). Kinda pointless since you lose that weapon on death, but some autists were sperging out because people were using their golden weapons.

Because they're still mad about overwatch stealing everything from them

Because TF2 is going up the shiter right now, they are afraid of everything.

When I saw this I was excited to see him bash the cosmetics shit but he compared like fucking minor literally who shit? What

fuck off and stay mad neogaf

I don't think the question "is valve optimizing a game a bad thing" is an important question.

The real question is why is jump_aqua so fun?

>new players were dumb and didn't know they could get ammo from them so they figured it would be better to just have ammo boxes fly out of people who died
What's funny is that this is how it was originally done in QuakeTF, a backpack full of generic ammo would fly out of their bodies. The only real problem here is that the ammo boxes in TF2 have physics applied to them so they constantly fly the fuck around if there's explosions and shit going on, making it hard to run after them.

>You will never play vanilla TF2 again

I normally say that graphics don't matter (but only after a certain point), but the shaders on 2007 were very nice.

mat_phong 0 doesn't come close

The whole OW v TF2 situation seems so strange to me, I don't think there is much player overlap going on.

What happened to that matchmaking update? Generally I know Valve isn't really developing as much outside of VR as they should but wasn't the matchmaking/esports update supposed to generally put the game on auto-pilot?

Its 2017 and you really don't understand why developers make cash shops packed full of shitty cosmetics?

There are definitely a lot of OW players who are former TF2 players, although there are also a lot of TF2 players who tried OW but came back disappointed for whatever reason

Making money for Valve. Once they've made TF2 free to play, they realized the vast income from retards who buy hats for 200 bucks. I think Gabe's entire advicesor board consists of sales analysts at this point who took over, because Valve hasn't done anything consumer friendly in the fast few years. There used to be a cvar back in the day that was built in by a dev to disable all hats from being displayed, but then they made that a sv_cheats command and forcing it on gets you banned. They also made replacing the hat models with dummies a bannable thing. Then they also banned server mods that would disable hats or put the game into a vanilla state. Then recently they picked up CS:GO, which is basically a rebranded and failed version of CSS for the xbox, which wasn't even made by Valve, just because they saw the potential of making more profit through that.

Valve just isn't what it used to be 10 years ago, they seem to be entirely focused on profits profits profits and profits now for the least amount of work.

Better contrast.

Squint your eyes. There's no reason why you would need to see those huge white lines on the minigun. Brightest thing on the whole screen, besides the sky.

Look at the bridge. The improved contrast shows that you can jump on the roof, otherwise they would have made that dark as well.

When the Demoman bottle breaks, it implies it does less or more damage than before it was broken (depending on how you think about it).

All improvements.

>remove lighting effects, animations, object physics and tons of other shit that look nice to optimize the game for toasters
>add over ten gigabytes of unoptimized ugly cosmetic bloat that makes the game unplayable on toasters
What did Valve mean by this?

Matchmaking is fucking trash tier shit and all the good servers in the server browser are fucking dead. It's full of BRs and 10 year olds.

tf 2 is shit anways there are tons of better f2p shooters srsly

Jump maps are very satisfying to watch

i haven't really noticed any of these changes and i've been playing since 2007. all of these things seem very minor, but it's interesting nevertheless.

at least we got hats now :^)

Like Battleborn?

No, no, no, no, no.

All of these weapon changes were made during Gun Mettle. Because of the introduction of weapon skins, a lot of changes had to be made to the weapon view models and behavior. They changed the lighting on weapon models so that skins wouldn't look like shit. They removed the ability to turn weapons into ammo because they added the ability to pick up weapons so you could steal a weapon with a fancy skin. These also affected animated/dynamic weapons like the revolvers and Demo's bottle breaking. Heavy no longer takes a bite out of his Sandvich anymore either. It's always whole.

I don't know where from the depths of your ass you pulled any of this shit out of. You did no research. You just fucking guessed. You had no idea why any of these changes were made.

That backs up my thought that the game going free was a bad decision community-wise.

someone post some epic tf2 sfm xD

I think a lot of the changes that have been done since 2007, especially for viewmodels and how the texture and lighting are done, is because of how they've constantly had to rework how all of the visuals are coded into the game. The updates that added all these different killstreaks, reskins, and such to the weapons played a big part of this.

You'd be surprised how useful that can actually be in certain situations, especially if you're a medic because you can pick up another person's medigun and keep their ubercharge meter.

Would appreciate if you manage to find one for the Loch n Load. Thought the weapon was fine with only two but I guess the devs thought differently.

good post

It's like people don't give a shit about gameplay anymore.

what did you say boi?


your argument is garbage because I played tf2 on radeon 9200 (64mb of video memory) in 2008
I don't think it will even launch today thanks to "optimization" you talk about

>the amount of TF2 faggots getting butthurt over this in the comments

I love how the comments section is filled with people who are acting like he was tearing the game apart even though it clips side by side with zero narration.

Gamers are so delicate.

its neofags still mad at kangz n sheeeit

Pretty sure thats the whole point right there, my dad's HP used run this game no problem when I was younger, now it would be unplayable on the same system. They added a bunch of over the top cosmetics to sell to retards only to realize that most of their audience can't even run the game anymore. So they drop the quality of base items that they don't make any money on for better performance.

buy the hats goy

>is valve optimizing a game a bad thing
plain bullshit

In QWTF the weapons themselves didn't separate from the playermodels, though.

vanilla tf2 is a great game.
this mess looks like a faggot parade

How do you want your view models pham?


in minimode, so i can actually see what i'm doing

Is there a way to play TF2 like it was in 2007? The game today is practically unrecognizable.

To be fair, this is 10 years of differences being shown and a lot of the changes that's pointed out have been incremental since then. I'm pretty sure the stuff about the weapons not having the same lighting or minor details anymore was done as recently as 2014 when they started putting in weapon skins.

r_drawgun 0 preferably

Remove all guns and hats, full reboot.

you're right its all a conspiracy, to make your game look worse for no reason.

you fucking idiot

I don't even really give a shit

Yeah, on Xbox

nice strawman, fanboy

That's just a change in lighting engine reflecting poorly in that specific example. Certain things here are understandable from an optimisation point of view, such as the removed sapper props no longer existing, but most of the smaller changes probably meant nothing in the long run. The newer lighting system looks better in a lot of the cases shown anyways, with items not having unnatural light sources illuminating them for the sake of making them pop.


>The only real problem here is that the ammo boxes in TF2 have physics applied to them so they constantly fly the fuck around if there's explosions and shit going on
That's intentional. You can use rockets and stickies to bring an ammo box to you.

oh whats the reason then?

Wow an unironic Valve drone in Sup Forums it's been a while :^)



Not even once.

Releasing more hats will shut them up

Still haven't forgiven this guy for his E3 video

TF2 was always fucking shit anyway

But TF2 isn't BADASS.

incompetence or no fucks given

On Source Filmmaker

>not transparent

Sappers not leaving gibs is, again, because of Gun Mettle. They added the ability to pick up weapons, but they didn't want players trying to pick up broken Sappers so they removed Sapper gibs entirely.

>needing viewmodels at all