About to order these parts for my first PC. Any suggestions?

About to order these parts for my first PC. Any suggestions?

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Check Qvl

sorry, what's that?

Looks like a good build to meme. Nothing to meme on, so it's gonna be a boring thread though.

you got cucked son the 1080 was literally $200 less yesterday

Looks solid, enjoy.

>build to meme
I really meant to say me there

>he didn't fall for the amd meme

son I am proud

That actually looks pretty solid. I would shop around a bit and make sure that you're not missing out on better prices at other retailers, though. Or even deals on equivalent components from other manufacturers in the case of shit like RAM where it doesn't really matter.

>DDR4 prices right now

>Spending that much in a computer
>buying a garbage PSU
>buying more than 12GB RAM
>buying (((ASUS))) motherboard
>buying an i7 for gaming

you are fucking stupid


It's a solid build, but think twice before buying intel.

Cheaper motherboard, cheaper power supply (but still good), bigger ssd, rest looks good.

>brand name RAM

>corelet housefire CPU
>trying to cool a housefire with only a 212 evo
>outdated case

without knowing your monitor we cant tell if it's overkill or not

These people are just trying to rain on your parade. If you take the advice of greentext fags, you will never end up building your PC.
The parts themselves are fine if you're willing to spend that much, but certainly think about shopping for cheaper alternatives if you want to save.

Bump down to the 650w Supernova G3 and put the money toward a better cooler.

this one

The 7700k overheats and Intel tells its customers to just not overclock it despite being the k-version.
Drop the i-7 for a better 1800/x.

I posted official statements from Intel. The only reason to buy a k processor is to overclock it, which INtel themselves have stated will lead to severe temperature issues. I don't want to be a downer, but it's kinda hard not to be when Intel is involved, at least if you care about not supporting such blatantly anti-consumer companies.

>retards spending money in i7 meme
this is a build for 800 dollars the best components on the market

What in the fuckity fuck

Why would would buy a 7700k when Intel doesn't want you to OC it. Why not just buy an ordinary 7700, spend less on the mobo then get a 1080ti

ITT: all these redditors fell for the Digital Foundry meme that overclocking is good

>212 EVO with 7700k
Enjoy your spontaneous combustion, get a H7 at least.

>GTX 1080 for that much
If you want a 1080, the EVGA SC2 1080 is actually like, $50 bucks less, even before a rebate.

Nothing bad with it but the G3 650W is way cheaper on Newegg right now, and newer, unless you NEED the 750 wattage.


>goy i am so proud


Just stop AMD, it's pathetic at this point...

Just because you're a shill doesn't mean everyone else having a strong opinion is also a shill.