Why didn't Charistmatic Game Creator Keiji Inafune use Wayforward to make Mighty Number 9?

Why didn't Charistmatic Game Creator Keiji Inafune use Wayforward to make Mighty Number 9?

Wayforward are pretty shit themselves to be quite frank with you. MN9 may have been beyond mediocre but any Shantae game isn't much better.

Wayforward falls apart in game design. They have the passion, and the technical skills, but they're just fanboys in the end. I mean, you can see all the references to Super Metroid, and Mega Man and other games in their games, but they come off as stale immitations.

Shantae games are boring and bland. But step back and look at them from a technical standpoint. They have great music, great art, and great pixel sprites. Think of them as tech demos.

Now take Wayforward, and combine them with a few great level designers and a good director. Wayforward just handles sound/music/graphics. Now you got a great game.

Regardless of how the game would have looked, Beck's design is still stupid as hell.

Why would you want him to make the same character twice? He has to be different.

But the bottom looks like shit too though.

Shut up

Fuck off Shantae. You took 6 months to beat MN9 in sales.

Haven't even played 1/2 yet, m8.
The first two games, both having a lot of flaws, are anything but bland.

>Hey guys we're gonna make a game that looks like this!
>[get money]
>No no, that was just promo art, we're actually doing cheapy 3D
Why is this allowed? Bloodstained is guilty of it too.

This is why I never listen to developer PR. "They say" never means shit.

They have great music and art, and that's pretty much all.

>great pixel sprites
It's a mixed bag. Pirates Curse has some decent shit like some character sprites and foreground, but its marred by rotating sprites(Risky's ship and Zombie heads are good examples) and shitty backgrounds that were obviously just drawn assets and ran through a filter to look pixelated. Like the dunes in the background here. Not pixel art at all.

I dunno, I think it looks fine.

>rotating sprites

Literally been a big thing since Symhony of the Night. Not a big deal.

Shantae HGH is actually good though. good is way better than garbage. It's not even the worst Shantae game, that would be Risky's Revenge.

To be fair, there's nothing new you can really do in this genre of games.

It would have took an extra 3 years though
Which I'm okay with.
I still can't wait for 2020 so I can play that Risky dlc

>Literally been a big thing since Symhony of the Night.
I'm aware of sprite rotation, but the way Shantae does it looks more akin to something like flash rather than something like a 32bit game. Like they rotate, but the pixels don't rotate like something comparable to say mode 7 or a Saturn game.
>I dunno, I think it looks fine.
You have no discerning taste. The backgrounds are weak as hell.

No but you could at least make something well rounded. When you can't even compare to early to mid 90's games in the same genre you have an issue.

>It would have took an extra 3 years though

They took time since they had no money. Wayforward did HGH as a side project between their main projects. And they only got a few hundred thousand in Kickstarter. Remember, they only get something like 60% of the money. So like 500,000 is basically pennies.

>liking Shantae
What kind of people do that ?