Was L.A. Noire redpilled?

Was L.A. Noire redpilled?

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Jesus christ Raimi

Does redpill mean racist?

This was semi-classic Rockstar we are talking about. They were trying to parody the heartlessness/hypocrisy of right, while also making fun of liberals.

This scene can't even be memed, it's already at the top of the meme axis

Redpill: Understanding that racism is natural and whether we like it or not certain races are statistically tailored towards producing undesirable members of society, even if all races have undesirable members, certain races produce more than others. Learning to control that racism so that you understand that people from certain races are statistically more likely to affect your life negatively, even if some might not, so that you can still be socially functional but aware of the importance of racial differences.

Bluepill: racism is bad lol

>you goy mother FUCKER

>other races have more bad people guiz
>even though we put them in their poor living conditions with decades of hatred and oppression

I'm sure eating shit feels natural to a dog too

>We put them


If anything they're much better off with us here. Every nonwhite country (that isn't Japan) is a shithole, and that' not thanks to us.

Yeah i sure all those non-white countries didn't have white people take over and drain tgeir resources and bomb the shit out of

The Middle East has been at war with itself since before America existed. Not to mention the crusades didn't even happen until after years of Muslim aggression.

Africa has always sucked, except for when the Europeans colonized it and "oppressed" the people there. Not that they're gone it seems they're doing a lot better :^)

I'm sure the average spic or nigger would be much happier back home :^) They should go, then. And you should go back to tumblr, fag.

People do that. Even the "peaceful" natives were wiping each other out by the bushel before "we" got here.

And guess what? "We" won. Stop crying and stay down.

Just how poor 5'4 rice farmers BTFO'd the US military?


Capitalism is a system of the Jew. I don't support illegal wars. You are confusing me for a Republican.

The middle east had been subjected to geopolitics ever since the ottoman empire was in decline.

So what? That's called being part of the world. They've been killing each other for the same holy land they're still killing each over for centuries now.

Invading Europe several times in the past centuries is really starting to bite them in the ass eh?

And that's our fault... how?
Why do people try to scapegoat a modern race for something their distant ancestors did? Shit, most of my ancestors came from finland, all they did was be miserable and alone.