Have you been able to find a Switch yet?
Have you been able to find a Switch yet?
Post more Audrey
Got 2 of em. Gave one to my sister as a graduation present.
Yea, got one at launch.
is she cute?
I need to breed with her.
Havent been looking
She's married.
They have been pretty tough to find, and I think it will only be tougher with the holidays coming + Mario Odyssey being announced. I had to buy a stupid bundle to get mine and now you can't even find those anymore.
That doesn't mean that she can't be.
Yes, easily, but I didnt buy it, Im waiting for more games or a price drop.
>live in a small town
>local walmart has like 13 of them always
I dont understand why people cant find them
Got mine day one senpai
How does it feel to be a total retard?
Walked into a Walmart at 2pm on day one and bought it, got in right as they were stocking them
Because they don't live in bumfuck nowhere we're everyone's hobby is rolling around in the mud with the pigs you fucking hick.
You are the retard that cant find a nintendo
I want a used one for 200 or 150 but they're all stuck at 300
Yup, decided I wanted one after I finished uni, went on Amazon, it was in stock, bought it
No trouble at all
Yes it is in stock everywhere here in Québéc
Hick with a nintendo switch
Well frogleafs always did have shit taste
I ended up Switching to a PS4 lololololol
Wow Nintendo can't even do artificial scarcity right.
Is she wearing pantyhose with only a shirt?
yeah there's like 8 sitting at my local walmart behind the glass case.
Yeah last friday Gamestop got some in
I traded in my Wii U and its games to Amazon so I bought every game I wanted for it thats coming this year and still have 60 bucks left on the gift card
With garters?
Which fan did she fuck after that?
Waited in line 8 hours after work to get mine
yes, didnt buy it.
The same store had a nes classic standing around for a few weeks
literally wearing the same outfit in the OP
Yep I found 1 on launch.
big meaty legs in pantyhose...mmhmhm...
I found one just like I found an SNES classic just this afternoon: By not being a lazy fuck and going to a physical store to preorder one.
I bought a switch, played with it for a day and then sold it on for profit. I'll probably pick one up again when Mario comes out.
No. Still sold out for me wherever I go and I don't want to order another console online after last time. I don't know why I can't find one seeing how many people have fortunate luck seeing them in stock. I'm not in a rush to get one, but still.
girls in pantyhose are my fetish
pls post more
Got it th day of release. Stood outside of target in 40 degree weather at 4:00 am with my friend. Thanks Nintendo it was worth it
bitch looks 50
bet shes a fucking dog without that make up
I would love to take whiff of her worn pantyhose.
Amazing body on this girl but her face is 5/10.
She's perfect :)
wew lad, shes repulsive in that pic
>she's perfect in that pic
>posts a picture with 942349234 layers of makeup, fake eyes and fake eyebrows
fucking thirsty virgins, i swear
Bought one at release and another one for my older brother. Forgives that he would play it more than his PS4 because it's portable etc
That Goomba is like "nah bitch"
Yes. I bought one and then realised it's fucking shit and has barely any games
I got mine day one. I wasn't sure about it until a couple of weeks prior to the release, but I'm really glad I went ahead with it.
You'll never have a Date Night with Audrey
Don't get mad cause she's perfect :)
I want to come on that face so bad
Agreed, they seriously need to stop with artificial scarcity already.
This ain't the 80's/90's/00's anymore stop being fucking gay Nintendo.
I want to give this bitch a mating Press and watch her aheagao
apparently with the switch its a real problem not a fake problem something about apple swiping up all the components
>those teeth
her teeth are meh but damn shes a cutiepi
post more pantyhose
good luck finding a girl, my friends
t. britfag
Fuck, I want to see her in a gangbang
Stupid fuckers at Wal Mart fucked me out of getting one at launch (they basically had me stay in line for an hour only to deny me a sale because they didn't give me a ticket after the stupid bitch said I didn't need one) so I went around looking for three weeks whenever I had a time to check the stores and I had no luck because they were bought up within minutes of store openings. Ended up snagging it online through The Source and got it 5 days later with Zelda BOTW. It's pretty fucking great so far, very sturdy and quick loading handheld.
>pokebarneyfag is a fucking leaf
made me think
Bought one of the bundles from GameStop online. It comes with Zelda and the DLC, and arms and Mario Kart. Paying full price for everything but it's the only way I could get one they're always sold out around here
I'm suprised nobody edited the boxart of Breath of Wild to reflect how much Audrey wants to rape Link so much
God knows how she feels about Toon Link
I want to see her taking the bbc
My best buy has had stock since Sunday.
Sure i just saw two at best buy yesterday.
Kept walking.
>le cuck meme
absolutely epic
jacking off to a black man raping a white woman is cuckoldry.
>want to watch her get fucked by a black guy
>not a cuck
why do drones keep talking about "how hard it is find" and "they are selling out constantly"? Every day I see whole pallets of them at work and people just walk past
but what if the white woman in question isn't my wife?
Sup Forums is the worst thing to happen to this board
I wouldnt say its just apple, pretty much all smartphone and tablet manufacturers are using NAND memory now though apple may be one of the larger consumers since they are probably manufacturing the new iphones around now
holy shit, it's an overused word but it's pretty damn applicable in this scenario. Just accept it instead of crying about Sup Forums.
It's not hard. Just go to the dump.
>switch thread
>turns into Sup Forums discussing proper usage of the word "cuck"
absolutely based
There's several Best Buy's in my area and according to the woman I talked to they're all out of stock and get shipments only every 3 weeks.
>believing a woman who pretends to work at a business
come on, user
A woman who had access to their work phone?
why do people go into these threads to lie?
They just let women on the phone to keep callers calmer and to dissuade them from coming into the store
>No one mentioned a black guy
Freud has some bad news for you.
video games
it explains everything, really
Lie about what? I'll take pictures when I go in tomorrow
>nobody mentioned a black guy
>Business actively trying to prevent sales
BBC does not stand for british broadcasting corporation in this situation user
what the FUCK is your problem
I want the comfy tree house threads back ;___;