Samus Returns

You faggots aren't getting another game if this and Metroid Prime 4 flops. Put your money where your mouth is and support the franchise. Awakening saved Fire Emblem and now look at it, do the same Metroid and Sammy.

What if it's terrible?

I can care less about Prime 4, but I'm buying this so Metroid Dread could be released on the 3DS in the same year as Prime 4, 2019.

It won't be.

Already have that bitch preordered. Shit's going to be so cash.

It's also going to be the first Metroid game I actually get to play on release, so that's going to be very fun for me.

But I'm genuinely excited for both games and have Samus Returns pre-ordered.

OP here. Great stuff guys. Thanks to those that replied. Way more friendly than some other boards.

>"talented" new development team.

Uh oh

>You faggots aren't getting another game if this and Metroid Prime 4 flops
Said the same shit when fucking soccer and MOM came out. Even if it fails there will still be more Metroid games.

>if it's terrible and sells well, then all sequels will be terrible
>if it's terrible and it flops, then the franchise never sees light of day again

Retard. It would be in the same position if it were in Retro's hands due to the simple fact that the Prime developers are no longer at the company.

Simply looking at the "Features" category will show you that they know what the hell they're doing.

already preordered it nigga

what if we get a metroid prime tetralogy release? just imagine all of metroid prime and portable

I'm cautiously optimistic. Sakamoto and MercurySteam make me a very wary, but I'm that desperate for a new Metroid.

>A new Metroid game is being developed for the GameCube and is being produced by a "talented" new development team.

>Way more friendly than some other boards.

Are you being sarcastic right now or something?

Why would I give a shit about supporting Metroid: Mirror of Fate?

I'd much rather play the superior AM2R.

See above.

Funny how Other M alone made people forget he was responsible for Super, Fusion, Zero Mission and involved in the original Metroid.

lol it's just the first paragraph copy pasted.

>no Wiimote

It's going to be a steaming pile of hit shit.

B-but muh waggle!!11!!1

Metroid prime 4 will be the best selling metroid game of all time.

I know right, looking at Samus Returns gameplay, the dev diary, and his interviews on IGN, Gamespot, and Kotaku tells me that he's moved away from the direction of Other M and isn't going back, so I have hope that the series will be good again. The game also has an intro showing Samus fight with Mother Brain in Metroid/Zero Mission.

pre-ordered and waiting

Notice how Sakamoto keeps trying to remove Samus’s suit? Zero Mission completely removed Samus’s suit and made her ninja. Fusion new Samus was removing her suit (they cut it off). In Other M, Samus cutscenes and all were about Samus as a woman.

Metroid games are a story, but it is a story about the suit. The SUIT starts off with nothing and is crappy. But the SUIT gets stronger, better, and you can even upgrade it to VARIA suit (ooohhhhh) or GRAVITY suit (aaaaaahhhhhh). When you get missile and energy tank upgrades, you are getting SUIT upgrades!

The hero is the suit. Samus happens to be the pretty girl inside it. Even the Metroids aren’t that interesting as they have to keep evolving and mutating (Metroid 2, etc.) in order to keep up with the growing-in-power SUIT.

I think you mean Metroid Samus Returns, there's also a possibility that Metroid Prime 4 will have to compete with Metroid Dread when that's made for the 3DS and released in the same year.

>Sean Malstrom
And so it begins

>Say AM2R is hard to surpass
>Nintendodoos crawl out of the woodwork to REEE at me
>Say we have no reason to believe it would be as good based on current gameplay shown
>Peepee popoo flinging from Nintendo fanboys increases
You fags are awful

I'm gonna pirate it. Don't give a shit if the series "dies" because Super Metroid will always get new hacks anyway

whoa guys I found metroid

>I'd much rather play the superior AM2R.

This is it. SR is always and forever going to be compared, almost certainly completely unfavorably, to AM2R. No one trusts Nintendo with the franchise anymore for good reason and the fact that one dude's fangame is a better Metroid II remake than anything modern Nintendo could ever hope to shit out is sobering.

Watch out NINTENDO going to censor you and the fanboys will rape you

Just don't reply to him. Don't acknowledge him beyond this point.

>Awakening saved Fire Emblem and now look at it
It's now cancer? I don't think this is a good comparison.

God the train on learning about Samus Return was insane.
>Direct ends and they just finish showing off Mario Odyssey
>Talks about remake of Metroid 2
Fucking Sweet!
>Mercury Steam
Fucking No. Why of all people they are the one of make it
>They are just the code monkeys while Nintendo themselves is handling it
Sweet again
Eh...We shall see
But Fusion was awful at least as a Metroid game. It kept shutting you out of everything that never felt organic to the game and it kept forcing the story in your face. Zero Mission was great but never really loved the last part on the ship.

>I'd much rather play the superior AM2R.
Why not both? They look sufficiently different from each other.

Is this for the regular 3ds/2ds or do I need the *New* 3ds?

In 1991, Cafe Nintendo makes a chocolate chip cookie. People like this chocolate chip cookie.

Over the decades, Chef Sakamoto keeps putting out chocolate chip cookies with more salt. The sales for Sakamoto’s salty cookies go down. Cafe Nintendo does not respond to the market. Instead, Cafe Nintendo keeps trying to sell Sakamoto’s increasingly salty cookies.

An amateur cook puts out a chocolate chip cookie with more chocolate. Everyone celebrates! If only Cafe Nintendo would put out chocolate chip cookie with more chocolate or, at least, without the salt.

Cafe Nintendo’s response is to send thugs to the amateur chef, bust up his kitchen, beat his ass, and destroy any existence of the chocolate chip cookie with more chocolate.

Cookie eaters are stunned. Why did Cafe Nintendo do this? “We are protecting our IP.” (IP stands for Intellectual Property which applies equally across products including cookies.)

The truth of this situation is that AM2R is not the issue. The truth of the situation is that IP is also not the issue.

This is all about one thing: Sakamoto.

Stop talking about AM2R. Talk about Sakamoto. Nintendo is circling the wagons around Sakamoto.

Fusion's last levels were top tier tho. The underwater levels were just the kind of annoyingly hard shit I wanted

Honestly, that's kind of a grab bag. Fusion blew as well as Other M, Super and Zero is fucking great, the original was terrible.

Original just had terrible animation.

I bet the team behind this will eventually re-relase this in HD for the Switch. They already did something similar for that mediocre Lords of Shadow sidescroller.

When you look at Metroid sales, the less influence Sakamoto has, the better the Metroid sells. Metroid Prime is the best selling Metroid game. “That is because,” huffs the hardcore, “people bought Metroid Prime thinking it was Halo. No one actually likes Metroid Prime.” And yet, Metroid Prime 2 sold over a million. On. The. Gamecube. For a game as difficult and mature as Metroid, the Gamecube is a tough platform to sell on. Metroid Prime 3 also sold over a million, and then its sales fell off a cliff due to the Trilogy version (people would just buy Trilogy instead of Prime 3 of course).

Metroid Prime Hunters also sold over a million. Imagine that!

The real reason why Metroid Zero Mission did not sell that well was because of how bad Fusion was and how bad Zero Mission was. Sakamoto does not know how to make Metroid games. There. I said it!

Even a game like Super Metroid is seen differently today than it was when it came out. I remember. I was there. Super Metroid was fairly disappointing to Metroid fans then, and it quickly entered the bargain bin. Months later, Donkey Kong Country came out and overshadowed it. Metroid went on recess due to Super Metroid. Super Metroid’s late popularity has more to do with how easy the game is compared to other games of its era. Super Metroid is like 16-bit NES Metroid but in Kiddie Mode. As a huge fan of Metroid, I never bought Super Metroid when it came out because I could beat the game in a rental. I did buy it when it was firesold at $20. The last battle with the giant Metroid and Dino Mother Brain was STUPID. But I am sure Sakamoto thinks it is so genius as he made a movie out of it in the intro cutscene of Other M.

The point is that what people say on the message forum doesn’t jive with reality of the real market. That same forum that Switch was ‘dead on arrival’ and had no good games for its launch lineup.

>Fusion blew as well as Other M
>the original was terrible
Get out

I already have Samus Returns pre-ordered. And for shits and giggles I downloaded all the old games again and have been playing through them all. About to fight Ridley in Zero Mission. Should I play Prime next or skip to Metroid II and play the 2D games first? I've beaten all the 2D ones and the first 2 Prime games. I didn't get a Wii so the Trilogy remake on Wii U is my only chance to experience 3.

I know you're not the real Malstrom, but man, the hateboner that aspie has for ANYTHING related to 3d Mario is unhealthy.

Metroid fans are for rude awakening.
Metroid is a niche series just like Star Fox.
Zero flopped hard despite being an excellent game. Same will happen with Metroid and the franchise is buried for a long time.

It just felt Sakamoto felt Metroid needed a strong story. And Fusion was him putting his feet in the water right after Other M. And turning the stream he talks about his reason to do Metroid 2 for a remake is to get people interested in the Baby Metroid. Which to him is what Metroid is about which is trying to build some sort of character arc around Samus. Which is fine but instead of having small scenes here and there to develop things out he decides to go all Kojima with way too long scenes.

They could but right now, Sakamoto has a boner for the 3DS so chances are Metroid Fusion's sequel will show up on the 3DS in 2019, the same year as Prime 4. Plus with both being on different platforms they won't really compete with one another.

That you, Cody?

>>They are just the code monkeys while Nintendo themselves is handling it

Can you explain what that exactly means? I'm not trying to disagree with you. I'm just not incredibly well-versed in game development and how it all works.

It makes sense why Mercury Steam are making the coding of the game as subhired slaves.

>Nintendo in-house team working on Prime 4
>Retro making a new IP TBA
>The original makers of Prime Trilogy don't even work for Retro anymore, only the new guys who made the new Donkey Kong games

How can one user be so wrong?

The 3DS will be dead by the end of this year. Nothing is coming out for it after Q1 2018. Nintendo is going all in on the Switch.

>if it's terrible and sells well, then all sequels will be terrible

I don't think that's necessarily true. Look at Fire Emblem Awakening, it revived the franchise, but people complained enough about the gameplay that they made it better in Conquest.


I want that euro special edition.

3DS is being used as a fail safe, it will die sometime in 2019 since that's when Metroid Prime 4 and Pokemon RPG game are coming for the Switch.


>and involved in the original Metroid.

He was the Director of the Original Metroid, just like Super, Fusion, Zero Mission, and Other M.

The only main series game he wasn't involved in was Metroid 2.

>Awakening saved Fire Emblem and now look at it

>only the new guys who made the new Donkey Kong games

To be fair, I've heard those Donkey Kong games were pretty good.

What about it?

>I wish FE was saved
>wish granted
>waifu pandering to the extreme and dumbed down

Pretty much Mercury Steam is making the skeleton of the game while Nintendo is handling all the meaty goodness.
I really want to know what Retro is doing. Personally the DKC games they made were the only good DKC games I actually liked. But I'm one of the few that never really enjoyed a Rare game.

Metroid Prime 1 personally is the only good Metroid Prime game. 2 could have been great but man the dark world sucked all enjoyment I had for that game. And 3 just never felt right as a Metroid game with you just traveling around the different worlds interacting with different hunters. I mean I like how they wanted to expand things but there was no interconnection that I look for in a Metroid game.

I'm not saying they're bad, user. Tropical Freeze is on the same level as DKC2.

My personal headcanon was that the Kremling Krew actually kept the Snowmads in check by being the dominant force of the sea. With K. Rool out of the picture thanks to DK, the Snowmads could actually start conquering the Northern Kremisphere.

I fail to see how it was dumbed down compared to previous games unless you count optional difficulty levels.

Pretty good if you ask me.
What's next though? Or will it be switch only from now on?

This nigga worked on
mario rpg
zelda ALTTP
links awakening
yoshis island
Smash bros + brawl
Prime + 2 + 3
DKC Returns

That all sounds good right?

Well he also was the producer for Paper Jam, Color Splash, and Sticker Star

Not him, but what the fuck are you so mad for? The original is a steaming pile of garbage. The secrets are way to obscure, it's too hard, and the entire map is just a couple copy pasted rooms and segments.

Sorry. Gonna pirate.

>Wanting hacks of 20 year old game instead of a new one
What kind of shit is this

t. shill

They're programming the game while Nintendo whips them telling them what works and what's an absolute shit idea so they don't make another Mirror of Fate.

>But I'm one of the few that never really enjoyed a Rare game.
I sorta know what you mean. I absolutely LOVE the DKC Trilogy in SNES but I never got into Rare's N64 games. Even DK64 felt... off. Yooka-Laylee did nothing to me either.

PCfats are the biggest fags ever.

probably the Switch since the next mainline Pokemon game is coming for it. When Pokemon comes to the Switch in 2019, then it will be over for the 3DS. The good news is we will get to play Metroid 6 in HD and since MercurySteam is good at transferring a 240p game to HD I can see Nintendo not having too much trouble doing that. I'm hoping after Dread, they don't have to rebuild the engine because that will take some years to finish.

They most likely ending or already ended their funding for 3DS games (outside of publishing). I'm guessing we will be seeing some 3DS games here and there in the Direct like with the last one (not counting E3). Plus there's other developers/publishers like Atlus who are bringing over Etrian Odyssey V and SMT SJ remake next year.

>People automatically disregard anything Mercury Steam does now because they made Lords of Shadow several years ago
Why do people do this?

They don't understand that most of Mercury Steams problems came from poor management

>The original is a steaming pile of garbage
You're a steaming pile of garbage, the original Metroid is great, it may have aged but it's still fun to play and beat, just because you suck at it doesn't mean the game is shit, it just takes time and patience.

I always feel weird saying it because DKC has it's fans and I 100% get it. But the few times I played them I hated it. Everything felt wrong to me between hit boxes, the weird "3D" platforms just felt off where to land, really badly hidden secrets, ect. But like I said that's just me and I know I'm alone but when Microsoft was showing off Rare Replayed all I could think of is just how bad all of them played to me.

The same reason Sakamoto's actual good contributions at Nintendo are disregarded because of Other M,

it isn't that it has aged, it's that you realize how bad it is once you play the other games

>Put your money where your mouth is and support the franchise
Fuck off with this cancer mentality. Buy games if they're good, don't mindlessly reward developers for cashing-in on a brand name.

There's a lot of people that have issue with Fusion as well. So when the last 2 games are seen as not that great people worry. I mean there's Zero Mission which is fantastic but people tend to love looking at what they hate over what they love.

It's not bad though, it's the product of the NES limitations. I loved the maze like world and the fact that it's the only Metroid game that is truly opened.

So if this game turns out to be really good, Sakamoto and MS redeemed?

Sakamoto destroyed the ‘storyline’ of Metroid with Fusion.

Sakamoto retconned Metroid with Zero Mission.

Sakamoto nearly destroyed the IP with Metroid: Other M.

And now here is the great new Metroid game from failed developer, Sakamoto. The marketers are trying to downplay Sakamoto. “Isn’t that the guy who directed, wrote, and produced Metroid: Other M?” “Yes,” quickly whispers the marketer, “but everyone deserves one mistake.” What about the other abominations of Metroid games he has made such as Fusion? “Let us focus on how he made Metroid and Super Metroid.” No, he didn’t. Those were Gunpei Yokoi games. Kano was the producer for Metroid 1, 2, and Super Metroid. But you don’t hear about Yokoi or Kano because they aren’t at the company any longer so they aren’t useful for PR purposes.

Sakamoto had nothing to do with Metroid 2: Return of Samus on Gameboy.

Did you know that, reader? Metroid 2 was done by Gunpei Yokoi but directed by Kimura (who was the character designer of Super Mario Brothers 3) and Kiyotake(the one who designed the Wario Land games).

The 3DS game is being marketed as a new ‘2d Metroid games’ because Nintendo wants to satisfy its fans. I call bullshit.

This 3DS game is all about Sakamoto. With Samus Returns, Sakamoto gets another stab at his mission to turn Metroid into a 2.5 game (which he attempted to do with Other M) despite the fact that no one asked for a 2.5 Metroid. We want 2d or 3d Metroid, not 2.5 Metroid. There is also no reason why this game cannot be simultaneously ported on the Switch unless Sakamoto insists on utilizing the 3d aspects of the 3DS (which he will, just watch!).

the only game that destroyed the storyline was other M

The game is on 3DS dumbass.

the 3ds was successfully emulated a long time ago m8

Stop replying to Sean posts.

actually Citra is still dogshit

Modern art is something wild. I consider sucking dick an art form. When someone tells me to suck his dick I view it as an honor and a privilege. Not to mention an opportunity to show off my unparalleled dick sucking skills. Most of the time, the man puts up quite the struggle and yells at me that he didn't mean it literally. But I see straight through that ruse. When I finally free that dick from his pants and place it inside my mouth everything changes. The look of blissful ecstasy on his face reaffirms what I already hold true in my heart. This is what I was born to do. Dick is my medium and I am its master. No homo.

Awakening was the final nail in the coffin for Fire Emblem. The games had been getting progressively worse, and now they're fucking awful

Sakamoto intends to RETCON THE HELL OUT OF METROID 2. Be prepared. The Sakamoto worshippers, most of which are probably Nintendo marketers, will come out of nowhere and declare, “This is now the ‘true story’ of Metroid 2.” He will provide origin stories for Chozo and all that no one cares about, similar to how Ridley Scott provides origin for the xenomorph that didn’t need one.

Sakamoto is also the probable reason why Retro will not make another Metroid Prime. There has been public clashes with Retro and Sakamoto. Retro has told stories about how they would do something but receive all this weird feedback from Japan. At one point, they wanted the premise of Metroid Prime 3 to be Samus traveling to different planets because she is a bounty hunter (which said she was in the original manual to Metroid). Sakamoto had a cow over this. “SHE IS A HERO!!!” he would scream. I personally blame Sakamoto for the design fences that the Metroid Prime games were forced to be in.

The three big NES titles that endured were Mario, Zelda, and Metroid. What do all three have in common? In 8-bit standards, they offered OPEN WORLDS.

We all know about Zelda 1 and 2 being open worlds. But Zelda 1 was made simultaneously by the same developers as Super Mario Brothers. Super Mario Brothers had an ‘open world’ as much as 1985 technology could allow. Mario having a map screen with much larger levels (Super Mario Brothers 3) further shows the Open World is where Mario belongs.

But Metroid 1 was very much an ‘Open World’ as could be seen in 1986. In a market filled with arcade games or abstract RPG or strategy PC games, Metroid was a real scale open world platformer similar to Mario. But unlike Mario, Metroid was HARD and was COMPLETE SCI-FI.

Sucking dick ain't just for the gays any more, fellas. It's a very useful bartering tool that I have personally employed for the last decade. But you're going to want to hone your skills first before putting them into play. Practice on bananas or cucumbers to start. When you feel comfortable, get together with some buddies for a suck session and critique each other until you feel confident. Now it's time to put the dick where your mouth is. A few months ago, I applied for a position at Jersey Mike's Subs. The manager told me I was grossly unqualified and one of the most incompetent people he's ever met. He was singing a different tune after I tickled my tonsils with the tip of his prick. I've been making subs thirteen hours a week ever since. But it doesn't end there. You can use your dick sucking prowess to conquer many of life's little obstacles. Got pulled over for speeding? Suck that dick! Long line at the supermarket? Suck your way to the front! Wife mad at you for sucking so much dick? Suck hers! It's 2017, boys, and it's time to relinquish your homophobic tendencies. Swallow your pride, then swallow that load!

This image made me realize that Metroid has the setup to be an H-Game without even trying.

>Let us focus on how he made Metroid and Super Metroid.” No, he didn’t. Those were Gunpei Yokoi games

If you're going to say those are Gunpei Yokoi games, then Fusion and Zero Mission are Takehiro Izushi games. And Yokoi didn't even Produce Super Metroid so that's a Kanoh game. Yokoi only produced Metroid and Metroid 2.

stop replying to him