ITT: Post negative review of game, others guess game

ITT: Post negative review of game, others guess game.

Starting off easy.



Another easy one.


Hyperdimension Neptunia?

Too many japanese ports fit that description

Metal Slug?

its only been out for like 3 months?

>22 hrs on record
He outed himself as one of them

Yes, 3.

I actually dislike the game from pic related, even though it is insanely popular on Sup Forums.

I'm gonna guess Nier Automata without a FAR patch then.

if it wasn't for the pixel line i'd swear it was Let it Die


actually i just had to see how the story ended

Did you just admit you posted your own review?

That's lame man

Wow wtf im upset now

Dark Souls?


>implying binary domain wasnt the shit


Football Manager 17


Holy shit this can be any FPS/TPS after 2010

>arrive to its third chapter

Well it's not MGSV.

I'm 97% sure that's stalker on something other than master difficulty.

Fallout 4

Impossible mode.


New Vegas?

Vanquish kinda bored me honestly. Not much changes the whole game, you just use the same tactic every time to kill shit. And no, I'm not hiding and treating it like a cover shooter either. There needed to be more weapon types or something as the game went on, you discover most of them in no time and most of them are just shitty compared to others anyway. Maybe it just wasn't for me.

>product received for free
Duke Nukem

tekken 7

Fallout 3 or New vegas because of the "Aim at a guys head and not hitting part", that's because of poor skill stat

Fallout 4 was just an fps and got rid of that RPG aspect

Mad Max.

original deus ex?


Nope. Hint: It's from 2013.

I'm gonna guess S.T.A.L.K.E.R. because of the autistic mod community and the fact that you need mods to play it. I would've guessed Fallout 4 but Stalker's mod community is about 100x more autistic.

The weapon upgrade system was fucked all up. Best gun was starting AR and I just had to let it sit unused just in case I found ammo for it? I fire one shot and OOPS can't upgrade it! Easily the dumbest shit I've ever seen.


anyone who gets it right gets a sexy busty asian webm

sounds like borderland something something, but i don't think that has modding...

ding ding ding!

Resident Evil 4?

I can't work with that my man. Give me something else

The surge.

Ribi Rabi or whatever that is spelt.

>dislikes vanquish and binary domain
holy fuck i've never hated anyone more

Another hint: The game was involved in a HL3 conspiracy several years ago because of a message containing strange text.

you win

Nice, I too googled the steam account.

>Never guessed anything right
Guess I'm retarded then




Serious Sam

Surgeon Simulator?

binary domain was real good
but vanquish is largely overrated jap gears clone
and you spent 90% of that game in mud brown tunnels fighting reshades of halo enemy

I actually beat that game on Hard, and I thought the boss leveling up with you was bullshit too.

Great game though

Deus Ex? He played Human Revolution first.



This review actually made me laugh.


system shock

GTA5 or a Paradox game?
It's gotta be one of those pretty good games, with a publisher that annoyed everyone.

Freedom Planet

for another busty asian webm

Sticker Star

>but vanquish is largely overrated jap gears clone
>gears clone
Get a load of this casual. It's 100 times deeper than gears ever will be.

Sounds like iphone Mario, but dates don't add up

In vanquish you spend 100% of the game sliding on your ass shooting robots, and before you get to the fancy part of the city binary domain is 90% brown tunnels. BD is much closer to a gears clone than Vanquish, and i say that as someone that loves both games but never really enjoyed gears.
Also i guess you mean the grunt robots look like halo enemies? I suppose there is a slight resemblance but they sure as fuck don't fight like them.


Vall Halla comes to mind


Xcom 2?

Val Halla with numbers?
Never played the game, just know waifufags love the bartender girl.

Starts with a J

Valkyria Chronicles
>Xcom 2
>20 turn limit
Try like 6


are you serious? you literally never spend any time in mud brown tunnels
you literally are underground in mud and dirt fighting the same generic enemy for most of vanquish
ive played both, what are you trying to lie about exactly? how original and amazing vanquish is? cover shooter with a gimmick
>slight resemblance
>looks identical

bvinary domain was years ahead of any developer with the way enemies broke apart and targeting specific limbs and reactive enemies

it was amazing

vanquish offered very little in terms of originality



here's a tough one

damn it, i need to go more obscure

Nier: Automata

LOL that's the way I felt about stalker,then I installed a ton of mods to fix it. What a shit game

hollow knight



dark messiah

easy mode (I know OP said negative reviews)



ok this one is more obscure but you have tolstoy on your side for writing such a long winded dissertation on his opinion of it. once again, busty asian webm for the winner

brutal legend

Brutal Legend?

not even going to read most of it. owlboy?

no, way more obscure


Momodora III


I have both games installed on my computer right now and you come across as a fucking idiot.
>bvinary domain was years ahead of any developer with the way enemies broke apart and targeting specific limbs and reactive enemies
your ignorance doesn't make a game innovative, it's clear you're stuck in a halo/gears bubble since they're apparently your only point of reference