Is Evie a cute?

Is Evie a cute?

Other urls found in this thread: frye rule34

Yeah, shame about the grandma haircut and that Syndicate was shit.

Yes, top tier SFM too.

Pls show me.

Seriously! She gets SFM but not Lucy! Fuck SFM community.

In the brawl club, I used her exclusively. The camera pans differently when using her, so you can see people right before they hit her from behind, allowing for easier counters than her brother.

I must have missed that.

Post it.

>those feet vids frye rule34


Evie is a cutie designed, developed, and produced by a multicultural team of various beliefs, sexual orientations and gender identities.

You cannot name a worse girl lead than this. She is so fucking boring and empty. She has no character at all.

She is more competent than any male ally at all times.

That's a trait!

Is syndicate any good? Skipped it because I figured it would be shit like unity

both of the frye twins were very nice to look at

did we play the same game? the frye twins' bants was my favourite part about the game

enjoyed it a lot more than rogue or unity, but not as much as black flag

get it on sale if you can

Shittier than Unity.
The customization is relegated to only belts, and the combat was completely ruined.
Worse graphics, too.

unity is shittier though
it's a joyless bore to play and arno is ezio 2.0
the french revolution setting is also entirely wasted

>Worse graphics, too

In got the game last week and I thought it was computer that made it look worse.

too bad she gets CURRY'D

also, unity is only worth playing if you use the french dub. pisspot

don't you mean TUNAK'D?

It's impossible to hate this song.

It was actually fairly fun, the grapplehook ruined a bit but other than that it was very fun since the 3 weapons styles sorta make a difference and getting those quad kills is boner inducing


You guys trying to say that best girl gets BANGLADESH'D?

most annoying AC characters