Redpill me on Elite Dangerous

redpill me on Elite Dangerous

heard its basicly truck simulator in space. is that accurate ?

nobody ?

yeah except euro truck simulator is actually fun even past the "wow this is cool" hours

If your play style is based around the trade aspect that its very accurate

The flight mechanics are like flying an airplane with stiff rudders.

It's great for about 20 hours. Then you'll never launch it again unless you literally have autism.

Unless you have a flight stick, the controls suck beyond compare.

Thats not tru--

I have 19 hours of playtime and have not played in 6 months

I recently played Rebel Galaxy. It's shit, but I think I could enjoy a space sim. Any suggestions?

It's everything wrong with video games.

Graphics ahead of gameplay? Check.
Mindless korean tier grinding? Check.
Game completely disrespecting the players? Check.
Always online when it didn't have to? Check.
P2P multiplayer? Check.
PVP based around having the xpac and grinding your eyes out to make your ship nigh-on impossible to destroy? Check.
Lack of actual social features? Check.
Every single gameplay mechanic is shallow and poorly implemented? Check.
Worst of all, it has a rabid fanbase which will suck the cumstains off the carpet to defend it.

This is my time in it, took the screen when I quit for good. I have a problem with grindfests which is the only way I lasted this long.
99% of this was spend idling.
Actual advice from the fanbase was to watch netflix while I played.

It's a pretty good game. The overall bad reviews of it come down to, "Wtf I have to grind for hours to get the biggest ship in the game? 0/10". If you just enjoy flying in spess with getting some money here and there for bigger ships and some fun sidegrade gimmicks, then it's probably for you. Feels super claustrophobic to me without VR though, but that just might be my ship.

It can be a comfy Space Truck Simulator but it can also be a fun dogfighting simulator

However if you hate grind or space, and I mean literally space, as in huge and empty, skip that game and don't look back

>Actual advice from the fanbase was to watch netflix while I played.
I did this once

It was kinda comfy

The combat is pretty fun desu. It's a decent podcast game.

the game wouldnt full garbage if the traveling wouldnt be mindnumbingly boring and shit for starters

the "fun" like going to planets, exploring new interesting systems etc. is very inaccesible unless you grind your soul out on the game which is ludicrous

t. faggot who spent 100 hours forcing themself to like the game

The mission implmentation (and hence progression system) in the game is awful. Most mission are randomly generated and requires you to look for a marker (once again randomly generated) in a system (randomly generated) which has a high chance of not being the event you want.

Controls are basically impossible for KB&M. I played OK with a controller but I heard its better with a stick. Fun killing trash pirate ships for a few hours but then you realise the game has nothing much more to offer, unless you are into hauling cargo mindlessly forever.

Don't forget that once you visit one planet they are all the same. And once you see one system of each type they are all the same.
This game has the shallowest, most repetitive random generation system I've ever seen.
Take space engine. Coded by one guy, and it's a thousand times more varied.

>fun dogfighting simulator
Not with those mechanics. Every fight devolves into endless pull-up turning circle fights. It's flashy but the gameplay is bland as shit.

Why the flying fuck they decided to go for plane-style bank turns in space is beyond me.

I never had any problems with the controls. One you rebind the roll away from the mouse and onto a/d it's fine to control.

Because it's too hard for the dads.

Yeah this sounds kind of doable if you want to simulate having an extremely tedious boring job driving a spacetruck and just having a spaceTV on in your cabin.

Not that E:D isn't bland and shit, but you fags need to stop taking Space Engine as a realistic standard for videogames. Putting all that shit into an empty environment to just look at is one thing, putting it into a game with mechanical implications is a whole different beast. Not to mention space engine breaks the fuck down if you ever get near anything at all.


Why the fuck is my massive, long, wedge shaped ship, not able to fucking broadside things properly into space dust?

Why does everything have to revolve around gimbled forward facing weapons.

>you fags
It's probably only me. I have a huge hateboner for E:D and always compare it to SE.

That's not even the problem. I mean it kind of is, but if they wanted to make combat with larger ships just work like dogfighting that's fine.

Except even the dogfighting is boring and shit.

I heard they added in multiplayer and everyone shares the rewards, making it very easy to grind in as a result if you have an established friend within the game. Is that still the case? I wanna go full autism and grind the 75-100m to buy the beluga and have a bitchin space cruise.

Speaking of, can I pay another player to take me sight seeing or on a tour like NPCs can? And how does my ship work in that situation?

People do the same shit to any space game. It's rampant in Star Citizen threads as well, and I've even seen some fuck complain about Evocron not having space engine tier generation for some retarded reason.

There's no point in grinding though. The Eagle is the pinnacle of ships in this game.

Boostflip, my man. Planes also don't have lateral/vertical thrusters, and if you keep your throttle in the blue zone you turn faster. Early on when you don't know what the fuck you're doing ED dog fights are just dumb turn battles, yes, but once you DO learn how to fly it turns into who grinds the engineers the most for the most retarded stats.

That's what turreted weapons are for.

Multiplayer has been in the game since day one, you're thinking of multi-crew. Multi-crew lets multiple people be in the same ship filling different roles and no it isn't a very good money maker due to forumdad whining.

It's comfy as fuck to fly with 2 joysticks and headtracking tho.

I'm fully aware of how the dogfighting works, and the existance of the blue-zone. Any vaguely evenly matched combat still results in endless fucking turn-circle wars, though.

>planes also don't have lateral/vertical thrusters
Good thing you're not in a fucking plane, isn't it? There is literally zero reason to need to bank-turn in order to turn horizontally instead of just turning directly.

Too bad headtracking is like, $120.

Should I play X3? I don't know nothing about space sims

You CAN just turn using your thrusters. It's slow as fuck because your puny ass maneuvering thrusters can't just spin your fuck off huge ship around on a dime. Things still have mass in space.

X3: Albion Prelude (which is an expansion of X3: Terran Conflict) is fucking amazing, honestly.

Those are the same maneuvering thrusters you have up and down your ship, there's no reason you would have less thrust sideways.

Personally I prefer Terran Conflict. There's not much difference but the war thing just gets in the way and AP doesn't add much at all. No reason to play Reunion though.

But yes, if you're ready for a somewhat autistic space sim X3 is great.

But even the small, light ships are cripplingly slow to turn. And the last thing you should be bringing up is some sense of realism in a game with space dogfighting as arcadey and unrealistic as E:D's

X:Rebirth is actually decent know. The only valid complaint left is being stuck with a single ship but if you're whining about that and you still bought it despite the devs saying it will only have one ship then you're an idiot. Ok, I lied, 2 valid complaints, the other one is no one has modded the game yet so that your co-pilot is more waifu material.

And they're all tiny compared to your main drives. You have the same thrust up, down, left, right and on the sides of your nose/ass end for spinning. All the ships in the game bank turn because they all have the big thrusters at the back. If there was a ship with a large thruster on the side of the upper half then yeah you'd be able to whip around sideways real fast but apparently interesting ship designs are stupid and unfun otherwise we would have some, right?

Is the UI still borderline unplayable garbage?
Is the world still miniscule and empty?
Is the combat still braindead and boring?
Is performing any action still tedious as shit because you need to get out and walk around?

People say the game has improved all the time but I still haven't heard any actual way in which it's improved.

You go in game right now and try moving up/down with your main thrusters off, doing a 360. Time it.
Then do a left/right 360, still thrusters off. Time that too.
Up/down is much faster, for no reason whatsoever.

Rear facing thrusters don't necessitate bank turning you faggot. The problem is that your pitch turn is faster than your yaw, something that there is literally no logical explanation for in space. It occurs like that on planes because they need their control surfaces to align with their lift surfaces, but space ships don't have lift surfaces so that is not the case.

I keep wanting to get this because it looks like wind commaner, I'm told it's actually boring as fuck though.


Hell, even X: Rebirth is okay

No one has bothered to change the body meshes. I'm not even sure it's possible. If they could do that then we would have a waifu co-pilot. Right now, texture mods are the best available.

okay game, but the true definition of "wide as the ocean, deep as a puddle" because tons of stupid shit going on the devs minds
will still last you 20-200 hours depending on how you play and what you do
it's a sandbox, so you'll have more fun if you "make your own fun" with other players somehow, but watch out because the fanbase is made out of the biggest turbo-fags you'll ever meet
>redpill me
not even your own faggotry will outdo theirs

worth buying in a sale, forget it otherwise

Not only is it a fucking snooze-fest, it doesn't matter because it's an endless cycle snooze-fest ad infintium.
You start the game with a shit ship, grind for a little while to a little less shitty of a ship, now you grind for double the time for a ship that isn't even a 50% improvement, now double that time for a ship you bought to grind for the ship you actually want to grind with to get the ship after that you want to grind with.
Now you want to play the DLC?
Grind to get to the ability to play the dlc.
Now you're playing the DLC?
Well all of the DLC is more grinding.
Just want to play the base game without buying expansions?
See that giant battle over there? It'll take you a literal 4 in real life hours to get to?
Well if you go there everything will destroy you because the NPC's have all the weapons you get in DLC.

Same opinion here

There's literally no decent gameplay in it. It looks decent, but that's about it.

The grinding wouldn't be as bad if the game was actually fun to play. But since it's not, then the whole thing falls flat.

Went back to Freelancer after a couple of week of playing it. At least that's fun.

How old are you? Elite dangerous is a remake from the old games back in the 80-90.

>Is the UI still borderline unplayable garbage?
The UI in X3 was also pretty bad, especially at higher resolutions. This mostly works with keyboard shortcuts and the sidebar menu works a lot better than the old pie menus.
>Is the world still miniscule and empty?
Depends what you think is empty. There's Albion system, Devries, Maelstrom, the other one (it's name escapes me at the moment). HOL adds three systems and the Teladi one adds another system.
>Is the combat still braindead and boring?
I don't know. I didn't play the game until 3.50+, got out of the Skunk as soon as possible, and play with mods like cap ship bridge and "conquest and war." The latter makes battles pretty crazy.
>Is performing any action still tedious as shit because you need to get out and walk around?
That hasn't been a requirement for a long time. Everything except buying upgrades for the Skunk can be done outside of stations.

I know the latest patch also added headtracking which is nice.

Ok? How is that relevent to the OP's question?

Not that guy, but it surprisingly is relevant, believe it or not.


Except, it's not though. ;^)

I'm not any of the posters on this thread, board, or website, but believe it or not you're a fucking faggot.

t. CMDR DadToTheBone

t. CMDR ItIsAGoodDayToDad

someone post dads, you know the ones
I lost my folder, pretty sure one of you fags still have it

Is the same if someone asks
>is call of duty 34 a soldier arcade simulator????

All the space opera sims are space trucker simulator and also pirate, smuggler or bountyhunter.

I had this great collection of reddit posts from actual dads, but lost them all sadly.

Thats how you make dads mad
FDev doesn't want you to make money smuggling.
Yeah its decent money but still not as good as good as the sothis runs.

What he said.

There's an initial "holy shit" -period (doubly so if you have all the sim fittings), but very quickly you become aware of just how lacking in content the game is.

>FDev doesn't want you to make money


They don't want you to get to the end of the pool and see how utterly shallow everything is.
>Get Elite rank in everything
Nothing changes, it's the same game you played in a Cobra
>Get billions of credits
You have the same options you had in your cobra. You have nothing to spend it on.
You lose half your points every week and it doesn't affect anything.


What are you talking about, it's better with MKB even, unless maybe you're willing to buy two sticks to pilot all axes. You probably neglected to rebind yaw and/or roll to your liking.

I like it a lot, but it's not for everyone.

A lot of people complain about the grinding and downtime, and how you feel about these things will determine whether or not you'll enjoy this game.

If you don't like the grind and the long times spent between activity, you won't like this game.

If you can think of those things as just another arm of the simulation aspect (because, if space freighters/pirates existed, this is exactly how day-to-day life would pan out), then you'll love it.

The whole point of the game is immersion, which means you get out exactly as much as you put in. If you want a pew-pew space battle MMO, you're gonna be disappointed. If you want a comfy space jockey simulator, you're good.
This counts monitarily, as well; the more you spend, the better off you'll be. Reclining with your KB+M or Xbox controller is only gonna be fun for so long.
Getting a proper HOTAS and VR goggle settup turns it into one of the best gaming experiences you'll likely ever have.