No true native 4k

>no true native 4k
>no 60fps
>no exclusives


Other urls found in this thread:

Every game is already confirmed native 4k, 60fps

Try again



Reminds me of the PS4pro

Xbox One X
>put disc in
>play game

>buy multiple parts that cost $1000 for a decent build
>have to manually put together all the components
>keyboard is uncomfortable and confusing since 95% of the buttons have no input on the game
>you have to replace all your parts every 1.5 years as the graphics cards become worse over time and run worse
>have to install a video game license rental service like Steam
>have to play $60 for recently released games but have no benefits as physical copy
>there are constant updates for games slowing down the chance of playing the game
>games constantly crash and run into compatibility problems
>Nvidia gimps their cards with Gameworks to make you buy their newer hardware
>try to play some indie games but most are uninspired rip offs of older SNES games I played
>try a early access to literally alpha test a game with barely any content and runs poorly
>can't let my friends borrow my games without jumping though huge obsoletes and even then we can't play each others games if the other is playing a different game at the time
>try to play older games from my childhood on N64 and PS2 emulators
>try to plug in my controller to use for more comfortablility but it requires multiple drivers and constantly rebind the controls every time I switch games
>download emulator for them but they take a while to get the right settings and even then the games run poorly and are missing textures and other graphical glitches
>try to play older PC I heard from others but the run into compatibility problems and constantly crashes when tried to play
>try to play a fun looking multiplayer game but the game is filled with hackers and childern and young teens constantly spouting memes
>try to play split screen with my friends but hardly any games supports split screen and is a hassle to set up
>start playing less and less and go on Sup Forums and shitpost more about games even ones I never even played

What is the point of PC gaming?

>no true native 4k
Wait, what? Could you elabprate on that?

Hahahaha oh man angry MS c ucks mad that MS have lied and cheated you countless times

>3840x2160 pixels
>not native 4K
>60 fps
>not 60 fps
how ass pained are you

Wow, I'm actually surprised there are XB1 shills on this board.

>people argue over whats the best way to play upscaled 4k
>meanwhile devs get away with not developing in 4k

>Every game is already confirmed native 4k, 60fps
>Try again

OP is right. MS like a card magician has been diverting everyone's attention at how much stronger it is than the PS4pro while pulling the trick of a supposedly strong console. which is half true. only its GPU is stronger. WHILE the cpu is the same slow bottleneck shit.

which means ultimately it's a useless $500 dead on arrival piece of shit without any first party games to actually SHOW that GPU power.

Says the guy who has steam and a nvidia card

Well no because Sony never said 4k or 60fps. Instead, and I doubt you remember this, their presentation was all about their new CHECKERBOARD tech.

Just getting the facts straight.

Microsoft considered upscaling, checkerboarding and dynamic resolutions the same as "true ultra 4K".

Microsoft is trying to redefine half the fucking dictionary with this console. Exclusive no longer means exclusive, true no longer means true. I wonder what next.

Microsoft is pulling the good old BLAST PROCESSING buzzword tactic

They are calling their method of displaying 4K "True 4K", which is a combination of upscaling and checkerboarding to display a 4K resolution, just like the PS4 Pro (even though the Xbone is better at it because of the stronger GPU)

People are falling for it hard, MS is avoiding using the correct term for "true" 4K, which would be "native 4K"

Why would anyone purchase a PS4 in 2017 when the Xbox One is literally better in EVERY SINGLE WAY

>better controller
>better hardware in general
>4k blu ray
>better UI
>Xbox Live light years ahead of PSN
>Backwards Compatibility
>faster downloads
>better """Free""" games
>cross buy with PC and cross play with Nintendo and PC

There has never been two consoles in any given gen where one was THIS superior to the other. Not even the original Xbox compared t othe PS2. You have to be fucking BRAINDEAD to buy a PlayStation 4 right now.

>Reminds me of the PS4pro

except not. during the reveal Mark Cerny very carefully explained exactly what the console can do. dipshit.

Because ps4 has a larger playerbase, more and better exclusives, is cheaper, and both have the same fake 4k

>no true native 4k
First party games will be native 4K.

>buy a PS4pro
>buy expensive LG screen
>only play JRPGs and VNs

Meanwhile children in Yemen die of cholera. Feels fucking good.

>>better hardware in general

I just said above how that's a lie. only the gpu is noticeably stronger. the CPU is the same slow piece of shit. they share the same bottleneck.

That's bullshit reasoning



It's not even debatable or subjective. It is literally a superior device from every OBJECTIVE standpoint.

>First party games will be native 4K.

that means going by the numbers it will have LESS native 4k games than the ps4 !!!

Might as well get a PS4 Pro, unless the 4K drive is that important, that fake 4K the Pro uses it isn't that bad.

I don't care what he said

No games
No one cares

dont forget emulation. you can emulate PlayStation games on the xbone lmao

>better apps
>better internet browser

So, as long as I can play Halo 6 in native 4K, I'm happy.


Dead on arrival. I bet the piece of shit still has that power brick.

At this point it's almost like comparing a PS2 or something to a Xbox 360. Or just a PS4 to a PC. The gap is so massive in terms of what each device offers that it's shocking to me how little Sony actually gives a shit about improving their platform.

more games than the PS4

ohmykuk, those kiddos are rediculus.
4k isnt allowed for you till you get i7x1080xUHDRdyScreen.
Otherwise - you're literally eating hobo shit

The lack of any exclusives other than shitty indie games that won't show off the hardware got you that salty?

As long as they kill some Saudishits while they're at it fuck em

>Developers who only just got the development kit for a console that wont be coming out for half a year don't have their games that running at 4k yet.
Games that have been utilizing the kit such as Titan fall 2 have confirmed the game will run at 6k 60fps

>muhh... backward compatibility!

1.5% 1.5%
1.5% 1.5%
1.5% 1.5%
1.5% 1.5%
1.5% 1.5%

This generation is a flashback of the PS2

Yeah, the Xbox has more power but in the end, who has the games?

Not in exclusives bitch.

Besides under that logic PC is the best machine despite it's complete and utter lack of userfriendliness. Any arguement you make that's anti-Sony PC is the better buy, any argument you make that's anti-PC makes PS4 the better buy. Either way Xbox is redundant.

I own a gaming PC and a PS4. I'll buy a fucking Switch before I buy and XboneX

OG Xbox had better games than the PS2. GameCube did too.

>Considerably Better GPU
>Slightly better CPU
>Considerably More bandwidth
>Considerably More RAM
>Better Cooling
>UHD Player
>Atmos supported
>Smaller, sleeker console than anything else in the market.

Right though, it only has more GOU, kek.

Consumers are stupid. Native 4k is HARD. You need a pretty high end PC to pull it of.

>This generation is a flashback of the PS2
>Yeah, the Xbox has more power but in the end, who has the games?

only at the time the xbox was a hopeful new brand. now it's on its way out. no games no appeal.

>OG Xbox had better games than the PS2. GameCube did too.

>no games
>t-those games dont count

>Up to 6k when nothing is going on in a Source engine game

LOL. Is this the Microshill's last resort? "We have games because backwards compatibility"? Have they really fallen this far?

>drops all the way down to native 4k 60 with things going on

Holy shit Xboners BTFO!

Haha, checkmate PCfags haha oh man. PC got no games either Lol

Xbots actually believe this



Too late. This gen was decided years ago MS shill. Try again next time.

Best version of games is exclusive to Xbox One X

Not sure if baiting but:
PS4 standard/slim models are cheap, also actual exclusives
Switch has great exclusives (which are mostly shared with the WiiU but whatever) but the worst for multiplats (but portability)

The good games on X1 are also on PC so there is no reason to not upgrade to PC and get a console that's not Xbox

when the X1X comes out there will be no reason to own a gaming PC under $1500

>Drops to sub-1800p

Eks Baks One Keks Tex-Mex!

No one gives a.shit about these upgraded versions of existing consoles unless you can provide consistent 60 fps, no exceptions, no dips etc. We're getting close though, but this shit is just blatant greed, 1080 p is good enough for me i dont give a shit about 4k.

Xbox One X
>put disc
>play game
>pay extra $60 for XBL
>realized that it's pointless to own since it has 0 exclusives and a decent PC can run everything better
>Can't recoup the cost of hardware since it doesn't do anything else beside play games and watch Netflix
>Shit tier resell value
>Gamestop will only laugh at you if you try to sell it for 70% of its original price after 2 years

>$1000 rig
>Build it within an hour with no boot problems because I'm not a pleb
>Install OS and Drivers
>Check event viewer for problems but found none
>Save Restore point
>Update W10 with no problems
>Install and Play games in 4k at 60fps
>Use kb+m for a better FPS experience
>Use controller for other action games
>Use it for work related stuff like encoding and rendering my CADs
>Use it to run other productivity applications
>Use as a render node for work and get reimbursed by the my company
>Recoup the cost of the hardware and pay other utilities
>Complete ROI and profit from my rig in just 2 months

What is the point of owning a Xbone X?

>le expensive pc maymay

timeless, classic meme, friendo.

Keep it up microshill. I'll enjoy my overall cheaper games, pc exclusives, and no paid online.

oh and my turbotax :)

user I had an xbox. You are wrong.

>Game is older than 5 yo
Okay then. By that logic take a look at fucking PC game library, you miserable shill.

>What is the point of owning a Xbone X?

Xbox One X
>Windows system made by Microsoft with PC components
>Windows system made by Microsoft with PC components

Magically, in user's mind, the two above are totally different because of fanboyism.






You forgot no dev support as PCcucks are pirate faggots.

shit bait, no one can be that dumb

>Its another Sex Genie false flag

Is this bait ? Power of summer ?

PCbros will never ever play Halo 5

Because everyone already owns ps4. I don't know a single person with xbox. More better system with no one to play with is gay. Like you.

They've always been here, mostly biding their time waiting for the xbone not to suck.

I know that this is bait, but fuck i'm glad that Halo died with 4. If not, i should have bought a fucking Xbox One, JUST FOR HALO, because i'm a fan of it.

Now i'm masterrace and it's alright.

are you a yuropoor

But you can play Halo 5's multiplayer on PC.

consolecuc k BTFO yet again

Halo is a shit series now, anyway. Even though we can play 5 we'd rather play 2 or 3 (which we can still play online btw)

does xbox even have a fraction of these games?

literally none of these games are good.

How could you know if you cant them

OG Xbox had

Panzer Dragoon

That's about it

you mean forge with no matchmaking

>Xbox is getting the Definitive version of Kingdom Hearts 3

>the city of (you)

>PS5 exclusive
>Multiplat weebshit
>Movieshit vaporware
>Weebshit remake
>Shitty musou multiplat
>Shitty car sim that gets destroyed by Forza
>Knack 2




friend of mine bought an xbox the other day lol
console spent ~24h installing & updating infinite warfare and modern warfare
keking really hard over here
what a shitshow

Shit i read that PS2 was more powerfull than OGXbox.

Sorry, go on.


They should have announced Halo 1-4 BC, Halo 5 enhanced, and Halo 6. They also should have announced Banjo Threeie, Battletoads reboot, Conker 2, Jet Force Gemini reboot, Kameo 2, Viva Pinata, and Perfect Dark 2, along with a lot of other games.

The XBox One S is stupidly cheap nowadays. Some places sold them, new, for just 190 €. I was seriously tempted to get one because there are so many XBox 360/old-gen multiplat games I would like to play. And 360 games are cheap as well.

The biggest problem for the XBox are the missing exclusives. They have/had Halo, there's Crackdown, there's Forza and Project Gotham. As far as I know.
But damn, that backwards compatibility is just such a good selling point for me. I guess when the S goes on sale next time I will get one unless Microsoft includes an XBox/360 emulator in the next Windows 10 update

>muh exclusives

nigger ps4 got like 2 good exclusive in 4 years



Dude, were talking about Xbox here, not how much you hate toy companies that make shit you don't like. Stick yo the fucking thread faggot.

get sunset overdrive it's the shit also all your Win10 games will get free on XB1

he's not wrong

literally the one game XB1 has is Forza which is at 4k and 60fps

The meme that needs to die.

also on PS3*
also on PC*
also on Xbox*

>knack 2
>mlb the show

what a shit lineup